Suzie Rantington Jeremy Clarkson visits donkey sanctuaries around Britain, fucks them in their eyeballs, then wipes his cock on Piers Morgan's lips. It's okay for me to say this because "it's just a joke."
Caron ServiceManager Hello December, welcome back to New England. Can you believe 2012 is right around the corner, hope you have gotten some of your 2011 to do list done. Although I did make progress on mine the list only grows. Wishing everyone a great start to the month.
Phin Jay "Every woman has a right to be voted into a public office whether male or female....late Brother Gaddaffi. Zvakaoma
Rickea Hill i realize that i just madly in love with a lil girl name samiyah i dnt knw wea i wud b witout her. i would like to thank the man above for waking me n my princess up on this cold day!! runnin errands today!
Gerardo Carrillo Peña Banda! Gotcha este sabado a la 1pm en Gotcha Tampico La Quinta Ursula.
250 por persona con 500 balas o 175 compartiendo con alguien 250 y 250 balas quien jala??? :D
Karen Martinez I'ma fixin' to tell you something about being Texan. Texan doesn't mean that I'm not educated. I may say "ain't" and "y'all" and call you "Sweetie" or 'Honey" and I might "bless a lot of hearts" and I might even "piddle around". I'll greet you with a big "Howdy" or "Hey Y'all". All soda pop is "Coke" and if I ask for "sugar" it means I want a KISS. I'm polite and say "Ma'am..." and "Sir". And if you hear a Texan say, "Oh, hell no!!" you'd better run. If you're proud to be a Texan then click 'LIKE' tab on my status. Then go up yonder and copy & paste to your status. :-). And P.S. if you don't know where yonder is then you ain't from TEXAS !!!!
Taryn St Pierre awww my hunnybunny is all alone at home with a power outage :( I wish I was there with you sweetie!
Tina M. Bush To all in PA. Mike (Danielles' dad) made it safely to Alabama. We got to the house about 7 PM last night. Thank you again so much to those that helped him, you know who you are, Danielle was so supprised and happy. I cannot think of a better gift to give her than her dad being with her again.
Nancy Petersen Become an Avon Rep for just $20.00 at and put code npetersen or to buy great products at
Brett Trout Based upon my knowledge of how our laws are presently made and enforced, I would trust a felon before I would trust a politician.
Sedrick Quinn maybach music bitches!!!a couple more hours to go yeaaa....on another note thank u lord for wakin me up this morning n my (BLOODS)*****GREATDAY ya going so far...
Kim Pattee OMG I love this song!
'Harry Freakin' Potter' from Starkid's production of 'A Very Potter Sequel' No copyright infringement intended All rights belong to Starkid
Tw Dillow ok i am up w/ aj. soon enough it'll b nap time. i just hope i can go back 2 bed and get just a little more sleep
Carrie Smith WOW ... what a cold morning. I slid all the way here to work. Drive safely everyone!!
Reese DaJoker Woods 1 more day.........Club 27 is gonna be a ZOO!!! shout out to my sis Brandy Staton Da Pr for her b-day bash, we gonna really party til we pass out, i suggest you come and do the same!!!
Brandon Gottamakeit Smith I got no sleep last nite, its a lot on my mind
Jho Squared my idea of a perfect christmas, is to spend it with YOU!
Lungile Ntshangase I thinking of taking a nap right now! My feet ar killing me.
Francisco Ribu Jr. Let your heart sing, let your spirit soar, for there's so much in life to be grateful for; echo of laughter; warmth of the sun; quiet of evening when day is done; peaceful light of the star above; and best of all , a dearest friend's love... GOD BLESS
Renee Hartman Wallace Love Of Horses
If it is in your blood to love horses, you share your life with them.
Our horses know our secrets; we braid our tears into their manes and whisper our hopes into their ears.
A barn is a sanctuary in an unsettled world, a sheltered place where life's true priorities are clear: someone who loves us, and the luxury of regular meals.
Some of us need these reminders.
When you step back, it's not just about horses - it's about love, life, and learning.
On any given day, a friend is celebrating the birth of a foal, a blue ribbon, or recovery from an illness.
That same day, there is also loss: a broken limb, a case of colic, a decision to sustain a life or end it gently.
As horse people, we share the accelerated life cycle of horses: the hurried rush of life, love, loss, and death that caring for these animals brings us.
When our partners pass, it is more than a moment of sorrow.
We mark our loss with words of gratitude for the ways our lives have been blessed.
Our memories are of joy, awe, and wonder. Absolute union.
We honor our horses for their brave hearts, courage, and willingness to give.
To those outside our circle, it must seem strange.
To see us in our muddy boots, who would guess such poetry lives in our hearts?
We celebrate our companions with praise worthy of heroes.
Indeed, horses have the hearts of warriors and often carry us into and out of fields of battle.
Those who know them understand how fully a horse can hold a human heart.
Together, we share the pain of sudden loss and the lingering taste of long-term illness.
We shoulder the burden of deciding when or whether to end the life of a true companion.
In the end, we're not certain if God entrusts us to our horses - or our horses to us.
Does it matter?
We're grateful God loaned us the horse in the first place.
Keji Lasisi Crack ur Ribs!!!
The youngest son in a family asked his father, " daddy, what is
d difference btw potentiality & reality? Dad: I'll show you.
He turned to his wife & asked: would u sleep with Dangote for N20m?
Wife: yes I would never waste such an opportunity. Then dad turned to his daughter: would u sleep wth Femi Otedola for N20m?
Daughter: yes dat is my fantasy. Dad turned to his older son: would u sleep wth Tom Cruise for N10million SON: yes, imagine wat I'll do with dat money.
Finally, dad turned to his youngest son and said. YOU SEE, "Potentially" we're sitting on N50m but in "reality" we're living wth two prostitutes and one Homosexual.
Happy New Month People
Nita Gode For a nice friend
nice night
For a sweet friend
sweet night
For a heartly friend
heartly night
For a good friend
Clarisa Patricio Good morning my fb friends. Hope u all have a beautiful day!
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