Beverly Ibbott I am sorry that the last posting I made in reference to the Christmas Tree app on Facebook containing a virus is not true. I usually check those things out, but this time I was in a hurry and didn't check it out before I posted it. I checked the SNOPES website he sent and it is FALSE. Sorry!
Biren Rawat Sad mother was sitting with her Son |
Son : You are the 2nd most beautiful women, i have
ever seen.....
Mother : Who's first ??
Son : Its also you but when Smile ^_^
Love Ya Mom ♥ ♥ "
NeEruma ALe MaGar Girl:
Promise Me That;
U will Not Love Any Other Girl after Me..!
... I Love you but I can't Promise So..! :O
Girl (Crying):
Means you will have Someone in Ur Heart..! :(
Boy (Smiling):
The Girl I will Love after you,
Will Call you Mom..♥ =)
Shahrukh Khan Hi Friends. I Apologise For getting Connected To My Friends .. i was just in Promotion of my Film
Alex Roy Post this if you have a Dad in Heaven! " ¸¸.•*"̡Ӝ̨̄"*•.¸¸" If flowers grow in heaven Lord, then pick a bunch for me.. place them in my fathers arms and tell him they're from me. Tell him that I love and miss him, and when he turns to smile, place a kiss upon his cheek and hold him for awhile ... Rest in Peace Dad ♥ LOVE YOU !!!! Miss you every day!!!! Post this if you have a Dad in Heaven ♥♥
Kimberly Collier I got a tooth ache.Sorry Momma
Dromee Kendra Hyatt Sweatpants,(:
I Look Like Shit,Buhh I Dnt Give A Fuxk(:
Troy Winemiller I am finished in the studio. My 2011 Christmas CD "Memories of Christmas" is complete. Thank you John for a job "Well Done".
Jeydon Kyle Walee There was a man running around naked and a little girl comes up to him and says "Hellow sir can I poke your birdy?" the man says "maybe later." later the little girl sees him at the store still running around naked and the little girl says "sir can I poke your birdy now?" then the man says maybe tonight so later that night the little girl knocks on the man's door and says "can I poke it now?" so they got in bed.. Then he man woke up on the hospital and the man says "why am I here?" and the little girl says "your birdy spit on me so I bit its head off" LMAO
Samuel Patrick Cruising around as a supa star*when i step in2 da dance floor evry1 marvel on me<3* samflexy noni
Christina Davis why must it snow? I hate havin to go in the cold and clean my car off:(
Talia Robinson Good morning fb I'm so sleepy idgaf I get out early
Tanya Trevison For god sake, all I did was ask one of jades friends if she was ok and she is screaming her head off at me! Teenagers needs a good f###ing kick up the arse!!!! BITCH
Brenda Lee Coulthard Oh alarm clock how I do hate you!
Chanese Robinson On a day I can actually sleep in, I'm up early and hungry. Have great day. #countingdownthetimeforfood.
Carlton Ginlal Gwanzura Sometimez i imagine i hear yo voice in the trees u
Heaven Rush Gdm my luvly ppl. I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms. Now he is far above any ruler or authority or power or leader or anything else—not only in this world but also in the world to come. Eph 1:19-21
On this have a great day. Mz heaven nd my princess will....
Jean Best Dear Santa,
for Christmas i would like...
forget that, get on your sleigh, go to Afghanistan, collect all our troops and take them home to their families.
they're the one's who deserve the presents.
put this as your status to show your support for our armed forces. i know most of you won't but those that do will have my respect
Glenn Loyd Espina don't waste your time on me you're already the voice inside my head... /i-miss-you
US Tour 2012: iTunes: For tour Meet & Greet VIP Packages click here: US: http://packages.artistaren...
Gina PhaDy now my phone silent nas before we ever sing with together speak joking with but now don have teat te me jong like before nas I miss u
Ljuba Ninkovic Popunjen Profil
This is the eighth song from the City of Angels soundtrack, 1998.
Teresa Lupo Carrigan It's only been a week today (( seems Like yesterday :( I miss you !!
Song: Slipped Away Artist: Avril Lavigne Album: Under My Skin
Kakay Mesina Dear Santa, this year for Christmas
I would like an Xbox 360, Skyrim, an iPhone, a new laptop, a personal TV. No wait, forget that. Get in your sleigh,go to Afghanistan,get all the soldiers,and bring them home. They deserve to be with their families on Christmas. Post this as your status to show respect for the soldiers who won't be coming home for Christmas.
If you don't re-post, I understand.
You can't spend 6 seconds of your life to support soldiers.
- the only chain worth reposting tonight
Asisipho Mbengashe i curse da dae i ws born*cryn*
Khutso Mojapelo it bn hrs nw ke sa boleli le Mologadi Mojapelo,any1 hu spoke 2 her cn u plz tl hes gore i miz her
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