Widia Astuti II Tuhkaaaan kaya beol pst setiap liat wall cowo tuh ada wall dr km:o semua cowo bae ya noook diwallin centil banget sih HH:D
Razerbai Gianny http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dEbgOAcblE "Avem in noi o forta imensa cultivata de Sfantul Andrei". La multi ani tuturor ce poarta numele Andreea, Andrei, Andru, Andra (etc :D ) si pentru maine, la multi tuturor care se simt Romani si carora le place treaba asta :) Ne auzim vineri de la 20:00 pe republikaverde.ro alaturi de fratele Gim Andrei a.k.a. Gimnastic.
Hip-Hop From Romania Band: SDST [Spectru de Difuzare a Sunetelor Tacute] Song: Ingeri Deasupra Romaniei Members: Aforic, Underman, Dejaygruv Poetry: http://w...
Jason E. Foster Build me a son, O Lord, who will be strong enough to know when he is weak, and brave enough to face himself when he is afraid, one who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat, and humble and gentle in victory.
Ikuto Tsukiyomi Kuso ̄ , watashi wa watashinouta o kanryō suru no o wasure
Carlos Williams Last nite was the first time i slept in a bed in 2 months! Da bed was so dam soft, and big i rolled ova 2 time an i was still on da ish. O yea da food she cook last nite was dam good.I dnt think i wnt to go bk hme Touchdown! And no fb fam i didnt score get yall mind out da gutter. This one rite here mite b alrite. I hope she get up an cook me sum damn breakfast.
Darla Kimball have a feeling its gonna be a bad day forgot my deoderant so i had to pay way too much at udf for some but better than smelling bad! how do u forget something like that o well udf saved the day im smelling good and got some gas for 302
Edgar Cardoso O Peixe vê a isca e nao vê o anzol.....
James Miller all weather stations on weather is always wrong....60 and rain... o wait 30 and 12" of snow lol
Wallace Marley adoro pessoas que falam pelas costas e na frente são só sorrisos, isto mostra o quanto são inferiores e temem sua presença!
Anny Kleinwechter Hmmm~<3 best night? With you by my side every night and day is the best ever~ and that will never change<3
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Mojisola Margaret Adeluyi O Lord God of Heaven and the Earth, Ancient of days,The God of yesterday, today and forever, the father of the fatherless,the Hope of the Hopeless, the Help of the people without help,the Balm of Gilead,the one that said "Let there be Light and there was Light, the One that has the final say, THE GREAT PHYSICIAN...arise and visit everyone lying on sick bed with your healing hand todayyyyyyy in Jesus Name....Amen.
Dan Angelo .--==-TARA FRIEND TAMBAY NA DITO-==--...
║██║http://ayosfm.weebly.com//<== DJ bosz
║(O)║ http://ayosfm.weebly.com///<== DJ BOSZ
╚══╝♫ ♪ ♫
▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ █
TUNE MODE in Ayos FM :">
Adegbule Atinuke in nigeria,stealn is d order of d day.it could be direct or indirect.Nigerians,i dey hail o.
Debra Williams Carter Thank u lord for weaking me up,I had a dream, last night, my bro POTS was telling me, don't be afriad to take the next step, and don't stress,that god was on my side.Also,that we should be there for each other,(me and MJ) I know she will be madd at me after reading this,o well I love u my dear sis and my big bro WALTER.............
Adesoye Abimbola From Jan 1st to Nov 30,its not a joke.God i thnk u,ko gba owo,ko gba obi,ko gba unkan lowo wa,ko to da wa si. Olorun o seun oooo
Nur Diana Andai Sy Org Putih , Sy Akan Ckp I LOVE YOU :)
Andai Sy Org India , Sy Akan Ckp KAHO NA PYAR REHAY :)
Andai Sy Org Cine , Sy Akan Ckp WO AI NI :)
Andai Sy Org Itali , Sy Akan Ckp U DE AMOR :)
Andai Sy Org Indon , Sy Akan Ckp GUE CINTA SAMA LU :)
Tapi Sayangnya Sy Hanya Orang Melayu , Hanya Patut Saya Katakan ' SAYA SAYANG SANGAT-SANGAT DEKAT AWAK :p.
Torrie Venus Up far too early this morning, so what does one do ? Watch a documentary about various whales on the Planet Green Network, of course. Baby humpbacks are adorable...(another swig o' nyquil, yikeee).
Duong Son Ở trường làng, một học sinh đi học muộn, trình bày với cô giáo rằng nó phải dắt con bò cái của nhà đến chuồng bò đực.
Cô giáo bực tức hỏi:
- Thế bố em không làm được việc ấy sao?
- Bố em bận ạ - Đứa bé nói - Dù sao để bò đực làm thì vẫn tốt hơn.
- !!!!!
Luke Davis :O. Snow!
Mbuso Zakhele Magagula Teach me thy way O Lord my God,i will walk in thy truth:unite my heart to fear u or thy name cos.........................
Mangyang Mollier Sathi...sathini khan, khai shena kha nai o???
Elizabeth Guera Soriano Wtf not feel so good o well off to work it's Wednesday
Ryan B Hyeeze Moring grind, s/o all the people out there makin my money
*I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING* This video is owned by the rightful owners of Sony Music Entertainment Enjoy!=].....*comment*..... I miss your hugs, ur love, everyth...
Martina Mcbride sing Christmas Classic
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