Monday, December 12, 2011

People don't change they just become a clearer version of who they really areIf you wanna win a girl suprise her fall asleep with her give her long hugs make

Monica Zapata
Monica Zapata People don't change, they just become a clearer version of who they really are...If you wanna win a girl, suprise her, fall asleep with her, give her long hugs, make her feel safe, give her forehead kisses & goodmorning txts..its the simple things<3 Gnite World...come see me 2mrw all day at Frank n Steins :D
Preeti Menezes
Shayan Shahnewaz
Shayan Shahnewaz @SHAYAN@ Yo Boys I am sing a song Soup Song Flop Song Why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di Rhythm correct? Why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di Maintain please... Why this kolaveri ..... a di Distance ela moonu-u moon-u Moon-u color-u white-u White-u background night u night u Night colour...u black...u Why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di White skin-u girl-u girl-u Girl-u heart-u black-u Eyes-u Eyes-u meet-u meet-u My ya future dark..u Why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di Why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di Mamma aise bajaaun Ba ba ba be Ba ba ba be ba ba be Muzhik.... Ha ha ha haaaaaa... Super Mamma 1......2.....3.....4 Mamma main achha gaa raha hoon naa Mamma words change kar dete hain Aaaaa Kaila glass Wonly English Hoooooo.... Hand-u glass Glass la milk u Milk colour-u white-u Yempty glass..u Mamma come..u Give me milk dearu Louv-u louv-u O my Louv-u You showed me pouv-u Couwe couwe Holy couwe Please give me milk nouwa God make me happy nouw Amake milk dauwa Don't...u... drink...u soup..u boys..u Give me milk nouw Why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di Aaaa Why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di aa aa aa Why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di Why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di Mamma song ...u..FINISH
Andaz Apna Apna
Andaz Apna Apna Ek alag andaz
Abhay Deol visited the Indigreen workshop. Indigreen, is a company and social initiative that specializes in custom and environmentally friendly art, handicr...
Bernard Hightower Sr.
Bernard Hightower Sr. Wow! You have beautiful daugther, just like yourself. You and your family have a wonderful Xmas and stay blesed.
Aiden James Adams
Aiden James Adams You're like a drug inside my head
Sourabh Sharma
Women can have either insulin dependent or non insulin dependent diabetes during their pregnancy. These women should tightly control their diabetes to reduce...
Gloselle Mae
Gloselle Mae BED is just a material thing .. . . . . . . until someone you meet give its best meaning ! ..:D


Gloselle Mae
John I. Lee
John I. Lee 護士說:"我是一個有超過二十年經驗的專業護士,我是,當然,永遠不會取笑病人的。"。 "好", 阿強一邊說一邊把他的褲子脫下在護士之前露出他的小強,那護士看到她從未看過那麼,長闊正如3A電池那般細小的男性身體私處不禁特然忍不住笑起來。 護士試圖強忍住笑但無法控制自己她大聲地笑起來了.她笑是因為她從未看過如此好笑的事實.但她終於安頓下來。 她感覺很不好意思因為她嘲笑了病人的症狀,她於是冷靜下來。 “ 我很抱歉", 她說。"我不知道什麼令我如此失禮。我作為一名醫護人員和一位女士我是應該遵守道德的守則,我保證,不會再發生如此荒唐的舉動。現在,告訴我,你有什麼問題?" "給蚊釘了,它腫了數倍." 阿強回答說。-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------護士突然衝出房間.
Cristiane da Silva
Mais vale arriscarmo-nos a salvar um culpado do que a condenar um inocente. - Voltaire
Ioanna Bellou
Ioanna Bellou IT is any friend out there , that can force my Ex to send some money for his son????? Family law was made from men, for men. Thats why mothers have to be always to the mercy of a father to pay sth, for their Children. Ofcourse Family law allows the men to do so. Well if somebody out there can force my S......Ex to pay sth for his son, I will appreciate it.
Angelica Karla
"You are one with the world around you, with the environment surrounding you and all that is in it, one with everything. When you look out a window and see someone walking down the street, you see no seperation, as if its a photo, they are obviously a part of all the environment. Yet when you walk down that same street, its seems like there is a seperation from it, seeing it but not being in it. There is not a barrier between us and existence. We are not divided. Someone looking at you sees your oneness, physically, easily. You must learn to be at one with everything, spiritually, peacefully." His holiness ♥ Please Share and Tag the Messages of His holiness! Bless You ♥
Jennifer Earls
Jennifer Earls woke up frm a crazy dream n cant fall bak to sleep :/
Tempest Tanai Anderson-Merrill
Tempest Tanai Anderson-Merrill Sucks that the weekend is over but its been the besssst by far in a very long time :)) && to you babyboy, we have made so much progress its unbelievable. I knew we could do it.. we always could. We jusst needed to find ourselves again. I love you babe, your amazing and I couldn't b more thankful for having a man like you to stick by side thru the thick & thin.. I LOVE YUH CASPER <3
Jeremy Lott
Jeremy Lott 2:28 in the morning w/a crying baby. Hopefully I get to fall asleep before I start driving around looking for a carnival to drop him off at.
Rob Meklosky
Rob Meklosky Uday Hussein was a horrible person, I'm glad he's dead.
Sherrill A Robinson
Sherrill A Robinson OH MY LORD...OH...MY....LORD....he sounds like a GOD.......shygirl
Carlos Alvarez
Carlos Alvarez Happy birthday to the virgencita I was in bed but I managed to get up to light up a candle :) goodnight
Claire Manion
Claire Manion I'm from New York- I curse a lot and I say "yo". I know what real pizza tastes like and I know that a bagel is more than a roll with a hole in the middle. It's a hero not a hoagie, sub, or a grinder, and I wash it all down with soda, not pop or cola. 4am is an early night out and all good nights must end at a diner (ihop is not a diner in comparison, sorry). A beer can be known as a cold one and w.........e can get it at all hours of the day and night. Yeah I'll "cawl" you later so we can "tawk" ..get over it! I know that 55mph really means 90 and when someone cuts me off they get the horn and the finger- they expect it. I can hold my own in a fight. I'm from New York and what?! Go get me a cawfee. Repost this if you're PROUD of your New York Culture..
Amanda Cabaniss
Amanda Cabaniss SANtAnA is a pussy MoNstAr...... But it feels Grrreaaat,it feels better then DICK yes talkin bout my juju bean....I love u babe.<3.such a fuckin lady;)
Joe Anyanwu
Joe Anyanwu Stop seeking 4 what u will eat, drink or wear during dis period. Dis is a time 4 prayer & fasting so that God will deliver u in all d evils dat are associated with dis season. Also prosper u in 2012...
Wayne Benjamin
Wayne Benjamin It's is 0327 hrs,,,let's get this day going,,,its a warm 23 degrees outside,,, Frost on the pumpkin,,
Jermond Hebert
Osoba Sheriff Kayode
Osoba Sheriff Kayode There is nothing permanent in life, the position you occupy today, some others were there before, you got there sometimes ago and some time to come you shall leave, you need to be careful with whatever you do as today will go into history, tomorrow is definitely coming when you will get commendation/condemnation for your leadership, you will leave the position but you should not let the ugly scar of bad leadership leave with us, if there is a need to change, the opportunity is now and today can still make a change.
Paris Gemmola Gemmola
Paris Gemmola Gemmola like for a inbox

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