Tasha Kasun i should be living in a tree. lol
Nina Flowers What the hell did i do to be treated like this??? So irritated....
Jesse Shelton Got wat i needed.. Pimpin aint ez
Vinton Rabie Mowalk or fade 4 the deza I can't decide*thinking*
Slihot Ncwane Kwaze kwamnandi i trip yezingane nabazali shaka marine>>> beach*woza festive edansa*
Felix Joel Garcia So I got LARRY AND HIS FLASK on Wednesday and then The Ghost Inside/Betrayal on saturday as fersures. Is anyone down for some ROTTING OUT/MADBALL on Friday?
Emily Erdelyan Every time a creepy old man or douche bag "pokes" me, I die a little.
Chantelle Beaumont Glad to see people are seeing my true colours for the wrong reasons, I'm either hypnotised or pissed believing I can do an interpretation dance of lady Gaga or humping a chair.... fml lol
Ma Ani Timi hello no body here hehehe i am back now friends i miss all of u have a nice day,,
Miguel Nadi Santana I droped my ipod -n- the toliet,damn im mad as hell
Ashlee Moresco Its like i can never sleep at night wtf
Chastity Bates when you can call your boyfriend at 130 in tha mornin when he has to get up early and is fast asleep, and youre upset over somethin stupid and he STILL tlks you thru it....HALF ASLEEP....thats gotta mean somethin in someones book, cause i kno it sure does in my "The Kinda Man I Wanna Marry" book lol
Lacey Moody Roy sitting at the house by the bonfire hanging with my hubby, and randy drinking some good ole beer ...cant wait until tomorrow gonna spend the day with my hubby and go to chilis first time in a year we have done something by ourselves....I love my hubby so much he is the greatest... I wouldnt change my life for nothing or noone... To all my haters keep hating you are just making me shine a little brighter....
Mann Kapoor my heart is like an open book,it depends on how u read me don't judge me by my cover...look in and discover...i wil be ur true frnd for ever.................♥♥♥♥
അരകെട്ടിനു താഴെ pants ദരിക്കുന്നത് ഇഷ്ടപെടുന്നവര്ക്കായി ,ഈ വിശദീകരണം വായിക്കുക : അമേരിക്കന് ജയിലില് തുടങ്ങിയതാണ് ഈ ട്രെന്ഡ്. അവിടെ മറ്റുള്ളവരുമായി സെക്സ് ഇന് താല്പര്യം ഉണ്ട് എന്ന് കാണിക്കുവാനുള്ള ഒരു signal ആണ് ഇത്.ഇങനെ Butts കാണിക്കുന്നതിലൂടെ അവര് സ്വവര്ഗ രതിക്ക് ലഭ്യമാണെന്ന് സമ്മതിക്കുന്നു. നല്ല വസ്ത്രം ദരിക്കുന്ന വിദ്യാഭ്യാസമുള്ള ഒരു ലോകത്തിനായി ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നവര് ഇത് ഷെയര് ചെയ്യുക.
Miguel Lopez 27 Chapter tests from a 674 page book(a semester's worth of work) done in 4 days. I'm not smart..okay I take that back... I'm committed!
Mitchell Isaiah Dembitzer Felt great WORKING as a photographer today, I need to work on getting that side business up and running again.
Kumar Aparajit I was coming from NTPC's office to my office by vehicle.The road is narrow and is suitable to pass through only one vehicle at a time.Opposite side ,there was a Hydra(l.e.Crane of lesser capacity to lift up to weight of 8MT only).The Hydra was lifting a Steel girder through cling.I and my driver became irritated looking at the the Hydra,as it was interrupting us.My driver was to say something to the operator of Hydra,but I stopped him.Because I have already seen,the rigger who was pushing the the hanging girder to make way for us ,has only one hand out of the two.My eyes became tearful ,while passing through, beside the Hydra to come to my office.
Boris Panich D Just got done shaving/trimming... now it itches when I walk! Hahahahahahahahah! Get it?! Hahahha
Tonya Smith LOMA.... So Big Allie and I are talkin abt the JungleBook Movie and Bare Necessities.. Bitty says I ruined it... I flippin love it.. haha
Richard Quinones Baby, I would your tex but I could not go in to my account
Keo Kent Brokenhead Ojibway Nation had 1661 members apparently in March 2009.. maybe around 1700 today (give or take) members if the South East website is accurate.. the B.O.N. Revenue Sharing is going to be like $170,000.. whoa! i wonder if they'll be all plastic hundies.. and if so... (cause the new hundies have a window) if you stacked them all together can you see thru all them? lol things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmm?
Charmaine Dianne Lualhati-Abata ayt d na yata aq t2wagan nun,,nxt year nlng!!!!
i think its not the ryt and best tym 4 me.....so enjoy nlng muna sa pgtambay khit lumolobo na...hahah mwawala dn 2 (adik lng)
Iqra Zahra yeh usi kay liye hai jis kay liye pehle tha>>>!!!!! :P
kangna kangana ranaut bobby deol vaada raha title song
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