Hardik Patel Police officer rings a Man!
Cop: I'm sorry sir!
But your wife has been involved in a car crash and we would like you to accompany us so you can identify the body!
Husband: I'm a bit busy right now. Can't you take a photo and tag me on Facebook? If it's her, I will click the"like"button
Mike Deats Like 6 weeks before our baby gets here and u do this wow i dont really know anymore wtf
Randy King Roped really good in Lizella Ga today but others roped even better, so now I have a good reason to practice even harder. Dan wound up at the hospital as a result of getting his thumb caught in his rope, so I want be practicing with him for a couple of months. He came close to losing that very important digit
Susan Griffith Saturday~ home decorating for Christmas and studying~ only two weeks til quater over and I get to have some fun and misbehave. YEAH
Fera-Bongane DeepSoul Damn i woke up early i'v got nothing to..eish any ideas???
Kristina KrispyKreme Camp CUSTOMER: could you help me
ME: (as im holding a shelf that i was about to put up) yes maam ill be with you in one second. (she comes to where i am)
CUSTOMER: excuse me you were supposed to help me and u disappeared on me
ME: maam no i didnt. i said that i would be with you in one second
CUSTOMER: No you didnt
ME: yes i did
CUSTOMER: You are a piss poor excuse for an employee
i was standing there in shock, bc no customer has said anything like that to me before. i was shaking, and i wanted to cry but i didnt
Alley Michelle "Eternity" Darling,my one and only take me to a place where we worry no more,where our dreams come true. Thats what my head screams as I lay there not able to help you. Your beauty has woken me up but your screams have frozen me in fear. As the night feeds on you i could do no more. BUT OH! You were so faithful in your beauty and i actually loved, you. Why did you have to go? And so i wait until your great return...and then we will be together for eternity.
Sheryl Hogan In an odd twist of events both my son and my grandmother forgot my birthdate this year. My father, now deceased, always was off by a week or so. He claimed his mother appreciated the second birthday every year. I would agree. To make a long story short, I will be meeting my son at El Gaucho in Portland tommorrow night for a birthday dinner. Last time I was there was for his 21rst birthday. Looking forward to it.
Arya HinduRock Khosravi Im naming my kid after a mortal kombat character. I was thinking "cyrax" or its a girl then "sindel".
Robert Garcia i got to delete more concieded people......
damn its gota be done
Shah Irfan Is it true that i misunderstood u? Why?
Danny Olive I know I can be outthere and cant always find the words to say but thanks for lovin me anyway (:
Crystal Drake Oh how do I love liars!!!! Haha
Nancy Wenzel Psalms 84:10 Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God
Yonnie' Marie Taylor - I ALWAYS make sure that my Next is BETTER than my Ex : ) lol
Zo Din I think Im gonna make a u turn and start over my life :)
Rolanda Jasper today was a good day becuz i help a friend in his time of need and i feel great that i was there to help him
Roger Myers Worst day of my life. Rest in peace Paw Paw Tommy. You were my rock and my inspiration. Now you sit with the Lord among the angels. My heart hurts yet I'm glad you suffer no more. I will love you forever. It was your turn one last time.
Priyesh Kesharia “I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.”
Bhaswat Das yo boys i am singing song
soup song
flop song
why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di
why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di
rhythm correct
why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di
maintain this
why this kolaveri..di
distance la moon-u moon-u
moon-u color-u white-u
white background night-u nigth-u
night-u color-u black-u
why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di
why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di
white skin-u girl-u girl-u
girl-u heart-u black-u
eyes-u eyes-u meet-u meet-u
my future dark
why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di
why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di
maama notes eduthuko
apdiye kaila sax eduthuko
pa pa paan pa pa paan pa pa paa pa pa paan
sariya vaasi
super maama ready
ready 1 2 3 4
whaa wat a change over maama
ok maama now tune change-u
kaila glass
only english..
hand la glass
glass la scotch
eyes-u full-aa tear-u
empty life-u
girl-u come-u
life reverse gear-u
lovvu lovvu
oh my lovvu
you showed me bouv-u
cow-u cow-u holi cow-u
i want u hear now-u
god i m dying now-u
she is happy how-u
this song for soup boys-u
we dont have choice-u
why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di
why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di
why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di
why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di
flop song
Almost everyone can understand this song..
anyway here are the meaning for few words
Kolaveri – Killer rage or Murderous Rage.
“Soup Song” – Love failure Song
“Soup Boys” – Boys who failed in love
Im That Guy Sometimes i be like i cant wait to leave the nest
Lashawn Odin Butler-bey i love my girl but how to show her idk i try in is not working
Michael Hickman Due to time constraints it looks like the show will be on later tonight. However it is a fantastic show tonite and I hope u join me on www.deepellumradio.com
Pepper Weeks OK so I clicked on this article and the first freaking singer on the list made me go "HE'S WHITE??!!!!!!!" http://madamenoire.com/96595/well-you-dont-say-10-white-singers-we-once-thought-were-black/
Were you surprised that any of these singers weren't black when you heard their music?
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