Krenar Ndreu Lights, Camera, Action when I walk thru the door. #iknowyouseeme
-xoxo mr.p <3
Edward Joseph Gacuya a short conversation:
g: if i'll be your gf, please stop smoking.
b" okay!
g: and drinking too.
b: sure!
g: also, going to the club at night.
b: yes!
g: what else can you stop?
b: the idea of courting you, i guess?
Dary Salman Cause there'll be no sunlight
if I lose you, baby
There'll be no clear skies
if I lose you, baby
Just like the clouds,
my eyes will do the same if you walk away
it will rain,
Erwin Guevarra BF and GF nagchachat: <3 <3 <3
GF: I Love You ♥ <3 <3 <3
BF: ILoveYouToo♥ <3 <3 <
Julie Tafelski Hi Ho Hi Ho .....of to the Bakery I go....Rum Balls in demand!!! WootWoot
Ralph Tantoco i miss you panget :c
Paige Anders-Kluck i love you Devon Grobaski!! i cant wait to see you again;)) & at tha middle school there doing this fundraiser for u ware people bring in pop tabs to help raise money for your surgery :D
Aditya D Athalye KOLAVERI STUDENT Style..!!!
Yo Engineers I am sing song
Sem song
fail song
why this Kolaveri Kolaveri kolaveri
... di
rhythm correct
why this Kolaveri Kolaveri kolaveri
maintain this
white colour-u paper-u paper-u
paper-u print-u black-u questions-
u questions- u danger-u danger-u
my mind blank-u
why this Kolaveri kolaveri di
maama hall ticket eduthuko
apdiye kaila Calc eduthuko
pa pa paan pa pa paan pa pa paa
pa pa paan
sariya vaasi
super maama ready
ready 1 2 3 4
whaa wat a change over maama
ok maama now tune change-u
kaila book only english..
hand la book
book la notes
eyes-u full-aa tear-u
empty brain-u
exam u come-u
life reverse gear-u
maam-u maam-u
oh my maam-u you taught me
wrong sum-u
cow-u cow-u holy cow-u
is this in syllabus u
god i m dying now-u
teacher is happy how-u
this song for engineers- u
we dont have choice-u..!!
Dandan Romano II ...i am craving for a pizza, carbonara by C & E...
Jessica Mrzredhead Nix-Williams I think some body just tried to hack my damns page tell me why you gotta hack someone else page just get your own damn page I don't have nothing you want so try and be someone you not cause at the end of the day I will still be jessica tinenisha mix williams no one can ever take my place so whoever u are get your own mutherfucking page. Just being real is who I am
Salami Sunday God i thank u o 4 ur protect opon my life nd my falmily
At-At Sisican I'll never try to hold you back
i wouldn't try controlling you
if it's what you want,
it's what i want...
i want what's best for you
and if there's something
else that you're looking for
I'll be the first to help
you try
believe me when i say,
it's hard to say goodbye :(
Wang Yan I don't like children games. :) Please FB friends don't invited me to your games again. Thank you! :)))))
Cynthia Tilley I am off today...up and at it alteady...headed to the gym to start my day off right !
Edward Rodriguez Im not a writer, a rapper nor do i produce music. I do appreciate the evolution in the music culture/industry and must say i jus love music! Especially from the 90s n early 2000s. On another note, Good dayyy everyone
Melting Story:
A Woman
was Admitted in
Hospital as She was
Suffering from Brain
Tumor Her Son &
Relatives were Around
Her, She Died within a
few Hours Her Son
Cried the whole Day &Became Ill. He Returnd
Home the Next Day; &
Wen He Opened His
Moms Cupboard, He
found some Tablets
kept in a Letter,!! In the
Letter it was Written: "
DEAR; I know U Catch
Cold Easily after
Crying.. "MOTHERS
KEEP loving UR MOM..It's the Best GIFT ever.!!
"S-H-A-R-E" this.. If you love your MOM.!!
@[288689104482972:274:UNIQUE QUOTES]
Derek McManus 7:35 in the morning, about a week and a half after my last final..I finally got my A I'm screenwriting.
Rouba El Bacha I miss my friends of school :) let's do a gathering at Christmas
Andrew Smallwood Two to 3 months is my recent relationships! I wonder, would i make 5 months? Lets show them s.m. _(;<3
Carren Atieno What shall i do
Hudson Pompey My vision is beyond all dreams not a car,house,or land i wil like 2see generations realise dat is not polititions run ur country or world but d lord him self n we b walkin in faith but not by sight xoxo.Food 4taught.
Jenna Baumgart woke up this morning with BOTH of my hands asleep. Trying to turn off my alarm was a farce, I couldnt feel anything. Stressed? Gosh no, my shoulders are always in knots and 1 inch away from my ears as I sleep. Geesh.....
Oarabile Lindy Rammekwa I would like to thank God for the accomplishments that i made this year,and i pray that he guides me and gives me wisdom that i would be able to correct where i went wrong.I thank you God so many times.................
Rajat Sharma people say “If you can’t beat them, join them”. I say “If you can’t beat them, beat them”, because they will be expecting you to join them, so you will have the element of surprise.
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