Probably Bex Is officially a non-smoker.
Loretta Gosnell :'( <3
All credit goes to Lady A! Thanks for watching! 10 MILLION VIEWS!!!! Oh my god!!!! thanks for watching/subscribing/commenting!
Christi Goulet The devil inside was such a stupid movie.
Cassandra Blair so doug and i walked from our house to Hastings wow what a long walk
Peggy Weddington Williams last night my son was at a bar/grill in indiana,there was a shooting,he was ducking with everyone else and he managed to get out the door and run.a man was shot in the shoulder
Leonard Lit'Lj Johnson When i fly .. Every nigga i fuck widd flyin .. When i eat .. Every nigga i fuck widd eat .. Nd when i die .. Everyone celebrate .. Fuck cryin ova a nigga ..#Loyalty and #Dedication is all a nigga kno
Tegan Lee Bush Kathleen been A BITCH N a lazy one gee women get up n lets go some were ??
Janet Hawk Anyone who was BORN in the 50's - 60's-70's...We are the last generation who played in the street. We are the 1st who played video games & the last to record songs off the radio on a cassette tape. We walked over a mile w/no worries on being taken...Learned how to program the VCR before anyone else...Played from Atari Nintendo...We are the generation of Tom and Jerry/Looney Toons & Captain Kangaroo...We traveled in cars w/out seat belts or air-bags & lived without cell phones. We did not have flat screens, surround sound, iPods, Facebook, Twitter, computers & the Internet...But nevertheless we had a GREAT time ♥ Re-post if you're a 50's, 60's or 70's baby ONLY
Damon George Good day today. Went to Court with my sister, she parked closer because of her handicap sticker. I had to park a block away and walk up hill. 8 .00 for 1hr of parking. Really. There was only 1 way in and the same way out. A funeral was blocking the other exits. Nice. Waited 20 minutes to get out. Funny thing was the man said $8.00 please. I looked in my wallet had plent of cas and gave him my credit card anyway. Being that he had no machine he let me leave for free. I saved $8.00 for being patient and nice. Then I ran over a homeless person because he wouldn't get out of my way. Moral of the story is be nice when you can you might save money, and don't let anyone slow you down. My sister was found guilty on six counts of drug possession. Shes not nice.
Jayy Thee Realistt i hate when im in a good mood and someonee always has to fuck it up all the time :/ fuckk yall!
Myriah Ramirez Q : Who do you like?(: <3
A : uhm, someone (:
Victor Gonzalez Heey babe (:
I had a blast with you this morning,i can't wait for later <3
Shannen Tarlton haha, oh gee.. Your mad i have a boyfriend now and you just cant believe it.... well for one, did you expect me to just never date again and be heart broken forever? And two, well when multiple people told you i was the best you'll ever have, girls like that tend to find guys that will treat them better...
♥ i did.. and i'm not one bit sorry for being happy with some one new..
Julian Quiroz Long day finally over ate real good buffet stuft now a nap
Tina Correia looking for a car cant wait for my taxes
Kristin Huver cant i go a whole week without running into people i really really dont like??? ugh! people can be so fugly inside and out.
Chuma Mgqoki i thnk frm nw on i mst be selfish fuck caring nd nursng othr ppl feelngs kodwa thy dnt gv a shitt abt urz being nice 4 wat nthng. Frm nw on its al abt me fuck being nice, polite nd caring coz al it does is smash u with a plate of dirt
Amy Relayer Ilardi spending a quiet night at home. trying not to freak out about tomorrow at the dentist!
Shǝmar Rivǝra Girls. When girls act like hoes. That drives me crazy, you know you are worth way more then you act. You all are beautiful. Guys will like you even if you didn't act like that. I promise. It is such a turn off. How are you supposed to find true love if you act as if the only thing you are good for is booty calls and one night stands. #Seriously. There is something called knowing your self worth. You know you are worth way more but still have sex and do things you were taught not to do. Do something else other than giving head and it up, PLEASE. Girls need to boost up their self esteem, worth, and respect. Gosh! #ImDone
Daniel Falkenbach Documentary - How to Build a Sustainable House - Live Free
The epic story of radical Earthship eco architect Michael Reynolds, and his fight to build off-the-grid self-sufficient communities. Garbage Warrior
The epic story of radical Earthship eco architect Michael Reynolds, and his fight to build off-the-grid self-sufficient communities. Garbage Warrior
Jason Fewell Holy crap that was a daedric quest. This one is up there with Sheogorath's quest on the fun meter.
Gena Barnes I know love is real by the way my heart starts pounding when I look into ur eyes I mite look a little silly standing wid my arms stretched open wide I love u to the moon and back I'll love u all the time I love u this big eyes have never seen this big no one ever dreamed this big and I'll spend the rest of my life explaining what words cannot describe but I'll try I love u this big
Kelsey Watson Deleting My Facebook , Want To Know Why ? GO DOWN ! .............................. ............................. .............................. ........ .............................. ............... .............. ..................................... .............................. ............... .............. ............... ................................................ .............................. .............................. .................... ............... .............................. .............................. ............... ............... ..................... .............................. ............... .............. ............... ............... ............... ............................................. .............. ............... .............................. ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... .................... ............... ............................. .............................. ............... .............. .............................. .............................. ...................... ...................... ............... ............. ............... .............................. ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... .............. ............... ............... ............... .............. .............................. .......... ............... .............................. .............. ...................................... ............... ............... ............................. ............... ...................... ............... ............... ............................. ............... ............... ........ .............................. ............... .............. .............................. ............... ............... ............... ............... .............. .............................. ........... ............... ............... ............................. ............... ............... ....... ............... ............... .................................................... ......................... .............................. ............. .............................. ............... .............. ............................................. .............................. ..................... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............................ ............... ............... ............................. ............... ............... ............................................. ..................................... ............... ............... ............................. ............... ............... ........ ITS PRETTY FUNNY THAT YOU OPENED THIS BECAUSE ... in the next seven days you will: 1. Have someone fall in love with you 2. Find a $20.00 bill on the ground 3. Go out with the person you like :3 ... But first You gotta repost this and see how many peoplewill go down. LMS IF U REALLY WENT DOWN !
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