Nila Damayanti pengalaman Interpiuw gw:
Here this....
Perusahaan A:
Yg ngainterpiuw: Apa alasan anda tertarik melamar di perusahaan kami?
Dakuw: Karena..bla..bla...bla...
Udah ngomong ngalor ngidul, smpek smpt si yang nginterpiunya curcol eee...dy balik tanya lg, alasan anda tertarik melamar di perusahaan kami apa?
Ya ampun!!
Perusahaan B:
baru kali ini dakuw test psikologi di dapur kantor, pindah2 mulu pula...
terus lanjut hbs tes psikologi interpiew....
Tanyanya dikit malah dijelasin langkah2 mroduksi produknya...*ohmygod*
Perusahaan C:
perusahaan ini lumayan besar n the story goes..
dakuw n 1teman: "pak, saya bukan dari jurusan teknik melainkan manajemen, tp saya ingin menaruh lamaran di perusahaan ini, boleh pak?"
Hrd.nya: owh, iya nggak papa
ok, dakuw n 1 temanku pun masukin berkas habis itu kmbli k bapaknya ngasih lamaran...
temenku pun bertanya: yakin ta jeng g di interpiuw langsung?
aku : nggak...tenang aja, cuman naro doank koq...
ternyata kata2 NARO DOANK hanya tinggal angan...
n then...
jalan ke bapak hrd.nya..
ngasi lamaran...
daku: pak, ini lamaran kita...
hrd.nya: owh iya2..
dakuw: terima kasih pak,
Hrd-nya: Bisa bahasa inggris?
dakuw: bisa pak, tapi tdk begitu aktif..
Hrd-ny: ok2, duduk.....duduk..
Dakuw + temenku: hah??!
Hrd-nya: wantuten??
aku+temenku: mlongo! dengan tampang ya ampun aku g ngerti...
Hrd-nya: (tetep) wantuten...wantuten...???
dakuw: Woott? sory sir, i dont understan what do u mean?
Hrd-nya: mulai nulis di kertas, trs ngomong..dari skala 1-10 itu anda bisa menilai diri anda bisa bhs inggris itu brp?
aku+tmnku: O (Ya oloooh..mbok bilang dari td kek..)
Dakuw: seven to eight, tmanku: six to seven
Sebagai teman durhaka kamu shayank,,,(hahaha)
Hrd-nya: really, seven to eight?
Aku: yes, i've tried sir..
Hrd-nya: ok, tell me about yourself in english, completely!!
Aku: Mampus!!
P.S: bagi kamu- kamu yang bhs. inggrinya kurang bgtu lancar aku saranin deh,,,mending belajar bahasa inggris dr sekarang!
bila perlu, nanti kalo uda pnya anak untuk sementara buang aja anak lo k benua eropa trs kalo udah gede pungut aja lagi...hahahaha
Esther Sumohid Tizon Sakit ng u£o ko. . . .
Skewin Lorenzo JUST LMS ;) ;* ♥
-How Cute Are You ?
[] 1 Star ☆
[] 2 Stars ☆☆
... [] 3 Stars ☆☆☆
[] 4 Stars ☆☆☆☆
[] 5 Stars ☆☆☆☆☆
-You Can Be My ?
[] Boo Thang ♥
[] Ride or Die //:
[] You Tell Me ? (;
[] I Don't Know Yet, :)
[] Wifey/Hubby ♥
-If You Snuck In My Room I'd ;
[] Tap That. ♥ [ ;
[] Let You Stay The Night.
[] Cuddle. xD
[] Chill ;]
[] Nothing.-___-
[] Prolly Kick You Out!-
-If You Kissed Me I'd ;
[] Kiss You Back ♥ !
[] Be Surprised.. o:
[] Slap you. D:
[] Tounge Kiss (:-
[] We Wouldnt
-If u asked me out, i'd saii ;
[] Hell Yess ♥ !
[] Maybe [;
[] No -.-
[] Idkk ?-
-You Should ;
[] Fb Marry Me ! ♥
[] Text Me
[] Inbox Me
[] FWM
[] Make This As Status.
[] Call Me.! < 3
[] Leave me alone
Marcos Galvão Então ele se levantou, falou duro com o vento e disse ao lago:
— Silêncio! Fique quieto!
O vento parou, e tudo ficou calmo.Vento muito forte… tudo ficou calmo.
Agnieszka Wilczyńska napisali o nas w gazecie ;)
W małym mieszaniu na parterze sosnowieckiego bloku powstaje jedno z najlepszych obecnie polskich pism o muzyce rockowej. Tematyka przewodnia to klasyka rocka, progressive, jazz, fusion i muzyka filmowa. Dość powiedzieć, że na okładki dotychczasowych trzech numerów trafili Czesław Niemen, Roger Water...
Simpson Do $(&:$& such a tired day .....weekend,im waiting for you 0.o
Jaymie Scenters Barreto is looking for a J-O-B!!!
Abhilash Chinna Teacher : What is the square root of 69..??
Student : I don't know
Teacher : You don't know anything , Idiot
Student : I have a question for you madam , that you can never answer.
Teacher : Okay, Tell me..!!
Student : Why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di??
Teacher: :O :/ :|
nnett'Sarawanee Leangbumrung เบื่อๆ เซงๆ ดูละครช่องเจ็ดสีทีวีเพื่อคุณ~~~~ ^O^ hahahahaha
Myrto Tsakatika Σήμερα απεργούμε, είναι η μεγαλύτερη απεργία του δημοσίου τομέα στη Μ. Βρετανία από το 1979. Ο Miliband και το κόμμα του ΔΕΝ υποστηρίζουν την απεργία!
Mapule Emelda Mangope Mtwalo wami o ya ndi sinda, di ya xela ndiphathise, a ndi funi ku fana na ba nikezela..........
Elisa Guilherme Comecem a pensar em alguma ação solidária para o natal ao invés de comprar mais e mais coisas para vcs mesmos. Compartilhem essa ideia Adote um cão e dê de presente de Natal! =D
Funcionário público procura um imóvel onde possa cuidar dos 48 cães e 11 gatos r,
Mayu Aomatsu スクールの忘年会は12月26日になりました(^^)/日にち変更なりましたがよろしくお願いいたします☆場所は恐らくスクールです(^^ゞブルーシート引いてわいわいッ☆ソウルマッコリとビールでいいかいな〜☆韓国人チングも呼ぶのだ〜(^o^)/
Samim Shaikh Bhai log ye Facebook to Sher o Shayari ka mehfil ho gaya hai...sab sayeri k mood main hain...wah wah wah
Dobre Corneliu
Un maestru al tatuajelor i-a aratat prietenei sale ce inseamna razbunarea perfecta. Imediat cum a aflat ca este inselat de iubita, Ryan Fitzjerald s-a oferit sa-i faca un desen pe spate.
Dustin Rogers This Friday we'll be pounding the ground @ Sidelines @ 57th & Lewis. No cover before 9pm. Show starts at 9:30pm and Lynn Hernandez and his bag-o-trix will be there with us. This is a new club for us, so come check it out.. It's a cool bar. Saturday night we'll be shaking the windows at Magoo's @ 51st & Memorial. Show starts @ 9:30pm also and has a spacious concert-style feel to it with comfortable seating and a large dance floor. No cover. Hope to see ya'll out and about. RAWKON!
Flávia Feltrin Ó as conversa!
KyuThu Nguyễn hôm qua thấy 2 ca cấp cứu 1 là đi toilet xong ra cái đùng nhập viện nhưng cấ cứu kịp và phải thở bằng máy mà ông bs kiu là ông này sắp ngủm haizz tôi nghịp. đang phè phỡn đi coi súc ruột tự nhiên có ca đang chụp banh lăn ra cá đùng cũng nhập viện nhưng sau 15 phút cấp cứu thì đã die, nhìn mà thấy tội quá trời mới hai mấy tuổi hà mà quê ở Bình Phước nữa có mỗi đứa em gái ở trên này, nhìn thấy cn nhỏ đó khóc mà mình muốn khóc theo. liền dòm lại thấy 2 cái con uống thuốc trừ sâu tự tử thấy mà ghét ghê gớm. thấy người ta hong muốn sống cũng ko dc kìa ở đó... bởi vậy cái chết có thể bất kì lúc nào mong là chúng ta nên quý trọng cuộc sống từng phút từng giây nhé. mấy cái này là mình chứng kiến tận mắt đấy nếu bạn thấy bạn cũng sẽ cảm giác như mình :)
Red Roses ada diego..
Ada beckham..
\ <=-P_(y)
,>\_ Šïº°˚˚°º» Šï(y)
Keeana Cruz SNOWBALL FIGHT!!!! o´¯`❄.¸(░)`O.¸¸.¸.o´¯`❄.¸(░)`O.❄。¨¯`*✲ ´*。.❄¨¯`*✲。❄*´*。✲O.¸¸.¸.o´¯`o.¸(░) `O.¸¸.✲.¸.o´¯`¸.o´¯`❄¸(░)`O.¸¸.¸.✲´¯`o.¸(░) `O.¸❄。`O.¸¸.¸.o´¯`❄。¨¯`*✲....¸.o´¯`o.¸(░) `O.¸¸.¸.o´¯`❄.¸(░)´*。✲´*。.❄¨¯`*✲。❄。*。¨¯`*✲ KEEP IT GOING!
Daniel Airways Hey 1111(: you are the very first guy!! Haha! I don't think I know you very well but you seem like a nice and cheerful guy and you also often refer to me as the random guy who stares at you!! Hope you'll do well for o's !! Haha
Vitoria Saldanha Malhando muito bom o/
bom dia faces...
Majid Hasan arz-o-samaa mein gunjta hai matam hamara….
aulad-e-yazid ko chubta hai maqam hamara….
jaltey raho…kurtey raho…martey raho hamein….
badla lega…abhi to baqi hai ik aur imam hamara….
Bruno Soares É, semana de prova bebê. O jeito é ir malhando e arrochando!
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