James Beauregard Lets see who actually reads my status ... You and I end up in a police car handcuffed together. Using ONLY three words, what would you say to me? Note: If you comment, you must copy and paste this to your status so I can comment on yours as well. Be a good sport and play along. (3 word limit is hard!) this should be fun
Debbie Boston To Brenda Brown's GIRLS~~ Ur Mom was awesome & the Best Cook there ever was!!Her Cakes were The "BESt"..I know how u miss her but she is watching over her family as she always done.Thinking of all U Today!! Want to confess something to U all, Ur Mom & I come up with plan to catch the ones that were smoking.. :)There were to many signs we new it was going on! (This was ur days milking in barn.)& Billie.With a Lil bribe,& trip to Mc D's, Peach squealed like a Lil pig.. LOL She was little then she didn't no everyone would be in big trouble.. LoL Ur mom & me laughed about it!! We were just up set u might have burn the barn down.. And awe the time Billie went into POOL with roller skates on.. WOoooo was ur MOM mad!! Just think of all the Good Times!! :) Brenda, I want to say THANK U 4 taking Billie in as ur own,when my life was turned upside down. U Loved her like she was urs>>> An she Loved U~~~THANKS to a Very Special WOMAN~~ R. I. P.
Becky Winstead Arendale 3 out of 5 grades posted, so far 3 A's!! Yay me!!!! have a great day everybody!
Chase Garten I love what I do for a living.
Yesenia Urdiales In the first dream I kill me ex over a cat, second dream I got back with me ex ex and killed him cuz he stole my money and in my 3rd dream I married my bestfriend and lived in a huge dumper, but I was happy :-D jajaja makes no sence!
TheWickedcat Shop Friends! Please please please help us by liking this link: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=238213012913086&set=a.238211412913246.63887.205492152851839&type=3
One of us is joining the contest. THANK YOUUUUUUUU! ♥
UP CURSOR - Super Trouper
Meet this year's participants and their chosen ABBA song. Vote for your favorite group by liking their featured poster. Facebook likes will be 10% of the total votes for the People's Choice Award. Voting through Facebook likes will end on December 11, 8:00 pm. Root for your favorite choral group!
Star Smith Thank you all for all the birthday love .... today is a great day and hopefully this next year tops last year .. bless you all
Omoleke Bode If u had a chance to see God and ask one question,what would it be?comments pls!!!!
Prabhat Kumar Arrange marriage is like u r walking and unfortunately a snake bites u and love marriage is like singing in front of cobra and saying chuma chuma de de chuma
Leonor Rodriguez What a beautiful day the Lord has given us. Please let me be a blessing to some one today! Have a wonderful day fb friends and family....
Jon Fourcolors Its funny how people say school sucks but get this in south korea they have to go 16 hours a day with only sunday for break and they only get 2 weeks for summer vaction and winter break.......now that sucks so dont complain we have it easy here
Holly Bush Away in a manger, no crib for a bed. The little Lord Jesus lay down His sweet head. The stars in the sky look down where He lay. The little Lord Jesus asleep in the hay. This is Hudsons favorite song!
Angela Mcdonald Its a red bull kinda morning!
Concepcion Rodriguez Que tristesa tan grande esta espera me esta matando dios dame paciencia ya no puedo mas quisiera Salier corriendo sin runbo fijo y escaparme de esta Pena tan grande que siento, pero tengo mis hijas, mis nietos y un gran hombre a mi lado que me nesecitan, dios dame fuerzas para seguir adelante y poder darle a mi mami un ultimo adios como ella lo pidio dias antes de morir.
Carlos Hernandez http://www.greenfootglobal.com/chenvirotabsphx
•EnviroTabs® ofrece las ventajas similares a un aumentador de presión de octano. EnviroTabs® se puede utilizar en lugar de los añadidos de combustible costosos del octano-aumentador de presión.
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•EnviroTabs® puede producir tanto caballo de fuerza como si usted instalara un sistema y jefes de la toma de aire… para mucho menos dinero!
Beth Butler Just made Emery a onesie for my dad's basketball game tonight!
Lakeita Klassybutsassy Berry Wishing my cuzin TraSonya Anderson a happy bday from da entire Atlas Family! Luv u cuz b safe n have fun cause mines n 20 days n u kno wat dat means PARTY PARTY PARTING!!!!!
Peggy Creech need a couple more hits on WAR Please... Help
이혁재 -yawn- ahhhh ~~ o.O wanna sleep now ~ have a nice guys! love you E.L.F <3
Donna Brown can not believe that my husband is in the kitchen cooking tea for us.....OMG n its not a microwave meal :-0 lol xx
Theresa Brickhouse Bennett One proud Mama this morning, 2 weeks ago my baby made honor roll, she called me last night while i was working and was so excited to tell me the teacher moved her to a higher math class! she makes me proud! she works really hard and loves to read!
Kurai Uchiha I love making my favorite songs in a different tune in my head lol
Chris Caudill A backache kind of day
Jonathan Chow American Obesity for 13$ What a steal!
50% savings: Travel from Florida to Alaska and the landscape and accents may change, but one thing stays the same: the Big Mac. This holid...
Kertz Rabadon xoxo...have a good day guys!..
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