Sunday, January 8, 2012

Hic nam nao cg 2 lan ve nha den hon 1 thang minh thi van cu hao huc lam co ma thay pama co ve qua quen vs vu nay

Duong Ngoc Tram
Duong Ngoc Tram Hic, nam nao cg 2 lan ve nha den hon 1 thang, minh thi van cu hao huc lam, co ma thay pama co ve qua quen vs vu nay rui`, :( Co ban nao hao huc khi m ve k? Sap lai o Ha Noi roi day !!
Chundney Beason
Chundney Beason This diet is kicking my ass I'm hungry or so I think I am but I refuse to go back on insulin for my diabetes so o got to loose this weight
P. J. Katherine Jennings
Princess is between 3 and 4 yrs old..She is here because a fire destroyed her family home and the people were never able to relocate to a pet friendly location..They tried for months...This was about 2 .5 yrs ago ...Princess is at least 60 lbs...she is calm,but very strong and if she doesnt want to go baclk to her pen,you better have a tennis ball for her!! I will be asking volunteers who walk her about other animals...I was told that she is ok with some but not all dogs..I do not think a cat would work,but will double check....Princess is already spayed...she was adopted once and then the man was unable to take her for personal reasons..Princess has two different colored eyes one blue one green. She is very unhappy in the shelter she sits in the back and waits and waits for her family to come. She is sweet as sugar and even more stunning in person. For more info or o adopt this beautiful girl contact 201 981 3215 or email Princess would love to be home for the holidays. Let's make it happen for het
Jimmie Thomas
Jimmie Thomas @skype_a_nigga o never knew lol
Chicklet Agban
Paki-share lalo na sa mga taga Las Pinas at karatig na lugar. Magtulungan tayo para mabawasan ang mga masasamang elemento gaya ng taong ito. Budol budol style at salisi ang modus operandi ng taong ito. Anumang impormasyon sa kinaroroonan nya, ipagbigay alam lang po natin sa lokal na barangay police o tumawag sa numero 800-3554 (Brgy Almanza Uno). Hindi natin alam, baka pamilya, kaibigan, o mahal sa buhay na natin yung susunod na mabiktima. Ang last known location nitong si "Princess" o "Yvonne" ay sa Dona Josefa Village, Las Pinas.
Nachant Erna
Nachant Erna nemenin oval Ŋ papa'Ч |[̲̅̅B̲̅][̅̅o][̲̅̅B̲̅][̅̅o] yuuuuuk maaaarriii
Joey Evans
Joey Evans On the way back to Paris ........ain't wanting to go back but o well.......slick bout to go home and go to bed
Jenny Martin
Jenny Martin thinking about getting a pedicure tomorrow after church...after i clean the house.. and o yea, after i go to the store. i hope that pedi isnt going to be just a thought lol
Taylor Woods
Taylor Woods OMFG!!! just remember i fell walking up tennet street:L:L:L lofl! luky no1 was about:O hahaha
Christina Stofle Lockaby
Christina Stofle Lockaby o yeah i luv saturday nights watching the show ''ghost whisper''
Shaun Williams
Shaun Williams Ready o drag that Mach 1 ass
Raul Capistrano
We need more people like him in this world! You don't need to comment on...Just share it! Enter to view ↓↓↓
Phil Buck
Phil Buck Psalm 106:47-48 (NASB) Save us, O LORD our God,And gather us from among the nations,To give thanks to Your holy name And glory in Your praise. Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel, From everlasting even to everlasting.And let all the people say, “Amen.” Praise the LORD!
Maria Velazquez
Octavio Alejandro Moya Castillo
Octavio Alejandro Moya Castillo Pta que se pasa bien con los cabros xD. Manera de webear a Felipe Bueno con Diego Bueno, Diego Tetas, Cristiano y Cesar. jajajajajajaja
Cerlyn Limooi
悅讀時間(♧◑ω◑)☞【不好習慣會偷偷扼殺你的壽命】☜(◐ω◐♧) ❀缺乏運動:運動量不足會引起肥胖、高血壓、動脈硬化、冠心病、腰痛等一系列疾病。人們應至少保持每週運動3—5次,每次30分鐘。 建議您:慢運動,具有塑身、減壓、美容、治病等功效。很多人經常加班加點工作,忙了一天之後,如果下了班還要繼續去健身房到跑步機上瘋狂跑上40分鐘,反而可能對身體造成一定的傷害。而這時候做一些“慢運動”,比如經絡拳、拳瑜珈、太極、散步,能夠使人的心情從焦躁變得安靜。 在離家還有一段距離的時候,下車步行回去;週末到近郊散步,在耐心慢慢走的同時,收穫身心的健康和愉悅。 ❀蹺二郎腿:這個看似舒服的小動作,會使腿部血流不順,容易造成靜脈血栓、脊椎側彎、腰椎間盤突出。高血壓、糖尿病、心臟病的人,長時間蹺二郎腿會使病情加重。蹺二郎腿時,膝蓋受到壓迫,容易影響下肢血液。兩腿長時間保持一個姿勢不動,容易麻木,如果血液受阻可能造成腿部靜脈曲張或血栓塞。特別是患高血壓、糖尿病、心臟病的老人,長時間蹺二郎腿會使病情加重。影響男性生殖健康。蹺二郎腿時,兩腿通常會夾得過緊,使大腿內側及生殖器周圍溫度升高,長期如此,可能影響生育。 建議您:蹺二郎腿最好別超過10分鐘,如果感覺大腿內側有汗漬滲出,最好在通風處走一會兒,以儘快散熱。導致脊椎變形,引起下背疼。人體正常脊椎從側面看應呈“S”形,而蹺二郎腿時容易彎腰駝背,久而久之,脊椎便形成“C”字形,造成腰椎與胸椎壓力分佈不均。長此以往,還會壓迫到脊神經,引起下背疼痛。 ❀坐廁看報: 坐在馬桶上讀書看報,勢必延長排便時間,造成肛門充血,從而引起痔瘡發作。此外,肛門充血還會誤導神經系統,刺激“排便感應器”,使肛門長期感到墜脹。所以,如廁時還是不要“一心多用”為妙。 建議您:蹲廁時讀書看報,會干擾大腦對排便傳導神經的指揮,延長排便時間。現代醫學研究證實,蹲廁超過3分鐘即可直接導致直腸靜脈曲張淤血,易誘發痔瘡,且病情的輕重與時間長短有關。蹲廁時間越長,發病幾率越高。因為久蹲不起會使腹壓增高,引起靜脈血回流不暢,導致直腸上靜脈擴張,靜脈群關閉不嚴,靜脈叢壁變薄膨出。經常如此,就容易導致痔瘡形成。 ❀剛睡醒立刻下床:睡醒立刻起床,很可能導致血壓忽然變動,引發高血壓、中風等疾病。應躺5分鐘活動一下四肢和頭部再起床。 建議您:醒後不要馬上起來先床上再躺上半分鐘;從床上坐起後床邊坐半分鐘;靠床邊站立半分鐘而後再下床活動,這樣漸進性的活動,可讓身體各器官適應變化減少猛然起床,對血管的壓迫避免摔倒等危險有利於心律的穩定。 ❀連續使用電腦3小時以上:長時間使用電腦會令人感到眼睛疲勞、肩酸腰痛,還會引發頭痛、食欲不振、失眠等問題。電腦螢幕發出的低頻輻射與磁場,會導致病症包括流鼻涕、眼睛癢、頸背痛、短暫失憶、暴躁及抑鬱等。對女性來說,還會出現痛經、經期延長等症狀,少數准媽媽還可能發生早產或流產。此外,長期從事電腦作業,精神緊張,心理壓力大,易全身疲勞,加上電磁輻射,女操作者乳腺癌的發病率比一般人要高出30%左右。有關研究還發現,電腦的電磁輻射還會致癌。組織傷害:操作電腦時重複、緊張的動作,會損傷某些部位的肌肉、神經、關節、肌腱等組織。 建議您:眼睛長時間盯著一個地方,眨眼次數僅及平時的三分之一,從而減少了眼內潤滑劑的分泌。長期如此,除了會引起眼睛疲勞、重影、視力模糊,還會引發其他不適反應。最有效的方法是適當休息,多吃含維生素A的食物,如胡蘿蔔、豆腐、紅棗、橘子、牛奶、雞蛋、瘦肉等。 ❀悅讀您的健康❀給您提個醒~Like~❤歡迎分享*^^*
這兒是家人互愛的地方;背後推動精神「宣印學派」。幸福在一起 • ‿•
Lizzy Lindberg
Lizzy Lindberg 10+ likes! And I'll answer these questions truthfully. (: If you were caught cheating, would you fess up? IF i did cheat, yes! The last time you felt honestly broken? A month or 2 ago. Are you craving something? ohmygosh, yes! PICKLES! If you could have one thing right now what would it be? To be wif Chrisss<3 Would you rather have ten kids, or none? Fuck that. none. What do you hear right now? Music. :3 Is your bed against more than one of your walls? yeshhhh! What’s on your mind right now? A shit ton. :o Are you there for your friends? ALL THE TIME. Last person to see you cry? My sister. -__- What do you do when you get nervous? Crack my knuckles and play wif my hair. Be honest, do you like people in general? No. I'm a vampire. I'm gunna suck everyones blood. Wtf is this?! How old do you think you will be when you finally have kids? 20-25? Idk. Does anyone completely understand you? Not completely. I have trust issues. /; Do you have a reason to smile right now? Yes, bcuz I'm texting my babe. c;<3 Has anyone told you they don’t ever wanna lose you? A few people.. Would you be happier if life had a rewind button? Life would be WAY easier. Do you tell your mum or dad everything? Not at all. Does it matter to you if your boyfriend or girlfriend smokes? Its their life! Are you going to get hurt anytime soon by someone? I shure hope not. This time last year, can you remember who you liked? Mitchell Maier xD Do you think more about the past, present, or future? The past.. o.o How many hours of sleep do you get a night? 4, on school nights. Are you easy to get along with? Most of the time. Otherwise I can be a complete bitch. :p Do you hate the last boy you had a conversation with? Nooooooo. What was the last drink that you put in your mouth? Pepsi What size bed do you have? Queen.. I think? Do you start the water before you get in the shower or when you get in? When I get in. Creep. xD Do you like the rain? LOVE. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? Hopefully. c; Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t do? Tons. Would people refer to you as a goodie goodie, bad news, or neither? Bad news. /: Who were you last in the car with, besides family? Sabrina, my bestestest friend ever. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters and with who? Paranormal Activity 3 wif Sabrina. xD HELLA FUN DAY. Have you ever kissed someone who had a boyfriend/ girlfriend? Is that bad?.. > < Have you ever been hurt by someone you never thought would hurt you? A few people. Guys are douchebags. Your parents are out of town. Would you throw a massive party? HELL TO THE YES! Do you regret a past relationship? My past one, yes. Would you rather spend a Friday night at a concert or a crazy party? Crazy party!:D Do you tend to fall for the same type of person over and over? Douchebags? Yes. Have you made a joke about somebody that made them cry? When I was in 2nd grade, I did a 'yo mama' joke for the 1st time and regretted it terribly. D; Do you care too much about your appearance? Kiiiiinda. Are you a jealous person? Can be. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? My mom has for me.. xp Do you miss anyone? My grandma<3 Last person who made you cry? My dad. Does your ex piss you off? All of my ex's piss me off. What are you doing tomorrow? Going to movies wif Miiiiia, then spenda night at her house!:DDD Are you the type of person who has a new boyfriend/ girlfriend every week? I used to be. Last year. ;o Not at all anymore! Is there anyone you want to come see you? Chris Rudy<3 Have you ever been cheated on? Like I said, GUYS ARE DOUCHEBAGS. o.o Ever given your all to someone who walked away? A few people. Do you like cotton candy? Wen I was wittle I did, now it's ICKY. Who was the last person you had a serious conversation with? Chrissssss. xD<3 Are you planning to get knocked up or knock someone up by age 17? I hope not.. -.- Do you have siblings? 5. Have you ever fallen asleep on someone? A couple guys. How has the past week been for you? Preeee' goood!(: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to? YES! I have tons of guyfriends!:D What’s on your mind right now? My boyfriend . c; What were you doing at midnight last night? Drawing :3 What is your current mood? Happy(: Who was the first person you talked to today? Chris, wif a 'goodmorning' text(: Will this week be a good one? I HOPE SO!<3 Anything happen to you within the past month that made you really happy? Yus! Who were you with last night? Myself.. :(( Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? Yup! Chris Rudy((: Next time you will kiss someone? Wednesday <3 Who should start the kiss, the girl or the boy? Ehhhh.. the boy shuld grab the girl and kiss her. c; Do you have any plans for the weekend? HANG OUT WIF MIIIIIA!
Ezekiel Enabs
Ezekiel Enabs Amen o!!!
Wendolyn Morris
Wendolyn Morris O yes baby all the way,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wendolyn Morris
Gengjeng M. Gayona
Gengjeng M. Gayona GUsto ko pa ng JELLY ACE!!!sarap kasi BIgyan mo na rin ako ng STICK-O!!
Osagu Nnaemeka Jude
Osagu Nnaemeka Jude Baba God help o, dis whether dose nt surport reading oo. Happy sundal all
Fabrício Lopes
Coitada da minha mãe. Mas foi o que aconteceu.
Aayush Upadhyay
Aayush Upadhyay Subh ki shuruat muskuraht ke sath- BDHA HI MHTW HE. @ Ndi me bot ka, chay me rot ka,netao ke lie vot ka aur vkilo ke lie kale kot ka bdha hi mhtw he. @kano me bali ka, sdhk kinare nali ka, kwiyo ke lie tali ka aur jija ke lie sali ka bdha hi... @nmkin me michhr ka,filo me slman ki picchr ka,criket me fixr ka aur yuvraj ke 6sr ka bdha hi mhtw.. @gawo me mele ka, sdhko pr chat ke thelo ka,guruo ke lie chelo ka aur lediso ke lie sadhi selo ka bdha hi... @sita ke lie ram ka, mira ke lie shyam ka, bred me jam ka aur munni ke lie jndu bam ka bdha hi.... @papa ke lie smachar ka,dada o me vichar ka,ginti me 4 ka,aur khichdi me achar ka bdha hi.... @shrabi ke lie jam ka, thakuro me shan ka,khane me pan ka, aur ap sbhi ke lie hoto pr muskan ka bdha hi mhtw he...g.m.
Alex Beltran
Alex Beltran O well...+ bulls go 7-2...not so good today
Asia Lemmon
Asia Lemmon My kids are sleeping over at a friend's house. I'm so lonely! I went to the bookstore and picked up "I am Number Four" to keep me busy. I kept looking around for my kids out of habit. Bedtime is going to be too quiet :o(. I need inflatable Catty and Devin dolls, with pullstrings that say stuff like "Gimme a wedgie please!" and "Did you lock the doors to keep the zombies out??" Man, I am so co-dependent on my little monkeys - I'm the only mom who has never wanted "me time"!


Rachel Kusama

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