Tess and I just watched: our idiot brother really funny movie Runs you through a lot of emotions De ce distrugem Romania Fiindca nu o meritam Spiritul nostru civic se
Matt Losey Tess and I just watched: "our idiot brother" really funny movie. Runs you through a lot of emotions.
Tudor Fratila De ce distrugem Romania? Fiindca nu o meritam. Spiritul nostru civic se rezuma la a da like la campanii de imagine.
La patru luni de la interzicere, vânătoarea este reintrodusă în patrimoniul UNESCO Delta Dunării, punând în mare pericol speciile pe cale de dispariţie care vieţuiesc aici. Care sunt interesele şi de ce natură sunt acestea, cine sunt vinovaţii pentru luarea acestei decizii, .
Kelly Carlson OK peeps...I wanted to post a pic of my new SUV before I shared what I bought...but I keep forgetting to take the pic! (No blonde jokes please!!!) Anyway, I'm the proud new owner of a 2012 KIA Sorento, pearl white w/black interior...fully loaded and I am one happy lady right now!
Vishva Patel જે વાત ખુદ નથી સમજ્યો એ બીજાને સમજાવી છે.
મારી જિંદગીને દોસ્તો મારા મેં આ રીતે સજાવી છે.
હજુ ઘણા ગમ છુપાવ્યા છે મેં તૂટેલ દિલની અંદર;
બંધ બાજી રમી ને સચ્ચાઈ ક્યાં કોઈને બતાવી છે?
હસતો રહ્યો મહેફિલમાં ને હસાવતો રહ્યો સૌને હું;
કોઈ ન જુએ એ રીતે આંખો મારી મેં છલકાવી છે.
એ ના ના કરતી રહે હોઠોએ, ને દિલમાં એની હા છે;
એના દિલ પર તો તસવીર મારી એણે લટકાવી છે.
કિસ્મતની બલિહારી છે એ ન થઈ શકી.
કિસ્મતથી મળી એ કિસ્મતે મને મળતા અટકાવી છે.
Perri Bell wasted and been workin all night.... hey its all for da money and the bad part is fokes think its a game lmfao.... meet u broke fucs at the end fam we good
Vicky Ghosh A Small Boy Took A Knife
And Wrote His Girlfriend’s Name 0n His Hand..
After A Minute He Started Crying Loudly..
Why ???
Paining ???
No !!
Then ???
Spelling Mistake !!! :O
Stacey Marie Argh getting a bit worried! Its Christmas next week and my Ebay shopping hasnt arrived! darn it!
Ro Rizzo "Ro's boyfriend is like a vending machine on legs...he'll crush you." - Kelly Cronin hahaha<3 Joe Sasso
Lu Joe Wu a veces quiero llorar, a veces quiero gritar..
Denise Darnell can't sleep worried bout my lil nephew damian his eye is swole breathing lil bad and broke out in red marks with a running fever... hurry home sis so he can be reseen
Michael Parkerson Btw status update. Things are going well. I still feel like someone hit me with a bus. Call in you favors now while I am still epic. LOL
I'am Alexander Lee I like a song. I download it. I listen to it a million times. I hate it.
Christian Israel Luna Man Yalls don't know how to kick it everytime I see you guys you're silly drunk bustin a circle jerk with your squad on the dancefloor
Dharmendra Singh Raghuwanshi 5 nice little stories
1. Once, all villagers decided to pray for rain, on the day of prayer all the People gathered but only one boy came with an umbrella...
2. When you throw a baby in the air, she laughs because she knows you will catch her...
3.Every night we go to bed, without any assurance of being alive the next Morning but still we set the alarms in our watch to wake up...
4. We plan big things for tomorrow in spite of zero knowledge of the future or having any certainty of uncertainties. ..
5. We see the world suffering. We know there is every possibility of same or
similar things happening to us. But still we get married
Christopher Reppel Dear Santa Im ready to settle down and start Practising to make a family. Please send me that Vital part that is missing from this equation. Cheers :)
Jb Lord until you've lived through my monstrousty of a life don't judge a single fucking thing about me.
Zandile Ntshalintshali Be cheerful and happy. Away with gloom and depression! There is nothing more infectious than depression. Drive away your gloom and depression at once by enquiry, by singing divine songs, prayer, a brick walk in the open air, and bu thinking of its oppsite quality-the feeling of joy.
Something informative.
This information is useful.......
Have U ever heard about LPG cylinder's expiry date....!!
Do you know that there is an expiry date (physical life) for LPG cylinders? Expired Cylinders are not safe for use and may cause accidents. In this regard, please be cautious at the time of accepting any LPG cylinder from the vendor.
Here is how we can check the expiry of LPG cylinders:
On one of three side stems of the cylinder, the expiry date is coded alpha numerically as follows A or B or C or D and some two digit number following this e.g. D06.
The alphabets stand for quarters -
1. A for March (First Qtr),
2. B for June (Second Qtr),
3. C for Sept (Third Qtr),
4. D for December (Fourth Qtr).
The digits stand for the year till it is valid. Hence D06 would mean December qtr of 2006.
Please Return Back the Cylinder that you get with a Expiry Date, they are prone to Leak and other Hazardous accidents...
The second example with D13 allows the cylinder
to be in use Up to Dec 2013.
Kindly pass this on,for creating awareness.
Hannah Matthew you can say sorry a million times, say I love you as much as you want, say whatever you want whenever you want...but if your not gonna prove the things you say are true, then dont bother saying them at all, cause if you don't...those words don't mean a thing.<3
David Okonana Devil is like a roaring lion,luking 4 whom to devour in dis xmas and newyear period,but he will definitely nt suceed in jesus name,if u beleive dat shout 3times Amen to dat
Keith Benning Some might consider this disturbing, but for those of us that have to work around sex offenders for a living, it's pretty cool.
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