Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Pense em coisas boas sonhe com a pessoa amada porque o mundo das pessoas que mandam em seus sentimentos o mundo e das pessoas que sonham e o meu sonho

Tiago Libanio
Tiago Libanio "Pense em coisas boas, sonhe com a pessoa amada, porque o mundo das pessoas que mandam em seus sentimentos, o mundo e das pessoas que sonham e o meu sonho é você, o meu sonho é você ♫"
Vernon Koh
~ [迈向破产的先进国!] 我们一起share出去!!! 马来西亚经济研究所(MIER)确认,在债务占国民生产总值比率的100%时,马来西亚将在2019年破产,这显示下届大选改朝换代的重要性,让民联来拯救濒临破产的马来西亚! 由于国阵不负责任地大肆借贷、挥霍无度,马来西亚将在接下来的10年内,逐步成为负债累累的国家。 联邦政府债务占国民生产总值的比率已经从2010年的53.1%,增加至2011年的53.8%, 2012年的54.8%。这是一个严重的警钟,接近了国家债务顶限的55%。 根据马来西亚经济研究所研究员莫哈末阿里夫透露,如果联邦政府继续目前的借贷率,我国的债务占国民生产总值比率将在2020年达致100%! 确切而言,联邦政府的债务在短短四年内,从2007年的2660亿令吉增加71%至2011年的4560亿令吉。依据同样的扩展率,我国的国债将在2016年达致7800亿令吉,在2019年达致1.3兆令吉。 莫哈末阿里夫也指出,最让人担心的是我们的借贷率高出我国的经济增长率,他说:“如果政府对于目前的开销与税收问题,继续坐视不理,预料马来西亚的国债到了2019年将是国民生产总值的100%。” 这是非常危险的,更糟的是,2010年世界银行年度报告指出,马来西亚的家庭债务在2010年达5810亿令吉(国民生产总值的76%),成为全亚洲家庭债务第二高的国家,仅次于韩国。2010年,马来西亚家庭收入支出比率为47.8%,意味着很多家庭近乎一半的收入是用来偿还债务的。 马来西亚人不只欠债累累,我国的物价也在节节上升,但是收入和薪水并没有增加。 婴儿的奶粉最近也上涨近50%,其它的商品也大幅度涨价: 1. 白糖 – 每公斤1.45令吉 (2010年1月) 涨至 2.30令吉 (2011年5月) – 18个月内上涨了58% 2. 鸡蛋: B级 每30粒 9令吉 ( 2010年9月) 涨至现在每30粒10令吉 3. 电费 – 在2011年6月平均涨了7.12% 4. 奶茶和咖啡:涨价10仙至20仙 (9.1% 至18.2%)。 5. Gardenia面包 –涨了 5%-14% (2011年) 6. 服务税涨1% – 联邦政府额外征收7亿2000万令吉税收 7. 洋葱- 上涨17% (2010年12月) 8. 美禄价格 -2011年上半年上涨 5% ;2011年下半年上涨 4% 9. Nescafe 价格在2011年下半年上涨了6%,价格已经是每300克20令吉。 10. 大家喜爱的印度煎饼、炒果条、黄姜饭的虽然没起价,可是份量却越来越小。 相反地,民联各州属理财有道,不让人民承担太多债务。 事实上,槟城的债务从2008年3月8日的6亿3000万令吉减少至2011年10月的3000万令吉,减少了95%。成为马来西来史上债务减少最多的州属。 很显然地,那些想要让自己及下一代拥有更好的未来的马来西亚人必须选择,你们要的是一个乱花钱、乱借钱的政府,还是一个谨慎理财、透明化、以人民利益为依归的政府。 马来西亚经济研究所(MIER)确认,在债务占国民生产总值比率的100%时,马来西亚将在2019年破产,这显示下届大选改朝换代的重要性,让民联来拯救濒临破产的马来西亚! BY:民主行动党秘书长兼巴眼区国会议员林冠英于2012年1月11日在吉隆坡发表声明
这是重要信息,share出去! 我们要让更多人知道真相! 醒觉吧!!! 别再被国阵骗了! 面子书专页:我们全力支持民行-We-Fully-Support-PKRDAP/132309263482799
Sheikh Musab Bin Aqeel
Jalsa e Aam @ Islamabad - 15 Jan 2012
Waseem Bhatti
però splendidi:AFFETTO, FIDUCIA,LEALTA' E CALORE.Regalane un mazzolinoa chi vuoi bene.... Io lo mando a te!! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..........
Sal Garza
Sal Garza Don't forget you can still sign p for the Brownsville Biggest Loser Challenge!! I spoke with Dr. Gowen this morning and she said yesterday 85 people showed up to sign up!!! WOW!!! This is the last week though so please stop by during your lunch hour :) See below for locations and times
Last Call for Brownsville Biggest Loser Cahllenge Weigh-In!! If you didn't get a chance to weigh-in see below and go sign up for it!! PLEASE GO!!! Alternate Registration: Monday, Jan 9 from 12 noon - 2pm City Plaza Building, 2nd Floor in Lobby 1034 E. Levee St. (10th and E. Levee St.) Tuesday, Jan 10 from 12 noon - 2pm HEB on Southmost Wednesday, Jan 11 from 12 noon - 2pm Community Development Corp. Brownsville 9th St. and E. Levee St. Thursday, Jan 12 from 12 noon - 2pm Public Works Department 6035 Coffee Port Rd (OPEN FOR CITY EMPLOYEES ONLY) Friday, January 13 from 12 noon - 2pm Central Administrative Building 708 Palm Blvd. ALL THESE LOCATIONS ARE OPEN FOR THE PUBLIC EXCEPT ON THURSDAY.
Jackes Maciel
Jackes Maciel Égua, é incrível como tu não vê a hora passar dentro do shopping, cheguei às 11:30, tô saindo agora...Vou chegar atrasado no trabalho, que merda!!!
Dasari Kalyan
A HEART Touching Story ♥ A doctor entered the hospital in hurry after being called in for an urgent surgery. He answered the call asap, changed his clothes & went directly to the surgery block. He found the boy's father pacing in the hall waiting for the doctor. On seeing him, the dad yelled: "Why did U take all this time to come? Don't U know that my son's life is in danger? Don't U have any sense of responsibility?" Th...e doctor smiled & said: "I am sorry, I wasn't in the hospital & I came as fast as I could after receiving the call...... And now, I wish you'd calm down so that I can do my work" "Calm down?! What if your son was in this room right now, would U calm down? If your own son dies now what will U do??" said the father angrily The doctor smiled again & replied: "I will say what Job said in the Holy Book "From dust we came & to dust we return, blessed be the name of God". Doctors cannot prolong lives. Go & intercede for your son, we will do our best by God's grace" "Giving advises when we're not concerned is so easy" Murmured the father. The surgery took some hours after which the doctor went out happy, "Thank goodness!, your son is saved!" And without waiting for the father's reply he carried on his way running. "If U have any question, ask the nurse!!" "Why is he so arrogant? He couldn't wait some minutes so that I ask about my son's state" Commented the father when seeing the nurse minutes after the doctor left. The nurse answered, tears coming down her face: "His son died yesterday in a road accident, he was in the burial when we called him for your son's surgery. And now that he saved your son's life, he left running to finish his son's burial." Moral-Never judge anyone..... because U never know how their life is & what they're going through" Don't Foregt To Share Dis SPREAD HUMANITY :)
View KillaMcclain Live
View KillaMcclain Live Free Baby June(Julian McClain), Free Big E(Eric McClain), Free Tata(Terrance McClain), Free Mike(Michael McClain), Free Ben(Benjamin Boatman), Free My Nigga Lil D(Darrel Notto), Free My Nigga Dice(Sean Pierre), Free My Nigga Jigga(Gerren Welsh), My Nigga Lil Twin(Galen Hamilton), And My Nigga Boosie(Torrance Hatch)!!!!! R.I.P Ta My Aunt Vivian(Who Just Passed This Week) My Cousin Al, My Cousin Otis, 99, Lick A Stick, And I Hope My Nigga Grouch Run Forever From Them Dog Bitches!!!!!
Rishav Upadhyay
250 P – 1963 Il Titolo Mondiale Sport Prototipi e le vittorie a Sebring, Le Mans, Nürburgring. Vuoi i dettagli tecnici? Leggi qui: The Sports Prototype World Title and the Sebring, Le Mans and Nürburgring wins. Technical details? Read here:
Fan Ferrari. It's your turn now!
Sparti Laconicorama
Diego Fiorese
Diego Fiorese Um vídeo BRASILEIRO e muito bom!!!!
Transmit é um vídeo comemorativo de um ano muito especial para o produtor Thomas Losada que vem com este vídeo presentear a todos pela conquista e alegrias q...


Daniel Orsolino Massa
Yolanda Arends
Yolanda Arends Pone bo E-mu-nah, kual ta fe den Yahweh Elohim lo bo mira kosnan grandi i bunita pasa den bo bida, ban konfia den e uniko ku ta Yahweh e palabra aki kiermeen Dios den Hebrew i hasi e pakto ku Yahweh esaki ta e anja Mesianiko . Yeshua e Messiah a bira un remplasante pa nos, dor di Su morto. Omein
Messianic Worship Song - 'Adonai Elohim' - Words & Music by Carl
Dimitris Konstandaras B
Dimitris Konstandaras B Ο Χρήστος Μακρυγιάννης είναι Λεβέντης Έλληνας και τον διαβάζω πάντα.
Lorena E Marcos
Lorena E Marcos Olha o Bernardo e a Aghata, Luzia Lins e Aninha Magioli...Que foooofos
Gostou? Então compartilhe!
Vangor Junior
Vangor Junior - tudo bem! ( diz o garoto que chora de saudade e amor em frente ao computador ) - calma filhinho ( diz o Deus desse garoto )


Raphaa FerreiraVangor Junior
Esthefani Damasceno
Esthefani Damasceno Meu pekininho qr comer bolo de cenoura da tata \z haushaush' espera ele chega ca minha mãe e faze neh (:
Carol Sykes
Carol Sykes January 11, Day 7! If you do not want to do this, please repost. One of YOUR friends may need to know this!!!!!!! Personal request!!! Without going into all the details, Dr. Daryl Pierce at Southwest Virginia Cancer Center needs our voice. There are many cancer patients at this center who are going to loose one of the best oncologist, hematoligist in the area, and Haas and I are two of them. We,... all of his cancer patients, have been asked to have all friends and family to contact the following and let Wellmont and the Cancer Center know that his patients want Dr. Pierce to remain at the Center. We drive from Church Hill to Norton every 3 months because he has been a God send to us. PLEASE...Just call or write once with just a word or two encouraging his continued contract with this center. I plan to post this every day until the end of this month. Please, just call and leave a message or e-mail the following: Sue Lindenbusch, Vice President of Oncology Services; Phone 423-230-8436; e-mail, Do this for us, and God forbid, should you ever need an oncologist in Southwest Va., he is the Dr. that we would recommend. Thanks, Carol Sykes
Mayur Dhavale
Mayur Dhavale असं प्रेम करावं - - - - - - - - - - थोडं सांगावं थोडं लपवावं, असं प्रेम करावं थोडं रुसावं थोडं हसावं, असं प्रेम करावं गुपचुप फोन वर बोलावं, कोणाची नज़र पडताच पटकन “अगं” चा “अरे” करावं असं प्रेम करावं जग पुढे चाललं असलं तरी आपण मात्र थोडं मागेचं रहावं, फोन, SMS, आणि E-MAILS च्या जगात ही, आपण मात्र पत्र लिहुन मांडावं, असं प्रेम करावं कुठे भेटायला बोलवावं, पण आपण मात्र उशिरा जावं मग आपणच जाऊन sorry म...्हणावं, असं प्रेम करावं वर वर तिच्या भोळसट पनाची, खूप चेष्टा करावी, पण तरीही ती तुम्हाला किती आवडते, हे जरूर सांगावं, असं प्रेम करावं प्रेम ही एक सुंदर भावना, हे ज़रूर जाणावं, पुन: त्या बरोबर येणार्‍या वेदनांना ही सामोरं जावं असं प्रेम करावं विरह येतील, संकट ओढवतील, प्रेमाच्या अनेक परीक्षा होतील, पण आपण मात्र खंबीर रहावं, असं प्रेम करावं एकदाच होतं, नशिबवानानाचं मिळतं, म्हणूनच जीवापाड जपावं, असं प्रेम करावं … असं प्रेम करावं …. त्यासाठीच की आयुष्यात एकदा तरी प्रेमात पड़ाव
Denis Elson
Denis Elson arroz,salada e carne na chapa com suco de maracuja ! *_* eita dieta moço ! shuahsuahsuah
Cesar Sella
Cesar Sella Ao contrário do que se pensa, nem Silva, nem Pereira, nem Souza, nem Santos são os nomes (de pessoasa) mais comuns no Brasil... o nome mais comum é Miguel !!!!!!
Ivica Stanojlovic
Ivica Stanojlovic Dok sam gledao na to shta ce ko da mi kaze... mogao je svako da me uvacari i slaze... A sad mi se bash za svakoga je*e...pogotovo shto svako gleda samo sebe... Bolje da me mrze nego da me zale... oni mi ne zaradjuju oni me ne hrane... Ja sam sam sebi jedino gazda...necu da budem nichija mazga... JESAM LUD NAJBOLJE JE TAKO...ALI ME NECE VISHE ISKORISHCAVATI SVAKO...KO ME ZNA TAJ ME I RAZUME... A POSHTENO MI SE JE*E ZA SVE DRUGE ! ! !


Anton PerakAleksandar GajicMarko BoRa Precaga Borovic
Thiago Santos
Thiago Santos não costumo sentir medo das pessoas, mas quando eu sinto, normalmente é apavorante... DDD:
Krishna Live Biltu
Krishna Live Biltu Dkha hobe,ek din na ekdin,samnasamni-e... Asha kori sesh barer moto amio mukh ghuriye nbo na,r 2io matha nichu kore na chenar van korbina... Chokhe chokh rakhlei jani sob vule jabi,jani fire pabo...
Neda Irani
Jailed human rights activists Mohammad Seddigh Kaboodvand taken to hospital Iranian-Kurdish human rights activist Mohammad Seddigh Kaboodvand, has been transferred to hospital by Iranian prison authorities after spending nearly five years in Tehran's Evin Prison. Kaboodvand was arrested in 2007 and sentenced to 10 years in prison for “acting against national security” and running the Kurdistan Defence of Human Rights Organization. He was given another year for “propaganda against the Islamic Republic.” His wife, Parinaz Hosseini, told Zamaneh that during more than 54 months in jail, Kaboodvand was not given a single day of furlough, and one-on-one visits have not been allowed for the past two years. Hosseini had previously informed Zamaneh that her husband needed heart and prostate surgery. Kaboodband published the weekly Payam-e Mardom and established the Kurdistan Defence of Human Rights Organization, which were considered two of his major offences. Payam-e Mardom, which covered political, social and cultural issues in both Persian and Kurdish, was banned in 2005. SOURCE ; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PETITION ; FREE Mohammad Sadiq Kabudvand PLEASE SIGN & SHARE VERY WIDELY THANK YOU ! - HUMAN CHAIN PROJECT
Angela Williams
Angela Williams I just want to THANK everyone for my Birthday Shoutouts on yesterday. They made me feel SO S-P-E-C-I-A-L!!!

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