請找出下面兩幅圖中8個不同的地方. . . . . .真的有8個喔~
Prashant Kumar O re piya haye..
O re piya haye..
O re piya haye..
Udne laga kyon man baawla re
Aaya kahan se yeh hosla re
O re piya haye..
O re piya haye..:)
Matthew Garcia O o
Bosele Mogopudi u see a chick who luks gud meanin she lyks gudlukin thngs bt her guy aint gud lukin , so de is an african say dat says . mmona o motle potleng
Guilherme Rodrigues de Oliveira tomando terere com o evanderson.
Muazz Siddique নলাদা একদিন আমার কাছে এসে বললঃ জানিস আজ সকাল বেলা না দাত তুলে এলাম...
----ও তাই নাকি, তো দাতে কি এখন ব্যাথা আছে?
নলাদাঃ আছে হয়তো...
----- আছে হয়তো মানে!
নলাদাঃ আরে আমি কি করে বলবো দাত তো ডাক্তারের কাছে!!!
Evangeline Fielies lmv xmus ma nu yt my slapi ontwak, wnt dit het hels hi bine ggan mt ouma n lyle o skrif. Sy kan gladi d lelike handskrif hant3ri. So boeta j kan bly w3s juf ouma stani in n klas vo jo ni. Hy sal ha hart lt stan o skrif. Lke and!
Kool ThaWeirdo im a, blunt blowin nigga, deadly potion mixer/ big bank roll foldin nigga/ im throwed, locin/ in slow motion, but so focused/ tha o's potent, im blowin o's and tha hoes scopin.. #yeeaah
#TeamOlympuz #TeamKool
Takgoo Jian Hai B: b love o.
G: or kun nov kdey lanh bos b.
B: jos o pet chea never love b re.
G: o kron ta jad tuk b chea fri pon nos, om per laor bos b o tou toul tuk.
B: ber jeng hope o n ke ban sok, cos ber o ban sok, b kor sok der ... kdey sok bos b ke pel del c o ban sok.
Murad Qadiri L=Life became so beautiful from the day you took my heart away. O=Once you were a stranger and now you r my soul. V=Very special r those stoler smiles and glances. E=Each moment spent with you has given sweet memories for the life time 2 me. THANKS.
Music video by Guns N' Roses performing Sweet Child O' Mine. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 2,418,311. (C) 1987 Guns N' Roses under exclusive license to Geffe...
Jonathan Rosemond u sud be ashamed!!! u sud be ashamed!!!! tha way u did that mane baby u sud be ashamed......!!!!..~~:o
Eliane Cerqueira ou excluir o meu facebook !!!!!... Quer saber porquê? Veja o resto. .............................. ............................. .............................. ........ .............................. ............... .............. ..................................... .............................. ............... .............. ............... ................................................ .............................. .............................. .................... ............... .............................. .............................. ............... ............... ..................... .............................. ............... .............. ............... ............... ............... ............................................. .............. ............... .............................. ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... .................... ............... ............... .............. .............................. ............... .............. .............................. .............................. ...................... ...................... ............... ............. ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... .............. ............... ............... ............... .............. .............................. .......... ............... ............... ............... .............. ...................................... ............... ............... ............................. ............... ...................... ............... ............... ............................. ............... ............... ........ .............................. ............... .............. .............................. ............... ............... ............... ............... .............. .............................. ........... ............... ............... ............................. ............... ............... ....... ............... ............... .................................................. .. ......................... .............................. ............. .............................. ............... .............. ............................................. .............................. ..................... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............................ ............... ............... ............................. ............... ............... ............................................. ............... ............................................ ............... ............... ............................................. .............................. ........................ ............... .............................. .............. ..................................... ............... ............... ............................. ............... ............... ........
Muito engraçado que vc abriu isso porque ... nos próximos 7 dias você irá:
1. Ter alguém que se apaixone-se por ti
2. Vai encontrar uma nota de 20,00$ no chão
3. Sair com a pessoa que você gosta ... Mas primeiro tem que por no teu mural e vê quantas pessoas viram o resto disso.
Quem leu isso, curte ;)
Gary La Joie All the kings of the earth will give thanks to You, O LORD, When they have heard the words of Yo...
Desiree Severo Todo mundo reclamando, e eu adorando essa chuva! Melhor coisa é ficar em casa, deitadinha, assistindo com meus piupius do meu lado, descansando muito no meu tempo livre. Tudo o que eu preciso!!
Xenia Chen 天啊~!!!我現在好想要叛逆喔~!!!!!我想要喝到掛點~!!不是壓力大是莫名其妙的很high~!!!
Bratu Constantin-Iulian Buna ziua, ati sunat la Salvarea privata. Pentru limba romana apasati 1. Pentru engleza, apasati 2. Pentru verificarea contului dumneavoastra de contributii la sistemul de sanatate, apasati 3. Pentru informatii despre ofertele speciale ale Salvarii in perioada de Craciun, Revelion si Paste, apasati 4. Pentru informatii in legatura cu starea dumneavoastra de sanatate, apasati cu un deget pe incheietura mainii si numarati pana la 60. Acela e pulsul. Daca il mai aveti, apasati 5. Un operator va prelua apelul. Pentru imbunatatirea serviciului, va informam ca aceasta convorbire poate fi inregistrata si folosita intr-o emisiune de tip talk show. Va multumim!
Katie Williams I was all excited to eat some Malt-o-Meal because I haven't had it in forever, and I ruined both bowls beyond edibility. Poo.
Deepesh Joshi Man O Man !
When he is without money, he eats vegetables at home;
When he has money, he eats vegetables in a fine restaurant.
When he is without money, he rides bicycle to work;
When he has money, he rides bicycle to exercise.
When he is without money, he walks to eat food;
When he has money, he walks to burn food.
When he is without money, he wishes to get married;
When he has money, he wishes to get divorced.
When he is without money, his wife becomes secretary;
When he has money, his secretary becomes wife.
When he is without money, he acts like a rich man;
When he has money, he acts like a pauper.
He says share market is bad but he keeps on speculating;
He says money is evil but he keeps on craving for it.
He says high positions are lonely but he keeps on struggling for it;
He says gambling & drinking is bad but he keeps on indulging in it.
Man O Man !
He never means what he says and never says what he means !
He simply can’t tell a simple truth !
Juh Araujo Vc me fez sentir de novo, o que eu ja nao me importava mais, vc me faz tao bem!
Lorato Moremi o mpone o mpolaye ke jela 31st anywhere ada dan kasi o mpolaye,kazz 8566 ya rock jong..n hearing stories abt mama b saddens my heart
Jalysa Williams S/O To God Im Triple Bessed
Fabiano Araujo Yes, yes! Gravações e edições rendem muito! Apresento a vocês o primeiro trailer do projeto Street Life. Informações sobre o projeto na descrição do vídeo!
Um ambicioso projeto realizado por dois skatistas amadores do Rio Grande do Sul, pretendem mostrar os diferentes lugares do litoral norte para se andar de sk...
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