Abigail Quintero I'm soo freaking piss- White Chicks >:O
Maan Butt Jhelumi Assalam-o-Alikum my a££ sweet frnds.
Roger Djc Lopez TOP DAWGS is already packed. Thank you ATX! Man o man the best part about tonite is a friend of ours Joseph R. will be DJing with me. Cool dude. The first mexican president if you ask me. Thanks for coming thru bro. A-1 Thank You thursday was the real deal! This music bro... Stop dreaming it brother live it! We already made it. Your a talented Rapper. Keep your friends close... "your pen & pad"
Raquel Maagma ang buhay ng tao ay hindi ketsup,toyo,suka o patis..
kaya anong karapatan mong MAKISAWSAW??????????????
Alexi Guzman Manana el clasico Olimpia vrs Marathon quien ganara dale Like o Comentas, si eres Olimpista de <3 Montrous :(
Yessenia Scooby In bed again sucks but ttomorrow will b a better ay yessenia :))))) o well :)))) lol
Roger Bryan Holder Cmon O-Line, Block somebody!!!
Alex Elliott A- Available: I guess 3:
B- Birthday: March 19th
C- Crushing On: doesnt matter anymore .__.
D- Drink you last had: mello yelloooo zerrooo
E- Easiest person to talk too: kylie and kyra
F- Favorite song: sexy and i know it, just because of the video
G- Grossest memory: kyras face. KIDDINGG <3
H- Hometown: narnia
I- In love with: /skippss
J- Jealous of: most guys.
K- Killed someone: TOTALLY, wiener boy. thats why he hasnt logged on in like, 3 months
L- Longest friendship: umumumum, idontknow
M- Middle Name: OSVALDO?
N- Number of siblings: 2
O- One wish: uhhh, idk. to be forever happy?
P- Person who called you last: uh.. my mom?
Q- Question you're always asked: “are you gay?” IM NOT GAY BITCHES. D:<
R- Reason to smile: Uhhh. Idk..
T- Time you woke up:6:43 AM >:3
U- Underwear color: uh… /checks. Pink leopard ;)
V- Violent moment you had: I HIT MYSELF WITH A SLIPPER?
W- Worst habit: ummm, not doing hw? Idkk.
X- X-rays you had: Hand, foot, leg
Y- Your last kiss: not yo buisness.
Z- Zodiac sign: Pieces
Molitau Faumuina Pouring one for them Vikings! hehehe...lea kau su'e se warrior iigei e po fela! bwahaha! se o aga lava ole aso¡ Lmfaol!
Mrz Boriqua Thalia Robles LMS for..♥
- If iFound Out Youu Liked me Id ;
[] Chill w/Youu : )
[] Get my Flirt on ;D
[] Cuff Youu Real Quick ♥
... ... [] Be Madd Shy When Youu Around ^__^
[] Ummm , DF ? :O
[] Nothinqq .
- Have iEver Had Feelinqqs For You ?
[] Yeaahh Buddiee
[] Nopee
[] Sortaa - Kinda
[] im Not Sayinqq :x
[] Maybee
- Would iDate Youu ?
[] Yesss ♥
[] No .
[] Maybe ;x
[] Not Sayinqq :x
Thais Borges heuehuehueheuheuheuhe.... o cara do "pai Nosso" eh mto bom, mas n eh pareo do Holy Night naum, tem q dar uma treinada... (Jonatas Dos Santos Borges)
Gloria Santiago Despues de estar shopiniando con mi Yessy TODO el dia!! Cocine sobras de ayer, bien rico, y tratar de ver la dichosa pelea con Marquiyo! que ya Cotto le dio el primer pu~o pues, esta noqueao!!! .... Que disfruten la noche y sean bendecidos!!!
Kristyn Blaylock ;o Nyan Nyan NYAAAAAAAN CAAAAATTT!!!!(:
Sharif Abdurahim O you who believe! Whoever from among you turns back from his religion (Islâm), Allâh will bring a people whom He will love and they will love Him; humble towards the believers, stern towards the disbelievers, fighting in the Way of Allâh, and never afraid of the blame of the blamers. That is the Grace of Allâh which He bestows on whom He wills. And Allâh is All Sufficient for His creatures' needs, AllKnower. (Al-Ma'idah 5:54)
Carly Guevara C'mon ou.not doin to good OU.
O well OU!!!!!!!!
Tejaswini Bulusu :O :/ :(..RIP..DEV!
Super Hit Hindi Song From Bollywood Film, Guide, 1965, Dev Anand, Waheeda Rehman, Kishor Sahu, Anwar Hussain, Music By S.D.Burman, Directed By Vijay Anand. h...
Nelson Xiques Todos somos prisioneros de algo o de alguien....
Emilio Gutierrez Puro Santos 100% cabrones les guste o no.
Real Badd Bishh -lms' if your FIRST NAME Starts with -a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z #BORED Af !
Virginia Madison SNOWBALL FIGHT!!!! o´¯`❄.¸(░)`O.¸¸.¸.o´¯`❄.¸(░)`O.❄。¨¯`*✲ ´*。.❄¨¯`*✲。❄*´*。✲O.¸¸.¸.o´¯`o.¸(░) `O.¸¸.✲.¸.o´¯`¸.o´¯`❄¸(░)`O.¸¸.¸.✲´¯`o.¸(░) `O.¸❄。`O.¸¸.¸.o´¯`❄。¨¯`*✲....¸.o´¯`o.¸(░) `O.¸¸.¸.o´¯`❄.¸(░)´*。✲´*。.❄¨¯`*✲。❄。*。¨¯`*✲ KEEP IT GOING! ♥
Dalia Ahmed دعآء لأهل آلقبور..
في هذهہُ آلسآعهہُ
آللهم أنزل على قبور موتآنآ آلضيآء وآلنور
وآلفسحـۃ و آلسرور o♥
آللهم جآزهم بآلحسنآت إحسآنآ وبآلسيئآت عفوآ وغفرآنآ
حتى يكونوآ في بطون آلألحآد مطمئنين
يَ رب o♥
آجبر كسر قلوبنآ على فرآقهم
و لآ تجعل آخر عهدنآ بهم في آلدنيآ
و آبني لنآ ولهم بيت في آلجنـۃ
و آجعل ملتقآنآ في دآر رحمتڳ
آللهم آمين ˛ ˛ ˛ o♥
( أرسلوهآ . . ليدعى لهم ولآ تحرموهم من دعآؤكم )
Pradeep Dhanoa Tere Lai Lawa ...... .......Photo... Tu Ruk Ta Sahi..
Purchase Vi Kariyea j Viken Tan Sahi ...
KI dasa yaaro kaliyan da Nit khilna ..
Jo V Mile chakO KuZ Fresh Nai O milna...
chakko Chakko Chakko Kuz Fresh Nai O Milna..
Chakko Chakko Chakko Kuz 1st hand nai O
milna.. ;)
lub u all............
Jl Foreveralways Smith S/O to my freaking backbone Terri DarNise Movinq-forward. i love yu so much dont know wat i would do with out yu ! P.S hurry up....lol love yu (:
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