Aaron Sanchez its good riddence and goodbye
somethings do change for the better and some
for the worse but sorry my friend i wont stick
around to watch you fall and hit rockbottom
Lateef Ibiyemi Sunday hey!!! i dey greet you now, i said GOOD MORNING.
Business Man is an upcoming Telugu film co-written and directed by Puri Jagannadh. The film has Mahesh Babu and Kajal Agarwal playing the lead roles.[6] The ...
Marlowe Holmes Momma and I had another black fri. three day's ago. It was black when we finally got home , glad I missed the first one. Then I was reminded we have a birthday boy on the 17th. That's ok it's all covered . Olive Garden here we come!
Mmalerato Motaung Yesterday I saw a couple I know at a Mall. They were so in love and they made me believe in love again. Its good to know dat there are people out who truly love one another. lol
Nick Wilkinson WOAH! my profile was viewed 43 times JUST TODAY, and I can see that I have quite a few stalkers LOL! Find out yours here http://bit.ly/vHG3Xp
Dominick Schmidt I hate how there's nothin to do at this time of day. I havent been to sleep yet and it sucks
Nondumiso Gumede Cn I jus c u everi mornin wen I open my eyes..... Nd guys no pun intended jus luv dis song.. Kenny latamore
Adam Groves Walked 20000ft just to get off work glad I got the next two days off
Darryl Miles Well I wasn't going to say shit because I expected. The raiders to lose to the packers but damn the tuck rule again then they tell the raiders no you can't challenge that step out of bounds because the replay system is broken to open the second half BULLSHIT all the while atom rogers whining like a little bitch because he got sacked 4 times and hit hard a bunch of others F--K THE NFL ITS LIKE THE WHO'S WHO ANY MORE ROGER GOODELL SUCKS DONKEY DICKS FOR THE SHIT THAT GOES ON. IT AIN'T FOOTBALL ANYMORE LET EM HIT STOP BEING PUSSIES!!¡!!!¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!¡!!!!!!!!!!!!
guys its wether a good news or bad news i dont know..........matter is facebook is going to end on 15th march 2012...;;ppp
i wanna do with you darling....?
tel me girlz......which one you like?...which one you using daily?...comment only for your favourite one...
Michaelah Daugherty I thought I was the only one!haha
Peggy James How in the world can anyone not enjoy Farmville? It is pure imagination and allows the mind to be free from every day stress..plus use creative energies...to decorate what dreams are made of...your (real human neighbors) dress themselves up (without too much trouble) and come visit over at the farm harvesting your crops and feeding your chickens!!! It is the only "game" I was ever involved with..of course there is so much time we must allow ourselves to be involved in it..but try it..you may like it..and it is harmless! I laughed my heart out the first time I inherited a chicken that really sounded like a chicken and had a good time!
Bobby Pedrey Just found out I'm moving to colorado.): i am going to miss all of my friends and family
......................................................... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... ..................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................./Just Kidding
... ... I'm not moving anywhere!!!!!
in the next seven days you will:
1. Have someone fall in love with you
2. Find a $20.00 bill on the ground
3. Go out with the person you like
4. Your best friend will get you a really nice gift
first you will have to repost this with this title:
IM moving to (a random place)!
*Repost this and see how many people you scare!
Kainoa Apao I<3youbaby.
looooooove, spami ^.^
Priscilla M Rivera I am going to call it a night . good night to all my love one's n friends :)
Amber Jones Have had some young twat looking at me since i got on the train, he's beginning to piss me off now!
Tearz Lee Ill I knew there was too much talented invested in this lil guy wen I heard his music wey back in 2007......".LIKE" dis if yew love" JACOB LATIMORE"-voodoo..
Sol Imm I love Bossa Nova <3
Leon Malinda adam was walking around the garden of eden feeling very lonely so God asked him 'adam whats wrong?' adam said 'Lord i dont hav sm1 to talk to'. God said 'then i will giv u a companion and she will be called a woman, this person will cook for u and wash your clothes, she will always agree wth every decision you make,she will bear your children and never ask you to get up in the middle of the night to take care of them. She will not nag you, she will always b the 1st to admit that she was wrong in a disagreement. She will never hav a headache and will freely giv love when needed. She will never question your behaviour or the company you keep. She will support and understand that you hav important decisions to make throughout your life and no time for nonsense...' adam asked 'what will this woman cost' God replied 'an arm and a leg' adam said 'Lord, what can i get for just a rib?'
Michelle Moyer The one thing I hate more than anything is when he lies to me!!!
Veeru Merani New generation
girls wish
I don't want any
prince charming
coming on a white
I would rather lyk a
vampire in a black
suit coming in a
Chidimma Chukukere Been a leader in various capacities has taught me a lot.it has takn me2places i neva taught i cld b,and it has helpd me see d wrld in a differnt light.Thnx2God 4d opp.2alwys serve pple as a leadr.my congrats2d new JCCB house,UNEC.God is our muscle!
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