Tyy Burton work AGAIN...buutttt im off the next 3 days!!! :D looking forward to it!! I will make today a great day!! :)
Loren Doss Cooley Whats that matt damon quote from that zoo movie. Something about having a few seconds of insane courage. I need that for making a bold move. Its hard 2 imagine doing something completly new
Lynnette Rodriguez Thank you everyone for all your birthday wonderful greetings. I had a great day
Rajinder Saggu FACEBOOK is full of FAKE FRIENDS ! Please LIKE if you agree that FACEBOOK is infact a FAKEBOOK.
Allex M. Campos Dá um gole no café pra virar a página do jornal
Music by The Jews Brothers Band - http://jewsbrothers.com The track "Tchavolo Swing" is on iTunes: http://bit.ly/xqHW39 Joseph Herscher takes a sip of his co...
Ashek Allahee TeACher; What sHould be in A book to make it A BesT seLLer BOOK?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...............yOU; A girl oN ThE COver and no Cover on the Girl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,............................;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''...........................AshEk ALLahEE...................
Lindiwe Lee Ngobeni Life is a PERPETUAL of PERFECTION!!!!
Michael Amalu There will always, one can assume, be need 4 selling. But d aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous. The aim of marketing is to know and understand d customer so well that the product or service fits him and sells itself. Ideally, marketing should result in a customer who is ready to buy. All dat should be needed then is to make the product available. Marketers are stars on d road. Iam proud to be one.
Katlyn Taylor I feel like death. Why am i at this gosh forsaken antique store with kdog when i could be sleeping ALL day. Oh, because i'm a great friend. Someone better bring me lasagna.
Sujan Budhathoki My life is brilliant, my love is pure, i saw an angel of that im sure, she smile me on a sub way, she was with another man, but i wonder on slip on that cause i got a plan... U r beautiful, u r beautiful is true....
Travis White so tired got up at 430 and went to pt and then when i got out of pt i went to go workout for two hours and did some homework and i have a class at 3:(
Rob Cuzzi Yes, I just tweeted to Rashard Mendenhall and Adrian Peterson to see how their ACL surgeries went...hoping to open a bond and begin a friendship with them haha
Antionette M Jones Bitch like i said your ass broke im not gone waste my time arguing with a nothing ass bitch ......Your ass came to school tacky ass fuck don't make mf no sense at all... Y yo ass so fkn dirty bitch get a life stop playn ball cuz ur ass can't play and get a job so can askin mommy&daddy fo money need to trade in that phone and get ur ass a outfit lmao....Broke ass puss nigga ...
Yogesh Machiwale chand ka colour he white.Raat ko chamakta hai bright.Hamko deta he mast light.Fir mai kaise so jau.Aapko kahe binaGood night.Have a sweet dream.
Jena Marie “Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” Buddha
Apollo Kartel they see me when im alone wishing they could fuck wit me. my ex calling my phone wishing she could stunt wit me. but im just riding dawf doing a buck 50.
Devin Steward Why so much talk about jay & Beyonce baby wtf is the big deal damn be happy for them kjus like u would if it was one of ya fbf newborn...ppl kill me alwayz talkin negative shit bout stuff they cant change or that concerns them thats one thing I cud neva be calld is a hater cuz if u truly happy bout u & urs ud b happy bout others accomplishments as well congrats J & Beyonce on ya new addition Bluivy is a beautiful name.....#jussayin#
Kawal Jeet Singh 3 rules to get a Happy life:(1). "Who help u,dont forget them"(2). "Who love u,dont hate them"(3). "Who believ u,dont cheat them"..
Kelly Maier Looks like tonight is the night to cookout:) It may be a while before we can again. Venison steaks are already marinating.
Bridget Sylvester Please do me a favor: Hover over my name right here; In a few seconds you'll see a box that says "subscribed." Hover over that and then go to "comments and likes" and uncheck it. That will stop my posts, and yours to me, from showing up on the side bar for everyone to see and limits hackers from invading our profiles. If you re-post this I'll do the same for you. Thank you.
Cassandra Taylor sitting at home waiting on Derek to get home....just cleaned the whole house and got stuff out for dinner....making shrimp stir fry....movie night with him after i go to the doctor....still having trouble breathing and my voice is gone....hope everyone has a good day!!!
Ibrahim Mohammed this life is true story. we say that we will life with each other. and i am a child. and i don't know what is the world. and i never think what is my future. and just living my freedom. and the time i want to fine my future. and i look it and i never fine it. but i see that the freedom is in my room am talking about does who sleep and dream about me the will never last we are two sleeping in my room who say i am in future. she is my woman. she name call rah ma she is my future wife. she is my room now. and we fuck each other. that is the way and that is the end. love.xxx. she is my x friend. i will never be ashamed that is my future. and does who are putting there hands to shark me they will never
get me again. rah man she is my serious friend and we live forever.
Shannon Craig Why is it if you have a Dr. Appt and u r late they get pissy, but its ok for the Dr. To have u sitting in the waiting for hours. Then they put u in a room and u have to wait like another 30 minutes!!!
Terry Sydoryk The line ups are like Disneyworld, maybe longer, but when you get to the end the ride is a taxi .... Nice:)
Nard Moore Bumpin dat Ross Mixtape Dat Boi Snappin Dats Just Da Mixtape Soundin Like A Album
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