Agyiri Michael I cn do all things tru Christ de Lord.
Manusha Pillay I thank you now Lord for the recent blessings I have
Received and for the blessings yet to come,
Because I know you are not done with me yet.
Kool Kidd Slugga Just call me "Smokey Da Paper" they say life is ah bitch , so i just lay it down and rape her!!
Barrett M. Guynn so i downloaded this app for my "iPod touch" last night.. i can call and TEXT for free from it now.. which is awesome!! so i have my cell, and my touch. most of you have my number, ill post it again. to totally contact me on both!!!
Ipod touch:936-228-1258
HMU!!!! :)
Luis Pacheco I GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!
Ashley Sawyer I boght skyrim last weknd and played like crazy. I had to work all this week but i had tme to play this morn whn i lokd there is only y bro save was th
'Miss A'
From a Beautiful Worship Album The most beautiful version in my opinion ^__^ Lyrics: You are beautiful beyond description Too marvelous for words Too wonderf...
Marvin Jones Jr. I preached to the students of VBCA today about "A Presence People"!!! The Lord wants us to be able to recognize His presence at all times and simply bask in it and let it influence us! God bless!
Travis Nottingham That cute little girl in The movie Grown Ups that says "i was tryna find heaven for you so you can see your friend daddy" awww
Djj Lowe 2 all my friends an people who care i am deleteing this page soon i have already made a new page ( ) or just djj lowe is how you find me i was having problems with this one an i just needed a new start again by the way im single & alone again that girl desided to treat me like shit as they all seem to do
an im still waitting on that job to call an hopping come find me re add me on my new page if you want to be apart of my life ....
Jeff Pillers Been at work for 2 hours now and I still dnt think im fully awake. Who has a red bull??
Jaci Hammonds I am created by God to bring Him glory. Through Gods son Jesus Christ I have been redeemed and I make it my life's goal to please the Lord. My mission in life is to honor God through my faith and obiedence and to prepare myself and all whom I may influence for eternity.
KOmal ShAh I knOe yOur lOvE is fAkE 3 :(
Lori-ann Gallon today was the most heart breaking day in my life @ vodacom..the family has all moved out of the hub and gone our seperate ways...things will never b the same bt @least my teamleader & supervisor ROCK!!! MY HEAT IS SO BOKEN THAT I COULDNT EVEN EAT(nt even chocolate) way 2much 4 1 day!! IM FINISH!!!
Michael Horton 1-900-who wants it? I deliver......
Troy Goldner First day off and I still woke up at 5:30. Really?
Maqiic IinMe I just lost apart of me that I can't get back.. tonight will be the last night I will c him and get picked from school from him. I LOVE YOU PERRY I'M SORRY!
Erick Ocasio Sometimes Facebook just really turns me off. People don't know what to post. how to post and I think it makes people impersonal.. time to log off for a few weeks...
Elizabeth Fighter Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [ I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.] ( MATTHEW 11:28)
Robert Figueroa woooo hoooooo,nice and cold outside now this is winter just need some snow and that for me, perfect day for a perfect cruise. on my way home from work I am taking the long way home. LOVE THIS WEATHER!! anybody up for a ride heads up I ride with the windows down. lol
Andrew Brown
New Music *2011* Nipsey Hussle - The Marathon Mixtape
Gary Overmier The one day of the year I schedule no activities is fast approaching - Christmas Day. Don't bother me on that day. Don't ask me to do anything. No working around the house, no cleaning, no laundry, no repairs, no cooking, no traveling, no - you get the idea. Many years ago I decried that we were so busy, so over-booked that we needed one day out of the year when we were scheduled to do nothing. I really look forward to that one day.
Ashley Fannin I go back to December all the time <3
Pam Lilley Just want 2 wish a Happy Anniversary to the best husband anyone could ever hope for! You make my life complete!! You always put a smile on my face with all the crazy things you do and say. I think after 10 years and only 2 so called fights that says alot about our love for each other!!!! Every woman should be treated the way you treat me! I LOVE YOU HONEY!!!!!!
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