Don't say where it is at, but when you find the HUMAN in this picture hit share and pass on the fun. I thought it was just a trick until I found it. Remember, don't tell.
Mesazh nga Esma
Emri im është Esma
Jam 19 vjeçare
Kam një kërkesë për ju si Muslimane
Dërgone këtë mesazh te të gjithë miqtë që i keni
Kërkoj nga ju vëllezër e motra
Që të bëni dua për mua
Sepse do ta bëj një operacion ku rezultatet e shpëtimit janë të vogla
Kam abscesi në tru
Nëse e do Zotin tënd të lutem shpërndaje këtë mesazh
Luteni Allahun që të më shëroj
E nëse ma merr shpirtin luteni Allahun të më mëshiroj.
Selam Alejkum
Motra juaj Esma.
1,00,00,000 shares needed
Just for justice,
justice for your sis...your little effort can make society aware & can give this 23 year give justice....
"her dream didnt even last for 3 months!
This is the true incident of moradabad, india.. A girl named supriya singh was from poor family, but she was inelligent, she complted scholling & got good rank in AIEEE. And completed and got employed..
She loved a guy named, rohit singhania, but her father fixed her marriage in some other family, and also she didnt have guts to tell her she sacrificed her love just for parents..
Her father searched a doctor for the marriage of her it was demanded 20 lacks from the family of bridegroom, he borrowed 20 lacs from bank giving gurantee of all his ancestrol property..
She got married and after 3 months the family of bridegroom wanted another 20 lacs + a Tata safari..her father already kept all property, dint even have single rupee to he begged the family of bridegroom..and said whtever they demanded, he he not even single rupee to give..
The family of bridegroom warned that if bride' father wouldn't give the wanted money and kind..they will burn his daughter...
Her father cried and tensed..but he he couldnt do anything...
Finally on the midnight of 23 nov..the family of bridegroom..abused the girl physically, mentally & verbally and at last put kerosine oil on the body of the bride and lighted...
Anyhw the neighbours helped her but her body was 70 percent burned...
Wo if you hve heart..
Dont want to see this happen with your sister..
Just click on share & share as much as possible
And make people aware of this fact
We need around 1,00,00,000 shares so that peop'e may know this cruel act...
And people like that must be hang till death..
We need kneed justice..
by--->Rocking Manoj Singh......
Wipro chairman Mr. Azim prem ji's comment on reservation:
* I think we should have job reservations in all the fields. I completely support the PM and all the politicians for promoting this. Let's start the reservation with our cricket team. We should have 10 percent reservation for Muslims. 30 percent for OBC, SC /ST like that. Cricket rules should be modified accordingly. The boundary circle should be reduced for an SC/ST player. The four hit by an SC/ST/OBC player should be considered as a six and a six hit by a SC/ST/OBC player should be counted as 8 runs. An SC/ST/OBC player scoring 60 runs should be declared as a century. We should influence ICC and make rules so that the pace bowlers like Shoaib Akhtar should not bowl fast balls to our SC/ST/OBC player. Bowlers should bowl maximum speed of 80 kilometer per hour to an SC/ST/OBC player. Any delivery above this speed should be made illegal. Also we should have reservation in Olympics. In the 100 meters race, an SC/ST/OBC player should be given a gold medal if he runs 80 meters. There can be reservation in Government jobs also. Let's recruit SC/ST and OBC pilots for aircrafts which are carrying the ministers and politicians (that can really help the country.. ) Ensure that only SC/ST and OBC doctors do the operations for the ministers and other politicians. (Another way of saving the country..) Let's be creative and think of ways and means to guide INDIA forward... Let's show the world that INDIA is a GREAT country. Let's be proud of being an INDIAN.. May the good breed of politicians long live.. *
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Funny, I came across this pic just yesterday while looking for some funnies for the BMM page. Looking at it I thought how sad, the "daddy" is being fooled. And just today i got this blog post explaining that same pic. Read on:
Originally Posted by Raptor
No ****, there I was...up to my eyeball's assholes in plastic BBs, with airsofters as far as the eye could see.
OK, in reality, my company, Evolved Tactical Systems, had a booth at an expo held by Evike as a part of their parking lot sale this weekend. As we're showing our wares, I spy a young man in Marine Corps Charlies shuffling by my booth. Now, I was in the Army, not the Marines, but sometimes, you just know what wrong looks like. And this kid was wrong as two boys ****ing in a church on Sunday. I give chase. Dork is wearing a shirt that fits poorly and looks like he slept in it. His trousers aren't the right color of green. Belt is non-issue and goes halfway around his waist. Shoes look like he picked them up at a Payless sale. Then the kicker: he's wearing 2LT bars, with 4 rows of ribbons...TOPPED OFF WITH A SEAL TRIDENT! I conversation.
"Hey buddy, you in the Marines?"
The turd responds, while trying to decide if he should stand at attention or parade rest, "Uh, yes sir, I am sir."
"Who are you with?"
"Uh, the 331st Marine Expeditionary Unit at Camp Pendelton, sir."
And here I thought the only 331st out there was the Logistical Studies Group out at Ft Griffith. Guess you learn something new every day, right? I go for the head shot:
"So what was your BUD/S class number? Who was your swim buddy?"
"Oh, uh, I didn't go to BUD/S, but I'm assigned to SOCOM, so we get to wear the Trident."
Being the kind, Christian man that I am, I give the sinner a chance to repent.
"Are you sure you want to stick with that story? Nothing you want to change?"
"No sir, that's the truth."
"Well, here's the problem: You look like ****. Your uniform is ****ed up like a soup sandwich. Everything below your waist isn't even issued. I think you're a ****ing poser, and I think you're trying to score some free ****. You're lucky the police are over there (San Gabriel PD was just behind us, watching) or you would probably be in the middle of an ass whipping right now."
His response was the definition of weak sauce. "Uh, I'm sorry you don't believe me sir, but that's the truth."
"Really? Prove me wrong. What's your name? I'll call down to the admin office aboard Pendelton and confirm you're assigned there."
"My name is Sam Jackson, sir." I almost asked if he spoke English, but I was on a roll.
"OK, Sam Jackson, let me see your CAC card."
"Oh, we don't have to carry those when we're off post, sir."
"Bull****. Prove me wrong about everything and show me a CAC card that says you're a second lieutenant."
At this point, the Clifford from Evike pulled me away from our poor, mistreated child. Apparently, a crowd was gathering. I guess I was a little loud. Clifford asked me to step back and let him handle things, which he did in a much more professional fashion than I was capable of. The **** bag was kicked out, and now his pictures are getting posted everywhere I can manage. Speaking of which, here are the pictures:
Full Shot (my back is to the camera)
Close up of his ribbons
Yes, this ****head is wearing a mini-SEAL Trident, along with a Silver Star as his SECOND highest award (for those not in the know, the only awards that rate higher than the Silver Star are the Distinguished Service Cross {Navy Cross for USN personnel} and the Medal of Honor). Here's his complete list of ribbons, in the ****ed up order he's wearing them:
Marine Corps Reserve Ribbon (obsolete 1967) - Silver Star - Meritorious Unit Citation (Navy/Marine) - Joint Service Achievement Medal
National Defense Service Medal - Afghanistan Campaign Medal - Navy Rifle Marksmanship Ribbon - Combat Action Ribbon (Navy/Marine)
Navy Pistol Marksmanship Ribbon - Iraq Campaign Medal - National Defense Service Medal #2 (for a double dose of pimpin) - Army Overseas Service Ribbon
Selected Marine Corps Reserve Medal - Global War on Terrorism Service Medal - Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal - Navy & Marine Corps Overseas Service Ribbon
Someone here has to know who this poser is. It is my mission in life to see him banned from every field possible, from every event possible, and from every team possible. I have no time or tolerance for posers, and especially not for ones of this magnitude. Apparently, he lives in the SGV area, and he likes to shop at Evike. Word is he plays at Tac City. Let's burn this ****er down.
He returned to said store today, and an employee confronted him. He posted this later for our entertainment.
"He came to the store today. I talked to him. Approached him as someone who was inquiring about him and his uniform. He told me he was part of the THIRTEENTH Marine Exp. Unit. He says he just recently retired and was attached to a SEAL unit during his career. I really was out of words cause it sounded like such bull****. I informed him I was joining Navy Special Warfare, and was just wondering about his service. He was really stumbling with his words and was very nervous. He was not wearing the uniform today."
Efforts are being made in the Socal Airsoft community (which contains quite a sizeable amount of to make sure this ****er never shops, plays, or even breathes airsoft again.
Hope you enjoyed this, and good night.
Dopo le polemiche per la minaccia all'autonomia del Parlamento, presentato un emendamento di Palazzo Chigi che affida l'adeguamento dei compensi a Senato e Montecitorio
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