Georgina de los Reyes Bella just drank her chichi n bottle. Now she laying on mommys tummy falling asleep.......nevermind lol she just opened her eyes. Mommy loves u bella ur the reason now tat my heart keeps on beating evry second of the day
Savan Damani Weep all that U have to cry. Remember all that U have to remember.
Take a day just to mention it. And intoxicating it. Have an overdose of it.
Repeat her/his name inside your head one thousand and one times. Think of it before bedtime, and recalculate your dialogues.
And then the next day, wake up to a new life. Let her/him, and all of the day passed, Amen, in the Past.
Do u remember this chocolates...............!!!!:) share and like it.. to see how many of our friends remember thesee :)
Patrick Maron Thnk God is jamhuri dy we ar celebrtng 48 yrs of our indpendns fck u white pple.
Kwentin Davon Tucker Q: What do u think is a gurl best body part is? A: The body part that makes u a gurl! lmao
Wesi Lekgema I need a favour 4rm my fb we nt mention our partnerz name on fb.if i went patyn yesterdae plz dnt say "dd u go wt e.g tebogo.tht cn b very costly 4 me.plz plz plz.
WKUK parody of the ShamWow infomercial.
John Emmy Emordi when u find u, comeback 2 me
Idsaga Francis Once again i wil alwaz lift ur name above all other name 4 savin my lyf yet 2 c anoda dae..... TANX U LORD
Mike Holt the 80s sucked as far as music went..however if one could look over the bands 80s apperance and imagine this as a live band today the song and the performance would be badassed the rythem corps, common ground on u tube
Nnanyelugo Ugwu I thank d almighty God 4 being wit me through during my 'IKU AKA' Ceremony of my BABY SWEET YESday at 'UMUOJI AKPU UKPO IN DUNUKOFIA L.G.A. Of ANAMBRA STATE.lord i praise u,i love u,i appreciate u,i testify. To God b d Glory.AMEN.
Fayose Oladele Clifford chrs:I come 4 thank u,say dat 2 urself [2x],u da dey do good 4,wey he no no,is a bad person,me da dey do good 4 wey i know,i come 4 u
Aamir Drabu u said ,'i luv u',i sneezed and said ,sorry'i am allergic to bullshit.
Zain Shah KAL ka din mai kabi nhe bhulo ga kash ye din mere liye roz aye
Virendra Manohare simple line but gr8 meaning
"empty pockets teach million things in life..........."but full pockets spoils u in million ways .........."
Jason Layman i need u to pray 4 me, i need u to care 4 me, i need u to want me to win i need to know where im headed coz i know where ive been
Hlulani Sevengwana Shikwambana I'll be out of fb until further notice I'll miss u guys*tear drop*
Peter Wa Mum oh! God. grant me your WILL. i just want 2 love U than never. Please grant this desire's of my heart.
Brooklyn Finest Like if u find female '♀' in 10 Seconds :D
Anthony Maina As sudden as it happened, it is sadly:) over. Oh elegance,wat a burden u were to me! Goodbye pride...
Joel Gibbs can wake u up
Leanne Charlene Earnest oooooh i love u so! But why i love u ill never know!
Hammed Adeokun Oyinlola O mu mi wa laye oseun o (2ce), opo lo fe d'ojo oni o tiku tipa, aisan taye s'ope ko to nkan to mu won lo. O mu mi wa laye o seun o. God l thank u for my life.
Kumoye Temmytope When i c anoda breaking of d day i say thank u lord
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