Tyalibongo Nan Nara Friday Nara uyazalwa,cintsa beach here we cum sizoziwisa,trust me u dnt wanna mic ths guys.
Yillande Alfred Bantu Listening to Anthony Hamilton "Back to Love" While working u just dont know the Feeling Right Here Am on Love Mode Right Now
Jacob Hodges http://m.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D7T8Y1-VLjGQ%26feature%3Dshare&h=CAQHmGxhn&refid=28&_ft_qid=5685536071400495780&_ft_mf_story_key=10150524429406414&_ft_filter=live&_ft_interface=m_touch&_ft_c=m&cb=5
Suliat Lawal Damilola A man went 2 a neighbouring doctor 4 a medical test nd d doctor told him dat he has a low sperm count, bt d man replied nd said doctor, i cant hv low sperm count, its impossible even ur wife can testify 2 dis, d doctor fainted. If u ar d doctor wat will u do?.
Bongs Debongs Molefe Dont forget friends ( 16th BongS Debongs celebration) I am counting two days only! for more info check the upcoming events , see u there!
Ashley Facebreaker Mcdonald Been back up about twenty minutes up watching precious bored as always i hate when u get ova a nigga and they constantly call u Stay Off My Line Hoe I Dont Wanna Hear It What Is U Lying Fo Bitch U Cant Be Serious!
Dboy Ujunwa I dare u 2 hate mi...u no fit nw cos am a kulele guy wen no like casala..
15 Years back
Parents wanted their GIRL to get married to a Gud BOY :-))
... ... Now-a-days
Parents wants their BOY to get married to a Gud GIRL..... :P :P
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Uloma Okereke TROUBLE ALERT !!! :D
If FOOTBALL were to be an academic institution in Nigeria then:
Arsenal = Uniben: where the students work hard through out the year but fail to succeed. Manchester City = IGBINEDION: where the students purchase all the expensive items and live large but are never interested in dere primary assignment.
Liverpool = UNILAG: where the students are very much proud of the academic achievements of dere grand fathers. Manchester United = UNIILORIN: where students don't perform well in class except dere final exams and achieve good results. Chelsea = OSU where students fail and put the
blame on dere VC after which, d government will intervene to find a new VC for the
skul every year. R.Madrid = UI where students think dey perform best and keep beefing d best students of other schools. Finally, Barcelona = Futo,where students work hard, perform well in class and achieve d best result in the whole country. Greatest Nigeria student!!! Greatest Futoite!!! Pls pass dis if U̶̲̥̅̊ r proud τ̅☺ be a great futoite student,or alumnus or u knw one!:pgud morning

Tebzer Ttee I met sum guy smoking dagga & i asked 'how high r u?', he said No tebza its 'Hi, how r u'
Rameez Pathan Tel me wht u say Wen i luking to ur eyes nd tel me wht u feel wen u luking to my eyes
Ruwayne Pieterse Me irritated by these forwarded msges,saying dat u'l receive a blessing if u read and pass it on!FYI my life's a blessing everyday,even if i brake da chain.
Josie Aguilar i love u nd i think about u all the time...u mean the world to me nd wit out u id never be the same..im lost wit out u..u make me complete..but sometimes u make me feel im alone in this relationship.
share dis its 100% correct/.....
if u agree or not... but its naked fact...
Arjun Malkar Man shity :P..next time practise well and come to stamford bridge!!chelsea ...boys in blue we love u!!!
Nurul Munira 4 unknown reason u kept in silence what i had done ? do i have 2 wait 4 something that i do not know where is the ending .... please tell me ,i still need the anwser ...
Alyshia Wanga Live with confidence that God has a wonderful purpose for your lyf. A destiny that is filled with promise n hope. Believe what God say's abt u today...hve a blsd day my palz.
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