Let's see performance now Not sure I like Mark Golding in the Justice position and others Time will tell
Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller has announced Cabinet and Ministerial assignments
Felesha Preces Tamara Williams Let's see performance now. Not sure I like Mark Golding in the Justice position and others. Time will tell
Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller has announced Cabinet and Ministerial assignments, following today's swearing in ceremony at King's House.
The Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller - Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, Development, Information and Sports.
All-new episodes of FAMILY GUY return this fall to FOX! http://bit.ly/FamilyGuy_FB ('Like' on Facebook) http://bit.ly/FamilyGuy_Twitter (Follow on Twitter) W...
Gabriela Horsford i am such a rude lil gyal i need to stop but i can't because is my life not ur so live yuh live and dont worrry about mines and if u got a problem with it well come and salfit
Mattel should make a Barbie Doll with no hair, so that every little girl fighting cancer feel's beautiful!!!, dress her in Pink, call her HOPE, and send all the proceed's to children's cancer research......Post this if you agree, I bet 99% of you wont.....I will soon find out.
Haley Edens Porter Will some1 tell me wat happened on jersey shore last night? I dnt hve cable so i missed it <:'(>
Nancy Clampffer Beautiful words for those with a daughter... I'll always need my daughter, no matter what age I am. My daughter has made me laugh, made me proud, made me cry, seen me cry, hugged me tight, seen me fail, cheered me up, kept me on my toes and has driven me crazy at times..... BUT my daughter is a promise from GOD that I will have a friend forever! Put this as your status if you have a beautiful daughter that you love with all your heart!..Love you Nadine and Krissy your the best♥♥♥♥
Luis Ramos I Am Soo High I Think I Could Grab The Stars ;D
Sarah Rouse I have cleaned my friends list!!! Feels so much better when things are cleaned up :) haha
Troy Allen I hate getting blamed for things I never did
Pat Howard im going to go through every door the lord opens for me this year and i will not look back at the ones he is closing time to take my life to another level
Shane Brown I am so excited and nervous. Less than a week and its back to school. Been almost a decade scence i have been in a classroom. Wish me luck.
Mark Bland I donated a lot of toys last month and I still have not received any tots...i am starting to worry that I got hosed on this.
Adam Smith how the fuck do I surpose to sleep with this pain
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