Tuffy Odum I love my sisters
Ameer Daniel ____░இஇ█▓░♥___________░இஇஇ█▓ ░♥ ___░இஇஇஇஇ█▓░♥_____░இஇஇஇஇஇ█▓░♥ _░இஇஇஇஇஇஇ█▓░♥_░இஇஇஇஇஇஇஇ█▓░♥ ░இஇஇஇஇஇஇஇ█▓░░இஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇ█▓░♥ ░இஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇ█இஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇ█▓░♥ _░இஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇ█▓░♥ __░இஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇ█▓░♥ ____░இஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇ█▓░♥ _______░இஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇ█▓░♥ _________░இஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇ█▓░♥ ___________░இஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇ█▓░♥
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~ To u ALL :) : OFF :D ~ ♥
Arthur James Doin the East vs West wing eating competition i guess thanks to someone signing me up hmmmmm guess i gotta practice
Melissa Fisher Crusenberry WOW only 2 more days I cant believe it. What am I going to do???
Jw Tracy if any1 gets a video on ur wall i didnt put it there mother fockin fb needs 2 stop tha bullshit wit tha spammers and hackers...
Gabriella Kostadinova http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=FC3y9llDXuM I missed this song!
Music video by Wheatus performing Teenage Dirtbag. (C) 2000 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT
Idowu Daniel Adebayo A man fainted infront of a tantalizer in ringroad area of ib.
pple gather, tryin to revive him, immediately a woman dat wuz passin by just shouted, make we giv am orange or pineapple, the man dat fainted just open his eyes and shouted, madam!! shup up, if na orange or pineapple i want i for go inside market lyk bodija market... abi wetyn b ur own... lol
Akinloye Akintayo who is a gentlwman? u'll agre wth me dat in evry c
-eremony b/4 any speach is made it is usualy hello ladies $ gentlemen. y is it not hllo gentlemen $ ladies.if i must say i'll ask
is a gentlman dat man who is always calm, not nasty, caring, who loves his nabor just as himself.
in ur own opinion wat would u say.
Rosemary Cline I hate when you get the "Your JUST a mom?" or "Do you ever work?" Uhhh yes, I am a mom! That makes me an alarm clock, cook, maid, waitress, teacher, nurse, handyman, security officer, photographer, counselor, chauffeur, event planner, personal assistant, ATM & I scare away the boogie man. I don't get holidays, sick pay or days off. I work through the DAY & NIGHT. I am on call 24/7 for the rest of my life. And that's just my first job... BEING A MOM!! :) I may not be anything to you but I am everything to someone! Re-post if you are a PROUD MOM !!!! ♥
Kari Pfoutz :( ugh woke up with a killer migrane this morning havent had one this bad in a while so untill this goes away my to do list is on hold cause i can barley see or hold my head up ugh :(
Arliegh Robin Rinehart Kovacs Once again, Zynga isn't letting me make any of the requests I need for the items from friends to complete my quests. My same old complaint -- they want us to buy the goodies instead of winning them in the quests so the game is always rigged and the 'house' always wins. I worked in 2 casinos, I should know.
Jenny Owens U wanna call me this an that. Say what u want. Just cause I stand up for God. Wow ppl got problems
Leiba Barclay hi gd ppl i home. watz d best christmas gift ever. mine is havin a wonderful delivery n a healty baby boy
Kendal Hill Kohlton gets his first haircut today!! I don't think he can look any better than he already does tho!!
Airdrie Sweets Bellow is just a sample list most come in 3kg bags or jars others come in pre packed boxes if you see your favorite sweet email us at airdriesweets@gmail.com
Acid Drops
Almond Nougat
Anglo Bubbly
Aniseed Balls
Aniseed Twists
Apple Ballitas
Apple Whips
Army & Navy
Banana Split Eclairs
Barley Sugar
Barratt Bananas
Barratt Shrimps
Bassetti Liquorice Sticks
Black Jack chew bars
Black Jacks
Blackcurrant and Liquorice
Blackcurrant Millions
Bubbaloo Bubblegum
Bubblegum Millions
Cadbury Chocolate Eclairs
Cadbury Chomp
Cadbury Dairy Milk Bars
Cadbury Dream Bars
Cadbury Fudge
Candy Floss Maker
Catherine Wheels
Chelsea Whoppers
Cherry Lips
Cherry Pips
Chewing Nuts
Chocolate Limes
Chocolate Tools
Chupa Chups Creamy Mix
Chupa Chups Fruit Mix
Chupa Chups Wheel
Clarnico Mint Creams
Coconut M&Ms
Coconut Mushrooms
Coconut Rolls
Cola Bottles
Cola Fizz lollies
Cola Millions
Cola Pips
Cola Whips
Cough Candy Twists
Crispy M&Ms
Crystal Fruits
Curly Wurly
Dip Dab
Dolly Mix
Double Dip
Double Lollies
Double Lollies Dip
Drumstick lollies
Fizz Wiz Cherry
Fizz Wiz Cola
Fizz Wiz Strawberry
Fizzy Bubblegum Bottles
Fizzy Cola Bottles
Floral Gums
Flumps Twist
Flying Saucers
Fox's Glacier Mints
Freaky Fish
Fried Eggs
Friendship Rings
Fruit Drops
Fruit Salad
Fruit Salad chew bars
Fruity Frogs
Fruity Pops
Fry's Chocolate Cream
Fry's Orange Cream
Fry's Peppermint Cream
Funny Mix
Giant Apples
Giant Fizzy Cola Bottles
Giant Sour Suckers
Giant Strawbs
Giant Suckers
Gold Bears
Gray's Tea Cakes
Happy Cherries
Heart Throbs
Herbal Tablets
Ice Cream Soda lollies
Iced Caramels
Icy Cups
Jargonelle Pear Drops
Jelly Babies
Jelly Beans
Jelly Fizzy Fish
Jelly Snakes
Jelly Spogs
Jolly Joggers
Kendal Mint Cake
Kola Kubes
Lager Tops
Lemon Bon Bons
Lion's Butterscotch Gums
Lion's Fruit Pastilles
Lion's Fruit Salad
Lion's Liquorice Gums
Lion's Midget Gems
Lion's Poor Bens
Lion's Sports Mixture
Lion's Superior Wine Gums
Liquorice Comfits
Liquorice Toffees
Liquorice Torpedoes
Liquorice Wands
Live Wires
Love Hearts Dip
Love Hearts Lipsticks
Magical Elves
Marshmallow Cables
Marshmallow Mix
Marshmallow Mushrooms
Mega Double Lollies
Milk Gums
Mini Jelly Babies
Mini Love Hearts
Mini Marshmallows
Mint Chocolate Eclairs
Mint Humbugs
Murray Mints
Nougat bars
Nutty Brazil Toffees
Pear Drops
Pineapple Cubes
Pink & White Sugar Mice
Pint Pots
Plain Chocolate Ginger
Porky Pigs
Princess Marshmallows
Rainbow Drops
Rainbow Dust Straws
Rainbow Twists
Raspberry Millions
Raspberry Ruffles
Reese's Nutrageous
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
Rhubarb & Custard
Rhubarb & Custard chews
Rhubarb & Custard Pips
Rose & Lemon Turkish Delight
Rosey Apples
Rotella Fruit Wheels
Rotella Liquorice Wheels
Sherbet Lemons
Sherbet Pips
Smiley Marshmallows
Soor Plooms
Sour Apple Pips
Strawberry Ballitas
Strawberry Bon Bons
Strawberry Double Lollies Dip
Strawberry Millions
Strawberry Ripple lollies
Strawberry Whips
Sugar Pig
Super Sour Pips
Sweet Hampers
Sweet Peanuts
Sweet Tobacco
Sweetie Gift Box
Sweetie Tuck Box
Terrific Turtles
Toasted Teacakes
Toffee Bon Bons
Tom Thumb Drops
Tongue Painter Lollies
Traffic Light lollies
Vimto lollies
Wally Pops lollies
Walnut Whip
West Indian Limes
Wham bars
White Chocolate Fish and Chips
White Jazzies
Winter Mixture
Winter Mixture
Wispa Gold
Wonka Rainbow Nerds
Yellow Bellies
Tyler Lane Nunley I have the best girlfriend in the world. She is just so amazing oh and Shannan Chanel Girdy is pretty cool too
Elizabeth Grindstaff For all those people who said if i ever needed anything to call and didnt want to answer SCREW YOU!
Patti Mohlenbruck-Johnson Wishing I could just stay home today! would love to just cuddle, with my hubby, but he is not the cuddling type, so just hang'n with him in the shed w/ a fire sounds like a great day to me!
Cecily Sandidge 1993.my bestie ummmmm wea to start I love yu n yur family:)r yu cumin n dis weekend I misz my redbone:(
Jenny Ponciano Lumontad life may
lead us 2
differnt roads
meeting new
new things
but i thng is 4 sure..
i will never 4get d
road wer i met u..
tnx 4 being gud 2 me!!
Margarita Bruno omg i love mi suegrinnn lol es la mejor.... q rico dulcesss de pr mmm
Bijay Smith Chitwan “I am looking for a dare to be great situation.”Justice is truth in action.”
Dëñzél Bäbÿçûpîdt Tëddÿ Gløvër Just woke up nd around dis tyme at school I wud be a lunch well anyways bored
Maaii Tesi Taah If yuh have my number its disconnected lol exceso de paqo :)
Inboxx me I still qet notifications lol
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