Saturday, January 7, 2012

WOAH My profile has been viewed 87 times just today and I can see that I have quite few observersBIG Thanks to The Facebook Team For FINALLY Giving Us Something

Stuart Eldred
Stuart Eldred WOAH! My profile has been viewed 87 times just today and I can see that I have quite few observers..BIG Thanks to The Facebook Team For FINALLY Giving Us Something To Check who's viewing our profile!Check it out:
Heidi Michelle Sneed
Heidi Michelle Sneed I feel like crap!!!
Joe Trincia
Joe Trincia Wow I can't Believe I Got My Profile Stalkers :- My Total Profile Views Today: 89 Male Views - 37 , Female Views - 52 Top 5 Visitors Of The Day :- Venita Cooper, Nicole Lovee, Rafael Pena, Jarrett Svoboda, Chris Hochner See your total views and who is viewing you here:
Gail Ponder
#130 Yellowlab Yellow Labrador Retriever: An adoptable dog in Ithaca, MI Large • Young • Female Nice little female yellow lab was found wondering around Olson/Polk Rds. She is very friendly, just scared. Loves attention. If owners do not claim, she will be available for adoption 1/11/12. More about #130 Yellowlab Pet ID: 1880 #130 Yellowlab's Contact Info Gratiot County Animal Control, Ithaca, MI •989-875-2221 •See more pets from Gratiot County Animal Control •For more information, visit Gratiot County Animal Control's Web site.
I COULD BE USED IN PAINFUL RESEARCH EXPERIMENTS! :*( Plz DO NOT call and COMPLAIN at the SHELTERS as it is HURTING the animals. Mecosta and Gratiot counties are the two counties remaining in Michigan who practice pound seizure. Shelter pets are sold or given to class B dealers for use in experiments and research. The dealer often takes the most adoptable animals. These animals, once trusting family pets, are much easier for the researchers to handle. THESE DOGS COULD BE HEADED TO A RESEARCH LAB IF NOT ADOPTED OR RESCUED as Gratiot County Animal Control is one of two remaining counties in Michigan that still gives shelter pets to be used in research. THIS SHELTER SEND THEIR ANIMALS TO RESEARCH LABS IF NOT SAVED! PLEASE SHARE ******************************************************************************* IMPORTANT NOTE plz READ Patience MillerMichigan shelters that sell to the dealers. PLEASE do not call the shelters and complain or verbally abuse whoever answers the phone. This will only make matters worse for the dogs and prevent them from being rescued. You will only hurt the animals and do NO good at all by calling and complaining. You will prevent good rescues from helping these dogs and cats. Also be careful! Not all rescues are good rescues and sadly the bad rescues don't even know they are bad! If you want this to stop, write your representative in the Michigan Legislature and ask them to ban it! And to also ban killing dogs and cats using a gas chamber. Not all homes are good homes either....dogs can be tied outside or worse. Trying to save this dogs is good, but maybe helping the rescues that have been doing this for the past 8 years may be a good idea? You never know who will get this dogs by simply crossposting. I can give you contact information of the rescues who have been doing this and are good ones. The shelters may stop posting the dogs or allowing people in to take pictures if it causes a fuss. The way to stop this is to GET A LAW passed. Please tell people not to call the shelter unless they want to adopt! It may make the person feel better to yell at someone but it could cost dogs their lives! Patience Miller From MICHIGAN <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 BAN POUND SEIZURE Pound seizure is the sale or release of cats and dogs from a pound or shelter to a research, testing or educational facility. It is hard to imagine that dogs and cats are still being used as expendable tools in lethal experiments. It is a difficult fact that some of these animals were once accustomed to life in a human home and are now confined within a laboratory cage. Three states in the U.S.—Minnesota, Ohio, and Oklahoma—still legally require that publicly funded shelters and pounds provide dogs and/or cats to institutions for experimental or educational purposes, and other states allow it. Several states have no law either way. This horrible practice is a small, but troubling facet of the animal experimentation industry. DOES YOUR STATE PARTICIPATE? CK HERE TAKE ACTION!!!!! More info DYING to LEARN PETITION--> The Pet Safety and Protection Act, which would shut down Class B dealers, has been reintroduced in Congress. Please sign the petition below asking your representatives to support this act, which will help give pets a second chance and keep them out of labs. MORE INFO HERE ,MAYBE ,FACEBOOK GROUP Help Furry Friends (Gratiot County)LikeNon-Profit Organization · Ithaca, Michigan WE NEED ALL THE HELP HERE POSSIBLE Soooo PLZ "LIKE" and SHARE THIS! TY,dd Debra J. Wolstein I just started this cause, hoping to create enough public outcry to STOP this horrible practice in Michigan & elsewhere! Please join & share to help save animals like Chip from the horror of lab research. FACEBOOK GROUP WALL.plz JOIN.see link below Stop the Selling of Shelter Animals for Lab Research Folks, you need to know that the local rescue groups are committed to doing the very best they can and we need to be so careful not to damage their good relationship with these facilities or all hope is lost for these animals. Nobody is angrier about this than me, but PLEASE address your outrage with the city commissioners listed below, NOT the shelter staff! Harassing Ken & his staff, making rude... or threatening comments, can only serve to do more harm than good. I hope to use this cause as proof of public disgust at this practice, a form of leverage to get laws changed & contracts broken... it will never change fast enough for me, but I assure you that getting labeled kooks or terrorists will NOT help this cause, it will just guarantee that dogs like Chip will keep getting sold to labs. Thanks for your passion, your activism and your discretion!
Ken Jennings
Ken Jennings I think I will just pull up a chair and watch people at Wal Mart. OMG tis funny!
This is an ode to the People Of Walmart by Jessica Frech. It catalogs every known species of Walmart shopper. It's an anthropological marvel.

On ITunes

The people of Walmart are a breed of their own. You gotta wonder what they pump through the airvents in there. It attracts the …

James Smith
James Smith VA called at 3:30pm. Bloodwork not good as I suspected from symptoms. Doc wants to see me monthly now. Come back to see the doc on the 12th. Have to start going to diabetic clinic monthly also. First for me. Never attended before. Intend to fight this with diet, exercise and weight loss. No needles for me. Nip it in the bud. Have enough heart issues already.
Mariana Mazariegos
Mariana Mazariegos when i listen to it i think of u :)
© WMG 2010. Paramore's music video for 'The Only Exception' from their album, brand new eyes - available now on Fueled By Ramen. Visit
Mick Altentaler
Mick Altentaler This was # 1 the week i was born
Αudio-visually remastered (improved) widescreen [16:9] version of this live performance by Jim Croce and Maury Muehleisen (BBC, July 1973). Bad Bad Leroy Bro...
Evangelist Byron Foxx
Evangelist Byron Foxx I praise the Lord for WWNTBM! God bless you Brother O'Malley!
We are an independent Baptist missions agency that exists to help churches get their missionaries to the mission field. We have 95 families in 45 countries of the world.
Steve Richards
Steve Richards The good thing is you dont look 50. You look different to that ????? Happy Birthday Bro. Just thought i would remind you i am only 47 ?? LOVE YOU XOXOXOXOXO
Ryan Hilfinger
Ryan Hilfinger I am thinking of her
Pamela Miller
Pamela Miller Packing my life away! Can't believe I move in 3 days!!! Ahhhhh.
Macauly Crane
Macauly Crane i love Chelsea Kill-Em with all my heart especially wen she cleans my butthole with her tongue
Terrie Crawford
Terrie Crawford Thought #1 I think God put Gabby Giffords in our lives so we could see that it's okay to fight, there's nothing wrong with taking baby steps, and support from family and friends (prayers)...priceless.
Ashley Johnson
Ashley Johnson The name Ashley and Nicole go together to well because I know so many people who's first and middle name is Ashley Nicole. I hate that my name is so common
Shawn Rose
Shawn Rose OMG! I just noticed who keep watching my profile and photos. It was really shocking to know. Check who looks at your profile at @
Shane C. Cummings
Shane C. Cummings Wow i look tan.. ;)
Madisyn Van Pelt
Madisyn Van Pelt When you carry a Bible, the devil gets a headache. -When you open it, he collapses. -When he see's you reading it, he faints. -When he see's You're living it, he flees. -And just when you're about to re-post this, he will try & discourage you. -I just defeated him. SHARE if you're in God's Arms.♥
Megan Garino
Megan Garino Well another work week is over....too bad I have to work the weekend again...lookin forward to my next comp day for sure!!!
Toby Sonnier
If this 18-month-old girl picture gets 10000 shares her heart transplant Is free....please share! :( (Sorry i didn't know :)
Latisha Austin
Latisha Austin Mannn its fucked up wen u thought shit would change but its always tha same ole shit just a different day!!!!!! But thats bullshit i would rather be single an happy then to deal wth tha same ole shit fuck that something got to change is it me are them dammm!!!!!!!!
Angelina Lovindizlife Dominguez
Angelina Lovindizlife Dominguez i dont even get it or understand it...
Kisha Hines
Kisha Hines Is Playing Race Penguin on my ipod!!Hahah i seen Mr.Faircloth playing it on his or either Mrs.jemma's Ipad. And It Looked Cool So I Found It and started playing it and it's fun!
Sarah Jystad
Sarah Jystad i have a phone now! same number so send me a text with your name :D
Mzrenee Loveherkids Jackson
Mzrenee Loveherkids Jackson Wow I can't Believe I Got My Profile Stalkers :- My Total Profile Views Today: 43 Male Views - 23 , Female Views - 20 Top Last 5 Visitors Of The Day :- Robert Smith, Amanda Mack, Steven Marler, Connie Conn, Shelia Jones, See your total views and who is viewing you here:

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