Gaurav Gupta | Sad mother was sitting with her Son |
... Son : You are the 2nd most beautiful women, i have
ever seen.....
Mother : Who's first ??
Son : Its also you but when Smile ^_^
Love You Mom ♥ ♥ "
like iv u like it ♥
William Ford You already know what it is, grindin early. Catch up slow pokes. WHEN U IN THE LEAD U DNT CARE WHO TRAILIN.
Patricia Chakombera God is wonderful akomana ndafunga kare ndichitambudzika mwanawangu aigara achindiimbira kuti .....usacheme iwewe nyarara vanosimudza marombe kubva muguruva pakavhari vafira ini. Ndainzwa kurwadziwa nguva iyyo but that time sally was poring blessings to me through singing. Thank u God for blessing me I am rich in christ forever
Akcen Edlaber aLam nyo minsan mas maganda ng maging DULING .
Labs U Bhie
LaTosha Boykins S/O TO MY BAD ASS KIDS William,Darion,JaNiyah and to MY ANGEL DIAMOND may u continue to R.I.P Mommy Loves all of u no matter wat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY KIDS R ALL MINES now get ur asses up its a school day yay me!!!!!!!!!!
Tomi Ade Be literate,dont be illiterate,to actualize ur dream dont stop learning and dont stop growing until u get 2 high level.
Yogesh Loya When u dont know about the
simply tie a goat to the tree
and explain about the goat
Dis iz how we attempt an
unknown question in Examz.. :D
David Bo Frady Need prayers so bad right now.!!!! Hope someone cares. If u are my friend click the like button & then re-post. If I don't see your name, I'll understand. May I ask my "Facebook Family" wherever u may be to kindly copy, paste and share this status for one hour to give a prayer of support to all those who have family problems, struggles and worries and just need to know that someone cares. Do it for all of us for no-one is immune. I hope to see this on the walls of all my friends just for moral support. I know some will!! I did it for a friend and you can too. Share some faith and love for those in need. Life works in strange ways...*** PASS IT ON AMEMN!!!!
Andy Horne Lms;)
How Cute Are You ?
[] 1 Star ☆
[] 2 Stars ☆☆
... ... [] 3 Stars ☆☆☆
... [] 4 Stars ☆☆☆☆
... [] 5 Stars ☆☆☆☆☆
-You Can Be My ?
[] Boo Thang ♥
[] Ride or Die //:
[] You Tell Me (;
[] I Don't Know Yet, :)
[] Wifey/Hubby ♥
-If You Snuck In My Room I'd ;
[] Tap That. ♥ [ ;
[]Let You Stay The Night.
[] Cuddle. xD
[] Chill ;]
[] Nothing.-___-
[] Prolly Kick You Out!-
-If You Kissed Me I'd ;
[] Kiss You Back ♥ !
[] Be Surprised.. o:
[] Slap you. D:
[] Tounge Kiss (:-
[] We Wouldnt
-If u asked me out ;
[] Yess ♥ !
[] Maybe [;
-[]- No.-
[] Idkk ?-
-You Should ;
[]Fb Marry Me ! ♥
[] Text Me
[] Inbox Me
[] FWM
[] Make This As Status.
[] Call Me at 3amSee More
Ibrahim Abdulgafar nw in kano,thnk u frnds.
Kishore Bhagat Q status nu upgrade krna bda mushkil hega
q k boriyan da boz baut jada ae
es krke 2 minimise d load in bora's
d man can go forward in d perfect way n also in getin output as maximum value
u sure target value
Cosmos Chilufya Chileshe I need prayers so bad right now.!!!! Hope someone cares. If u are my friend click the like button & then re-post. If I don't see your name, I'll understand. May I ask my "Facebook Family" wherever u may be to kindly copy, paste and share this status for one hour to give a prayer of support to all those who have family problems, struggles and worries and just need to know that someone cares. Do it for all of us for no-one is immune. I hope to see this on the walls of all my friends just for moral support. I know some will!! I did it for a friend and you can too. Share some faith and love for those in need. Life works in strange ways!
Don Louis i dnt understand this?? can u tell me to remove u from my friend list while u can also do it urself?????????????????
Heleeda Ellis 2 bowls of cereal Jada, really? Are u eating just because you have a mouth?
Angela Chunn Good morning everyone. hope u all have good day.
Odred Izvidjaca Mladen Stojanovic Kakva je svrha manekenske sekcije u osnovnoj skoli, i na koji nacin jedna takva sekcija ima prednost ispred izvidjaca za odrzavanje sekcije u skoli?
Дарко Светозаревски help to donate for charity by Liking this picture:
"mom plzz let me go to school ... i promise you i will b the best daughter in the world and hold your hand forever"
DISCRIMINATION KILLS DEVELOPMENT .... if u believe so plzz vote for this photo.. thanks
Pic by shiva nepal
Leesa Monroe' once again thanks to everybody that wish me a happy bday !!!! but now that special day has pass now its time to get ready to party,everybody be at ma Bday Bash at pinnicle on fri ,u dnt wanna miss dis !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kandee Denny Happy Birthday Melissa! Hope u have a wonderful u
Can u see what's wrong with this picture? If so hit the share button don't answer!!
Baltat Iuliana-Mihaela sxyyyy
© 2011 WMG | Buy the single here: The video was shot at the Hard Rock Hotel in Las Vegas, and was directed by Ben Mor.
Mafi Vaokakala Like if u need my number n i'll inbox it to ya...
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