Jofrelyn Tuliao Llamado I am untouchable and irresistible king, Whatever I do I do it for the glory of God (1corm 10;31) Whatever I do I will be Blessed (dert 28;6) agree , I believe, I receive in Jesus christ my lord son of the living God the father amen....
Victoria Siplin FB family, Gary & I just ripped the runway@ the NCBW dinner, we had a great time...
Tracy Hooper I guess the O in OU is really a zero
Michael Chef DynoMike Lucas Is that a vein I see popping out of Stoops' forehead?
Jasmin Balanditan Mohammed Why did I break up with him? Well ,it's like, once I sat down and looked at the situation, all the pieces lying on the floor, it just wasn't a puzzle anymore. None of the pieces fit together. And even if I tried really hard, the pieces, well they were two different puzzles. That's why I did it, he needs to understand that.
Brockton McKinney I've had some people ask where they can get a copy of DeathCurse on tha web. Soon we will have it up at the Lost Story site (along with Ehmm Theory and a whole lot more) BUT in the meantime our good friend and one of the DeathCurse illustrators, Jason Strutz, has been kind enough to offer it on his site. If you've got a hankerin' for good old fashioned blood, boobs and scary-ass fun, head over and get yerself a slice. While you're there, I also highly recommend the book Jason and Jeremy Whitley created: the Order of Dagonet. PLUS grab the zombie tshirt I rock weekly!
Arisa Garcia I Wish LiFe was a remote....-Play-the easy timesss-Pause-the good timess-Fast forward-the bullshit--REWIND--the memories....($-$)¥¥¥%%OOHhhh. NNOooo'hm
Cole Rutledge everyone come to the outer limits. The War I Survived is playing very soon
Laquanda Shapreka Mitchell how could i forget shannon landrum and michael landrum i love both of yall too and tain and jean as well shout out to my uncle
Makayla Sue Davis "You know our name, not our story. You've heard what we've done, not what we've been through. So think before you assume and don't judge.." amazing quote to live by. Jc Caylen said that. And I love this quote
Shamyra Kennedy Jones I want to thank GOD for allowing me another year and having mercy on me.I would also like to thank everyone for all the birthday wishes
Suzie Killien I got "Twix " on the What nickname fits you best? quiz!
Shinta Dewi Paramitha there's always a little I need you behind every leave me alone. There's always a little pain behind every it's ok. There's always a little ♥
behind I hate you
Zoe Abigail Tipsword I'm seeing a wonderful trend with a few of my friends in the TG community and it's even more wonderful because of the holidays. I'm seeing people transgress into the lives they have always dreamed of, be it a new awesome job, moving to a new beginning or meeting that special someone that could be the "one" . and in the end of it all no longer a TG person but just men and women. I just feel happy to count myself among them and I want to wish them luck and congratulation on completing this leg of your journey in life and a warning to never forget friendships or family as you grow.
Music video by Mariah Carey performing All I Want For Christmas Is You. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 61,153 (C) 1994 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT
Karla Evans All done with homework and one more final to go and then I'm done for the term. I can't believe that fall term is over... I so need the break from all this studying and homework.
Jonathan Meisner Dear Santa,
This year for Christmas I'd like; no wait forget that. Get in your sleigh, go to Afghanistan, get our soldiersand bring them home. They deserve to be with there family's on Christmas. Post this as your status to show respect for the soldier who won't be coming home for Christmas.
If you don't repost this, I understand.
You can't spend 6 seconds of your life to support our soldiers.
Marcella Ryan-Manderson Kathy Smith wrote: A person who loses a partner is called a widow. A child who loses a parent is called an orphan. But there is no word to describe a parent who loses a child, because the loss is like no other. So will you put this as your status for just one hour?? I'm pretty sure I know the ones that will. Think of someone you know or love who has lost a son or daughter and take a few minutes to remember...
Gloria Olson So good I must share it.
Andrew Carter I thought the Gulags were in Siberia?
"The private prison business is most entrenched at the state level but is expanding into the federal prison system as well. Last year Attorney General Janet Reno announced that five of seven new federal prisons being built will be run by the private sector."
What is the most profitable industry in America? Weapons, oil and computer technology all offer high rates of return, but there is probably no sector of the economy so abloom with money as the privately run prison industry.
Mark Jenkins I am not well
Ajay Chauhan " I Said My Heart Is Urs..
I Didnt Say..
That U Have The Right To Break It..!!
Holdine Pablo i suck monkey nuts
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