Wednesday, January 11, 2012

the way ho chesang ka teng ekare nka tsola and ka bapala ka metsijoh hai other wise iam gonna die cos of this heat damn I iam warm blooded but

Hopolang Maputsoe
Hopolang Maputsoe the way ho chesang ka teng ekare nka tsola ...and ka bapala ka metsi..joh hai other wise iam gonna die cos of this heat damn I iam warm blooded but now is burning hoTttttttt#sigh
Peter Goes
Peter Goes Hope everything iz well till the time I reach home......
Somak Chandra
Some kids placed strong firecracker in the mouth of this animal and made sure he could not open it. The world is like this. To these kids it must have been a macabre fun for a few minutes and then they continued with their life like nothing happened. To this animal, his life ended during those minutes, with a pain so deep that is better to forget. If you are against the mistreatment of animals, share this so that more people see what we are capable to do and how inhumane we could be. Friends, I'm really sorry if this picture hurts you, I got hurt while posting too. I'm sharing this because of that I hope if some one near you tries to do these kind of things, you will at least try to tell them that this is really a harsh. Will you? *Share* if you are against mistreatment of animals
Kapil Subhash Kakade
Jared Blea
Jared Blea I got "Shiba inu" on the What dog are you? quiz!
Donna Hill
Donna Hill We have been doing the wrong things for the right reasons. Today I will pay attention to my actual responsibilities to myself. I will let others do the same. If I am in doubt about what my actual responsibilities are I will take an inventory of myself. Today I know my responsibilities and today I am truly blessed
Martins Junior
Martins Junior I haven't eaten since morning :( :'(
Brooke Deterline
Brooke Deterline Just donated, love this org! They succeeded in getting Pat Buchanan off MSNBC. That's worth a lot more $$ than I have but maybe collectively....;)
Please donate to ColorofChange. They don't accept money from lobbyists or big corporations, and our contributions strengthen Black America's political voice. Donate today!
Stacy Gibson
Stacy Gibson I just finished day 15 of Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily Devotional Bible reading Plan at
Roger H. Hodge
Roger H. Hodge Just finished up another Cribbage Board, and as I am putting it all together to deliver it, I couldn't help but think about what Hannibal says on the A-Team..."I love it when a plan comes together." Isn't it a great feeling when you complete a project when you say it will be done? Isn't it great when you look at what you did, and say you are happy with the outcome? Isn't it great to see the smile on that other person's face when they see what you created for the first time? Isn't it just great...? I am proud of what I do and who I am! I hope your day is a great one, and that you are proud of what you do and who you are! :-)
Honey B Murphy
Honey B Murphy At school getting dats young u-pass. Dis line long is hell yo. I ain't for nun glad IM in school instead of being in on da streetz.


Honey B Murphy
Marco Merc Tarsetti
Marco Merc Tarsetti questa è la mia preferita.
I primi 100 numeri di Rolling Stone. Vota la copertina migliore | RollingStone | Musica
Amol Chavan
Go thank " kennethogmarie " for making this And thank " TruthSeekingElf " for spreadin...
Elizabeth Forseth
Elizabeth Forseth It's official..I am addicted to Pinterest!
Kenneth Dixon
Kenneth Dixon Psalm 5:3 My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up.God gives us special times in order that we might find joy and that we might find Him. He has created a glorious world, and He has freely given it to us. The early quiet of the day is a beautiful time to encounter the Lord. Give Him your early hours, and He will give you all the blessings you can hold.
Jeremy Evony
Jeremy Evony I love Chipotle
Angela Isome
Angela Isome i forgot to get my sticker for my plates! ugh ! if it aint one thing its another now im in the license bureau and the computers are down statewide! keeping a positive attitude because my god is able !
Gilad Shamama
Gilad Shamama בת כזאת אני רוצה!!
Connie talbot in a Tawian Variety show call Millionstars and sing "I will alway love you"
Michael T Moreno
Michael T Moreno Reality tv at 9 in the morning! OMG why!!! Damn reality tv ahhhhh, lol.... I hate it sooo much.
Brielle Doman
Brielle Doman Dear karma, I have i list of peope that you've missed.
Gregory Moore
Anand Seemungal
DONT IGNORE THIS PLEASE.... This child's got a cancer. Facebook is ready to pay 3 cent for every share. We don't know Whether it is true or not, but let's everybody share. Our One Share will Not Cost Anything.. If you really care about This Baby...Then Please share. I request My all Friends To share It...Pleaseeeee >SHARE< for this baby DONT TAKE THIS LIGHTLY ..PLEASE SHARE Mobile Users Can Share By clicking This LInk:- For Daily Inspiration Send Friend Request to ( @[100003024735573:2048:Inspire Ur Living] ) Share :(
Joanne Tucker
Joanne Tucker Beautiful words for those with daughters. I'll always need my daughter, no matter what age I am. My daughter has made me laugh, made me proud, made me cry, hugged me tight, seen me fail, cheered me up, kept me on my toes and has driven me crazy at times. BUT my daughter is a promise from GOD, that I will have a friend forever! Put this as your status if you have a beautiful daughter you love with all your heart♥ They are the greatest gift God could provide


Ann Tucker
Brianna Lynn Callahan
Brianna Lynn Callahan going out to run some errands.. then got a job interveiw at 1:30 today with an insurance company.. hopefully everything goes well.. i have to keep telling myself, today's gonna be a good day!
Gauri Prabhu
Gauri Prabhu I am just sick..........either u leave me or better kill me....

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