Robin Raichur Thus says the LORD GOD, None of My words will be postponed any more,but the word which I speak will be done, says the LORD GOD Eze 12:28 God bless U.
Theo Suffocate i dnt need u in malife u r js a distruction...........
Branikin Crain Stafford u BITCH!!!!!!
Johan Alfonso Lissandra Delarosa Alexandra Delarosa i love u to the same thxs for the vid
Natalie Zajaczkowski Inbox Only ;
";(" - if u miss me
";)" - if you like me
":)" - if you think I'm cute
"-.-" - if we don't talk and u want it to change
"♥" - if you love me
"^.^" - if I ever made your day
"-_-" - if I ever ruined your day
";/" - if we ever argued
"o.o" - if your shy to talk to me
"3" - if I ever broke you heart
"..." - if you want me back
";;;;;)" if you ever wanted a hug from me
PUT this on YOUR wall and see what you get
Misty Pauley He said if i knew the batteries were dying in it i would have taken them out an recharged em for u!! what a great guy ily greg!
Ray Robb Kyle's pick-up song. scarab studio directot by Dominic Allen. If U want Bangs for Interview or enquiries please email Jahmal at
Vegas HandleGripz u already no wht cha boy about to do GET RITE u heard
Christie Benjamin You can hate me for what i say...but my momma always raised me to speak my mind and thats exactly what im gunna do!!! :) Im done trying wit u anymore...its ur loss... I <3 you baby! Forever and always no matter what :)
Rob Hayes Hacked by yur love :)<3 u babe
Amy Audy ima winnipeg girl that's who I Am, I'll rep the Winnipeg Jet's till there's no Winnipeg Left!;) haha
Victor Cantu The akward moment when u think the taxi cab in front of u is a cop.
Prayag Dixit Givin sum1 all ur luv is never an assurance dat dey wil luv u back..
Dnt expect luv in rtrn Jst wait for it to grw in there heart,
Bt if it dosnt, b content it grew in urs..
It taks only a min 2 get a crush on sum1, an hr to lyk sum1 nd a day 2 luv sum1 bt it taks a lyftym 2 frgt sum1.....
Kassy Mwale Zahara l salute u!!
Mastermax Films presents DJ Sbu feat. Zahara - "Lengoma" Director Ash Dibben Make-up Artist: Mandy B Holtz TS Records
Girlee Cerdenola obvious na obvious. Myra, my ex doesn't speak English very well all he knows is tangalog and Cantotnese..that's why he met you and fuck u and u suck his small and little dick.. I known him very well..and FYI he calls my sister Belen and my mom Mamang..
And for the record u should be one na magpakabait sa akin, kasi kung yang divorce papers lang ang basis ng pagdedemanda nyo sa akin e akin d lang litrato nyo ang evidence ko pati anak nyo..baka kalaboso kayong dalawa..
Sarah Chakalosas Magana Ok Ppl so my baby shower is tomorrow at 12pm @2668 grand ave hp hope to see u all there
Lyrics: Thanks for checking out our videos and site!
Tristen Little Haha u being an idiot is quite amusing to me haha
Melissa Pancakes De Hoyos wtf, realy i got only 734ppl & none of yall niggahz talk onless i put something on ma fb......FUCK OUTA HERE. (AND YEA I WENT BLACK,CUZ IM REALY HALF BLACK & HALF RICAN BUT IDGF, & IF U DONT LIKE ME THEN FUCK OFF MA SHYT & DELETE ME.)
Karan Bedi sometimes we play wd love when time comes u want to be serious love start playing wd u :(
Fredric Akin Good night u all
Cody Nasby Well B.C you were great to me :) but now I'm on my way back to Saskatchewan :( see u soon
Cristy Morgan I am deleting my facebook.. Do u wanna know why? Go down. .............................. ............... .............. .............................. ........ ............... ............... ............... .............. ............... ...................... .............................. ............... .............. ............... .............................. .................. .............................. ............... ............... .................... ............... ............... ............... .............................. ............... ............... ..................... .............................. ............... .............. ............... ............... ............... ............................................. .............. ............... .............................. ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... .................... ............... ............... .............. .............................. ............... .............. ............................................. ............... ...................... ...................... ............... ............. ............... ............... ............... .............................. ............... ............... ............................. ............... ............... ............... .............. ............... ............... .......... ............... .............................. .............. ...................................... ............... ............... ............................. ............... ...................... ............... ............... ............... .............. ............... ....................... ............... ............... ............... .............. ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... .............. .............................. ........... .............................. ............................. .............................. ....... ............... ............... .................................................... ............... .......... .............................. ............. ............... ............... ............... .............. ............... .............................. .............................. ..................... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............................ ............... ............... ............................. ............... ............... ............................................. ............... ............................................ ............... ............... .............................. ............... .............................. ........................ ............... .............................. .............. ..................................... ............... ............... ............................. ............... ............... ........ ITS PRETTY FUNNY THAT YOU OPENED THIS BECAUSE in the next seven days you will: 1. Have someone fall in love with you 2. Find a $50.00 bill on the ground 3. A blessing is coming your way. But first You gotta repost this and see how many people will go down. Like My Status IF U REALLY WENT DOWN!!! LOL Love all you who cared to take a look
Manda Bennett U put ur hands on my heart & now it beats <3
Music video by Monica performing Love All Over Me. (C) 2010 J Records, a unit of Sony Music Entertainment
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