Laura Jessica Wopp-Hulin Finally wrote another blog; it was inspired by all the negative things I have seen posted on Facebook, YET all those times I have read, witnessed people reaching oout to each other on Facebook, also..........Tis the Season! Have a read!
Pegasus Projects, Ltd. Madison, WI Director: Laura A.M. Wopp, CPS, MH/SA Advocate A website for mental health links database. A mental health website with person-centered referrals, information, resources and answers available to consumers, students, counselors, paraprofessionals and professiona...
Nicole Brooks So prolly bout to hang out wit da best friend Delandis Lee den comeing home and going to sleep. =) Long ass day ! I hope he calls tomorrow ! <3. I love you Korey Beber ! <3.
Zachery Wilson I got "Psyduck" on the Which Pokemon are you? quiz!
Jackie Hernandez i <3 my fuck ets! muahahah
Toni Goldsmith There is a hard line to walk when you have to choose between family and what is legal...Why is it that people we care about feel that it is ok to comprimise, expect you to turn away, and treat you like crap when it bennifits them? Instead of realizing they put me into this position it is viewed that I am vengeful. Oh well, anything to make sure they do not have to take responsibility for thier own actions I guess...sigh...
Sarah King I love u momma barb thank u 4 everything and b n there 4 me through all of this and not looking at me any different n still loving me the same. we love u so much xoxoxoxo <3 <3 <3
Diana Schmitz I had three little girls come over today and help me out. What a blessing they are to be in my life!
Jennifer McAllister Stoppin at da liquor store then headed home for tha nite i guess!!! :-P missin hayleigh...cant wait ta c her tomorrow nite!!! Imma have tha camera ready wen she does soo i can catch hannahs face!!!! She will b sooo happy!!
Jason Testerman what up my FB friends can i get some love and prayer for my uncle Garys family. ya see he passed away last nite and now his wife and five kids have to go on without him and i know that its not goin to be easy. thats why i am askin for everyone to show some love and pray for this family.not to forget his mom,dad,brothers and sister,neices and nephews that will miss him as well,and his grandkids.triin to get everyone in there....HE will be missed a great deal thank you all
Moises Lopez ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>.!.LMS For A Color.!.[]Red: You're Amazing ♥[] Pink: You're Cute[]Green: You're Aight...[] Blue: I Want Ur #[] Yellow: I Would Date u[] Orange: You've Made Me Smile[] Gray: We Should Talk More[] Purple: I Love You as a friend[] Gold: You're Important To Me[] White: We Should Chill Soon[] Black: You Should Post This As Your Status
Kyle Bossio this is the first hockey game that i have ever seen where there is not a single penalty. it is like they are not wearing cups. and this is the RANGERS game...this blows
Tessa MemesSkittlez Pfaff Ok I am getting off of here so I can "COOL DOWN" fuck the dumb shit
Terry Marston i may have lost everything but i still got my bazzler
Laclaire Williams Webb We live in a deadly, disease-ridden, war-weary world; and there's no cessation of trouble. But the Lord Jesus Christ can give inner peace, and He can provide assurance of eternal peace. In one of His greatest promises, He said, "Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid" (John 14:27).
Ashley Ticer i love my crazy, crazy family.
Blessed Thomas i invite everybody out there in facebook world to come to Blessed thomas page and get ya laught on lol got man problems i got a cure for that got women problems i got a cure for that if u a women and got women problems cure for that too guess what it is..... dont worry i will wait........laugh
Trisha Yeager haha t mtndew from my sister Samantha Boyles thanks u so much i love you. Well spenndin time with everyone kinda feeling better. ILY<3
Ulises Paiz Today wasn't a good day at work but the good thing I am still alive and and in good shape for tomorrow, gretings to all the ones whom work in arestaurant, GOD bless then all specially the ones that I know.
Alyssa Tripp omg ive had a migraine since last nite.... WTF?!?! i hate this shit
Tara Boyd I finally got my singing Christmas lights!!!! Thanks Aunt Rose!!!!
Antwann Williams grinding all day grindin all night grindin evry day evry night not a die hard christian but kan honestly say i gotta blessin comming a lil prayer and hard work goes a long way kant wait till next week #ballin
Britney Megrath Im moving to Toronto! :( I cant believe it ! :'( ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................JK... ... I'm not moving anywhere!!!!! ITS PRETTY FUNNY THAT YOU OPENED THIS BECAUSE.. in the next seven days you will: 1. Have someone fall in love with you 2. Find a $20.00 bill on the ground 3. Go out with the person you like :3.... But first! You gotta repost this and see how many people yoou scaaree ;) And change the name of the place your "moving: too
Jennifer Beckles I'm listening to "Love Him Like I Do (Feat. Ruben Studdard & Mary Mary)" by Deitrick Haddon
Edgar Rubio Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool santos..I
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