Hadi Chasnata WiJaya Hard work...
Hahaha are u ready @april 2012???
Prepare from today...
Jess Lim I wanna be wit u~
Salma Yusuf Evrythin happenz for a rizon'bt wat matterz z hw u approach the situatn in a +ve or -ve wl determine the rest...
William Stewart Ok fuck this nice Guy shit I'm bout to being back the koolest asshole ... first stop Vegas... they not ready I'm trying to tell u
Steven Parks Itll make ur girlfriend leave u and come K our D!
Kill our Dads?
no Kiss our D***s!
Yogendra Sikarawar Hey!!Reply must."Har ek frnd jaruri hota hai". So will u tell me why i am jaruri for U..??No reply means no need of my frndshp..? So plz reply....
Alohan Nathaniel There cumes a point in our life wen u realize who really matters,who neva did and who always will
Brett Baker 3:30 on lunch at riverwind wish u where here right right
Jeremiah Jones hey everyone, had a pretty crummy day today. Work was boring and when i got home i could fall asleep at all. Finally nodded off around 5pm only to get back up at 11 and start my day all over agian. Well, got a bit of good news though; only 37 more day till i finally turn 21! Yeah! I dont really know what ill be doing that day, but ill definitly be heading to hardtime billiards. After that though i really dont know though, ill have to c who's all coming on my birthday. Well everyone's welcome to come. I be trying to work out a time that best for everyone coming. Send me a txt if u want to come help me make this a 21st birthday to remember. Lol my #'s 9162891031, if u dont have txt messaging give me a call, if i dont answer im probably asleep, so leave a voicemail. Alright everyone i gotta get going, merry christmas and happy new years to everyone!
Ezeigwe Chinyere you dont ve to die before u LIVE
Chika James Sometimes d only way u can take a really good @ urself is through somebody else's eyes
Tereans Kimani kol me now if u kan
Buzshiie Renren you know dat im a crazy bitch, i do wat i want wen i feel like it .. !! all i wanna do is lose control .!!
. u said hmmmpf . since dat day , it took one look , and now im not d same !!
.since dat day , u stole my heart ! and ur d one 2 blame!
. and dat's y i smile ! it' been a while since evryday and
evrything has felt diz ryt and now u turn it all around
and suddenly ur all i need , ! and d rizon y i SMILE ^_^
Anthony Steele WTC...i hate u
Syivia Sharloty I nevr knew u whr lik this...God wil punish u 4 wat u ar doing.u ar nathng bt a monkey
Samuelle Hare To al those who made my birthday a beautiful one, thank u so much u contributed to my happines n al those u didnt bother well 8 was ur choice my day was wonderful anyway :) from nw on i am considered a big gurl!
Farhat Eijaz A valuable lesson
that a traffic
signal teaches us
is that "Every
problem is like a
red signal. If u wait
for sometime, it
will turn green."
Dragan Andjelkovic 157 poena u kvizu Slagalica. Igraj i ti na http://www.slagalica.tv
Ammailu Plates ni uthukutharu battalanu thomutharu
Come on Boys what do u say ?
For more visit ►@[138976572861643:274:Lite teesko]◄
Zhaf Nordin choose for me:
1 - Phone number
2 - Text you
3 - Hangout
4 - Friendship
5 - A long term relationship
6 - I just want to be your bf
7 - An apology
8 - A hug
9 - A kiss
10 - Be mine ?
11 - Be my bestfriend ?
12 - I love you
13 - I miss u
14 - Second chance
15 - sexs
16 - enjoy
17 - couple with me
18 - full my friend list
#Please Be Honest With Me
Mary Azu Kalu To all who wished me well n all the beautiful words on this day,may all ur wishes come true.you all put smiles on my face,God will himself put a smile on ur face.i appreciate.today u honour me,honour will locate u.today is special to me cos u cared.thank u n may God bless u
Girl: hi baby..:*
boy: hii jaan...(sending faild)
girl: r u here?? :(
boy: yes yes..i m here...(sending faild)
girl: r u ignorng me or what?? :s
boy: honey i m nt..i m ryt here..(sending faild)
girl: its over..dnt u evr talk to me again !!
boy: Damn ! go to hell.. :@ (message sent)..
Aakanshi Patel yaar me bore ho rahi hu to koi muje apna mobile no. do...... i call u.....
Topher PW Gomez fuck u heather!!
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