Will Brown Check it out. I heard the Leisure and Spa Facilities at this establishment are exceptional.
Gravity 2 Filmed the Cambridge Belfry a great wedding and conference venue in Good reach of Cambridge, contact the Belfry for more information. Gravity 2 spe...
Mercedes Wall Happy Birthday Mommy we love you and miss you and will celebrate your life today ! This is can be very short people enjoy every moment you can . Wishing you all the best today.
If I have seen farther than others, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.
Isaac Newton
“I am responsible. Although I may not be able to prevent the worst from happening, I am responsible for my attitude toward the inevitable misfortunes that darken life. Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss, or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I have – life itself.”
Walter Anderson
Chelsey Slabough blah blah blah sooo effing bored gonna finish some laundry and then do the dishes...and put zoey down for a nap she looks tired.....tomarrows gonna be a long day...with 2 kids at wic and at te other app i got man i need someone to go with me and help wtf!!!!!
Jason Loupe So I'm thinking I may give in and get this dance central 2 for kinect! Seems legit
Jennifer Figueroa i kept gettin up in the middle of he nite.......i hate when i do that . i feel summ wat rested tho
Kelly Boyer Is over this day.... I would just like to be in bed all day :-)
Nelma Nicholson Luke 1:46-50 Mary said: With all my heart I praise the Lord, and I am glad because of God my Savior. He cares for me, his humble servant. From now on, all people will say God has blessed me. God All-Powerful has done great things for me, and his name is holy. He always shows mercy to everyone who worships him. (CEV)
Maggie Willis I am so glad that today is my FRIDAY!.....ready for alittle peace and quite. Hopefully.
Rhonda J Salazar You have heard of Murphy's Law? ANY thing that can Go Wrong Will? Who is Murphy? I DO NOT Know him! Do You? But GOD I Do Know & TRUST because He has PROVED His LOVE & Power to Us Over & over again! Thank you JESUS For coming Down to Earth to SHOW us That Power Available to Us by Faith to Have a more ABUNDANT LIFE!!! GOD'S LAW;SOMETHING GOOD IS GOING TO HAPPEN..NOTHING IS AS HARD AS IT SEEMS & NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD!!!
Siarah'dqaf Torres lOokz like i qotta full houze now.. letz tryy thiz isshhhh out. (:
Melissa Lindsey Hate when you get the "You're JUST a Mom?" or "Do you ever work?" Uh yes, I am a Mom! That makes me an alarm clock, cook, maid, waitress, teacher, nurse, handyman, security officer, photographer, counselor, chauffeur, event planner, personal assistant, ATM, study buddy & bodyguard. I don't get holidays, sick pay or days off. I work thru the DAY & NIGHT. I am on call 24/7 for the rest of my life & that's just w/my 1st job...BEING A MOM! I may not be anything to you but I am everything to someone! Re-post if you're a PROUD Mom! And if you don't think it's a job try it for a week.
Livhuwani Kone Thank u to every 1 who wishes my born day i relly enjoy my day thanx a lot.
Thys Letsoho ABIDE by the word of God;
BE FAITHFUL to the command of the Lord.
You do not need to do the will of the tree of Knowledge of GOOD AND EVIL but enjoying the fruit of the tree of LIFE. Bless you.
I know my status in CHRIST. Am a Son of the Most High God, Blood Washed, Holy Spirit filled, Saint of the Living God. No need for traumatised HIV Test.
Shy-Nisic Drummer Ray I cant BELIEVE its almost CHRISTMAS!!!! TIME YEA !!!!
Christel Ottereyes Gunner At the Indian Center in town waiting for oil change to finish. Hope it will be fast :) I wanna shop till I drop sash lol
Robert Cosmo Well Philadelphia at Seattle. At least now I can relax and not be under a lot of pressure. Go eagles ! Lol
Bakani Baty Tumelo A man of purpose, vision, mission and values. many people dont comprehend my vision coz they look from the outside of me. All these is from inside. success is not the material u have but what is inside you. What i nid is inside me nd um my own limitation not economic crisis.
Sam Criswell i was born ramblin woman that aint ever gonna change i got a gypsy soul blame and i was born leavin....
Steven Stott Total of four hours of sleep in the past three nights and days, gonna get homicidal up in this bitch if I don't get some sleep!
Victoria Juarez Indalecio I REALLY wanna put my lights up n decorate my house but i wont try 2 do i alone just incase i fall or something happens cuz im alone lol i think i'll bug my cuzins around da corner 2 help me ;/ lmao
Fantaysia Robinson I swear I donnt try to be mean i juss hate what I had to go through in thee passt so I juss be mean to mosst females becausee I don't trust them anyymore .. I guess it's true that one mistake can fuck up your whole life and make you into something that your not .. Which is a bitch but half of thee time it's thee males fault but people see on faceebook that I'm saying I have a boyyfriend n all this other bullsh.t so some females knew in thee paast that my niqqa was taken and STILL is let me repeat STILL is TAKEN but hell with all that imma juss L.I.G that sh.t dude .. Ook ! # let it qo in let thee passt be thee past .
Donald Sherman I see the love in disguise
I see the pain hidden in your pride
I see you're not satisfied
And I don't see nobody else
I see myself
I'm looking at the...mirror on the wall
Brittany Dial I really pray Brad gets this job today. God please be with him all the way through this. He really needs this. Amen (:
Frugal Wallets http://www.nomorerack.com/?cr=4032258
Alright, I definitely just found a site that's better than Groupon. It's called Nomorerack and their motto is "1 day 8 deals". Every day at 1pm Central, they post 8 new deals for ridiculously low prices. For example, today they had a deal for Colin Stuart boots, normally $175 retail, on sale for only $35. They are already sold out of the boots so products go quick but if you're interested, go check them out! You can look at past deals and see how much people are getting items for. They've sold iPads, Kindles, cameras, designer purses and clothes.... Everything. Go sign up!
(ps. this is not a Facebook hack =D )
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