Monday, December 12, 2011

appsfacebookcom 我的優點是:我很帥;但是我的缺點是:我帥的不明顯。 Woow had a febweekend wth my cuzin afta long tymkuyafikwa ngabantu ok sisitya imiphako Am wearing a man city jerseyand its like every chealse fan I MIT as

Sikie Gxekwa
Sikie Gxekwa Woow had a feb,weekend wth my cuzin afta long tym,kuyafikwa ngabantu ok sisitya imiphako,
Robert Rogue Siulapwa
Robert Rogue Siulapwa Am wearing a man city jersey...and its like every chealse fan I MIT as say to me,,,not cool!
Zachary Amos
Zachary Amos Such tedium. A parabol of apithetic ridicule. You see the heart in dying light. Displacement in the knowing right? Is common hope still trying like what seperates the sin from sight? I think I don't. I swear I might. Break one promise twice tonight.
Nnamdi Ihetu
Nnamdi Ihetu The Senate on Thursday evening voted 93-7 to approve a defense authorization bill that includes a provision which not only repeals the military law on sodomy, it also repeals the military ban on sex with animals--or bestiality. On Nov. 15, the Senate Armed Services Committee had unanimously approved...
Nicole Alford
Nicole Alford this is some real shit lmao
Gbolahan Ajibola Akanbi
Gbolahan Ajibola Akanbi Wat A Day,12 12 11
Dilip Gowda Prince
Dilip Gowda Prince On 12th december 1950 sun started revolving around earth for a single day.. U knw why.. Rajinikanth was born on that day.. Eppadiya. Happy b'day superstar..
Kami Dawn McGee
Kami Dawn McGee Had a wonderful weekend with my man just hanging out!!! Today was a really hard day but got through it alright... its hard remembering someone that has passed that you want around more then anything.... (My grandma passed away one year ago today) lets just say that this time last year was the hardest I have ever gone though... I miss her so much and think about her daily... I know she is looking down on me and I hope Im making her proud...
Riaz Yusuf
Riaz Yusuf A true loss is nva flt til it hapns
Tiffany Sossong
Tiffany Sossong My birthday consisted of sleeping thru my whole bday except to wake up and open some cards from family members n get some pills for my sore throat.. What a bday
Dusty Smith
Dusty Smith My favorite new group. Ballgame & The Moon Crickets. If ya get a chance ya gotta go and see them.
RAshley Garcia
RAshley Garcia Need a heater n my room blahhh
Eric Blachon
Eric Blachon Theres seems to be one bad thing about rocking out to Parkway Drive while preparing a roast. Its about the time your headphones fall out your ears and into offcut meats........
Karthik B Gowda
Karthik B Gowda i am quite busy wit exams frnds....i catch al my dear frnds soon.....until tat tke cre....hv a sweet day....mis u al
Raj Thakur
Raj Thakur One Stone is Enough to break a Glass..... One sentence is Enough to break a heart....... One Second is Enough to fall In Love ... and .... One Love is Enough to make worse a whole Life!
Love Rosie
Love Rosie Aaaaahhhh not going tomarow to skul...hav court #_# (my mom says she gona tell da guge da i kome late to da house nd du drugs cuz she dosent want mii in da house funny i tell her she dosent hav da balls to tell dem...haahhahaah) i guezz ima hav a P.O. (PIGZZ),(POPO)... *_* KAN WAIT...
Sam Everlast
Kiwaun Lamar Jonest
Kiwaun Lamar Jonest Ladies Like my status if you ever had a fantasy about what you would do to me if we were ever to be alone somewhere!!
Eugenia Muncy
i seen this phrase a lot cuz iz very troo. key wurd - FUREVER
So Xin Ling
So Xin Ling 【自我成長的意義】~網路文章分享 有一則唐僧取經的寓言故事:唐僧玄奘大師前往西天取經時所騎的白馬,原只是長安城中一家磨坊裡的一匹普通白馬。 這匹馬並沒有什麼出眾之處,只不過一生下來就在磨坊工作,身強體健,吃苦耐勞,從不搗亂。 玄奘大師心想:西方天竺取經路途遙遠,去時要當坐騎,回程時要負馱經書。 況且自己的騎術又不是很好,還是挑選忠實可靠的馬吧。選來選去,就選中了磨坊裡的這匹馬。 這一去,就是十七年。待唐僧返回東土大唐,已是名滿天下的傳奇英雄,這匹馬也成了取經的功臣,被譽為「大唐第一名馬」。 當白馬衣錦還鄉,來到昔日的磨坊看望老朋友。 一大群驢子和老馬圍著白馬,聽白馬講西天途中的見聞以及今日的榮耀,大家都稱羨不已。 白馬很平靜地說:「各位,我也沒有什麼了不起,只不過有幸被玄奘大師選中,一步一步西去東回而已。 這十七年間,大家也沒閒著,只不過你們是在家門口來回的打轉。 其實,我走一步,你也在走一步,我們走過的路還是一般長,也一樣的辛苦。 眾驢子和馬都靜了下來。是啊 ! 自己也沒閒著啊。 怎麼人家就「功成名就」,自己還是老樣子呢?這話真的很發人深省。 如果你在房間裡一圈又一圈地走,你可以走上幾百公里的路,但不管你走多少年,還是無法從房間走出去。 但是如果你知道門在哪裡,那麼,很快就可以走出去了。 我們一生一直都在繞圈子......一圈又一圈。 我們就像那些驢子和馬,每天也沒有閒著;並不是我們不努力,而是不知道「為了什麼」而努力。 我們一生也都在受苦,但「除了痛苦」之外,並沒有從中學到什麼?似乎所有人都繞不出那個圈子。 我非常認同俄國最偉大的小說家、心理學家和哲學家--『杜斯妥也夫斯基』所說的一句話:「我只害怕一件事情,我怕我不值得自己所受的苦」。 他說得對,如果你已經承受了痛苦,欠缺的是去領悟痛苦以外的感受。 千萬別白白受苦了,否則那輪迴的圈子一定會再繞回來。 記得心理學家法蘭克爾寫過:「活著就是要受苦,受苦是要找到受苦的意義」。 成長的過程是苦的,但是當你越堅持這種內在轉化的過程,你越會發現喜悅、平靜和智慧~穿透到你的內在,你就能離苦得樂。 人生最大的痛苦是自我成長,最大的快樂也是自我成長─ ─只要你找得到那個意義。【感恩合十】
Guadalupe Garcia
Guadalupe Garcia Feliz cumpleanos a la mama de todos...a mi virgencita de Guadalupe.
Carlos Javier Molina Fernandez
Carlos Javier Molina Fernandez ¡WOW! ¡HOY mi perfil ha sido visto 126 veces, y veo que incluso tengo algún acosador, jajaja! Encuentra a los tuyos aquí
Sandra Solis
Sandra Solis Ke bonito estuvo las mananitas a la virgencita
Benjamin Egbo
Benjamin Egbo shame on u ladies, am stil a bachelor.

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