Akash Jain Kitna Samjhaya Dilko Ki Tu Pyar Na Kar
Kisi Ke Liye Khud Ko Bekrar Na Kar
Wo Tere Nahi He Nadan O Pagal
Kisi Aur Ki Amanat Ka Intejar Na Kar
Jazmyn Flores Friend: I usually brush my teeth before breakfast
Me: Brushing your teeth before breakfast is like wipeing your self before you take a shit.....hahahaha ^o^
Michel Paiva Aqui no sitio,com o Christopher, Douver, Rodrigo e Reuel jogando baralho agora. Todos lixos u.u q
Carlos Ruvalcaba Ochoa Ayuda x fa ando en busca de novia pa mi perro oddie tipo pit bull color cafe atigrado o si no una cachorita pit bull pongan precio gracias.
Percebam que o dito professor(a) marcou certo e só depois deu como errado. haha
Barry J. Hoelscher So we went shoppin' 2day w/ gift cards we got 4 X-mas....ended up in Kohls buying underwear & saw Marc Anthony's Clothes Line & fell Deeply N Madly in L-O-V-E! Cannot tell U just how kewl they all were.....A very Slimmin'Sleak'Modern'Fashionable'CleanNVeryVERYVery STYLISH!!! CANNOT wait to buymy 1st pieces when I can afford too or they are ON SALE!!! ;-) bjh
Dammnn Iitzzliyah Swayyzee twerk it twerk it twerk it twerk it o my goooood ! lols kmsl
a lilsum i been workn on for a long time
Silsrang Cho'eang Jongskey O! Gosh!! She's gone my Ex,......
Oh! Yeah! I was thnkin u shud be my next..... Hahaha.... LoL..... OMG!
Lydia Hsiuling Chen " I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart;
I'll tell of all your wonders.
I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High."
(Psalm 9:1-2)
I just can't thank enough for what The Lord has done to me.
Angie Rodriguez Las bubbies normales ( . )( . ) Las bubbies con silicona ( + )( + ) Las bubbies perfectas. ( o )( o ) Las bubbies con frío ( ^ )( ^ ) Hasta las bubbies de la abuela. \./\./ Y no olvidemos de las grandes bubbies. ( o Y o ) Ni de las pequeñas (.)(.) las bizcas (• )( . ) Y por último la que se quedo sola (• ) --- No importa cómo sean... Revísalas periódicamente, NO AL CÁNCER DE MAMA!!
Te Lo robe Tia :)
Jellyy Nene Mariee S/O to atticus just because ,
Max Targino Gentes o que era aquela foto - on http://ebuddy.com Messenger
Tony Andres mag ingat o babala, 10 commandments na dagdag bawas baka kayoy mabiktema
EXPOSED! The Truth about the 10 commandments... be aware about your belief if truth or not, think about your souls and destiny, may God help you!
Rahul Sengupta biyer age 1st tym sasurir sathe sorashori dakha o ktha bllam r loyalty test e pass o krlapm.pumping heart.superb experience
Tin Tin Gambol Mendoza Minsan naisip ko,masarap siguro magmahal ng dalawa.. isa mahalaga,isa pinapaasa,pag wala ang isa,pwede sa isa..pero panu pag mawala sila pareho? hahanap ka pa ba o haharapin nalang ang salitang,dapat pala TATLO sila..
Gabriela Gamez At O charleys with ma baaaby ! Love these rolls !! :)
Ashley Louise Fanion LOOK OVER HERE OR SOMETHING BAD WILL HAPPEN TO U OR LOVED ONES. but befor i tell u the story look at ur life. now listen a girl with a big house that they just got every time u slamed a door u would be sorry cause her life got worst 1. her parents left the house forever 2 time found her parents on the floor 3 time she was going going gone and never seen agian cause u were in a box on the side of a road in heaven now close ur eyes and imagine u were the little girl but that was ur family ............... now u comment and tell me how u fell or make ur own story
LikeUnlike · · 6 hours ago via mobile ·
Allison Haspel i would be very sad :[
6 hours ago · Like
Julianna Oliveira ...Gente o Radar caixa de madeira foi o bixu...agradeço a Deus por fazer parte dessa galera...quero deixar um beijão pros amores da minha vida...MorNguinhu(tugsteniu)jaki(top ou compromisso)diego(meu lider)géss(minha loura)Esdras(meu pastor).
Mushfiq Àgæìn aschorjo hoilam.......edaning manush amr sathe porichito hoia boroe anondito hoe........khushi hoe.....even status o dae ei bepare........ontoto amr etto negativity er moddhe akta positivity....
Abu Hassan O' Allah! Make me a source for other peaple's happiness, and not a reason for their pains and agony.
Redd Da'Dopestt O...M...G.. Becky, Look At Her BUTT ! :0
Tunechiiii :)
Amber Smith O MY G (n my grand diva's voice)
Rafter D Rymbai Dea father, bles me wit ur luving arms. Guide me in a gud way so dat i wil hurt no1.
Father, b wit us wer evr v r. Let me luv ha til d day dat i wil close my eye 4evr... Guide her in a gud way, b wit her, 4giv hr evry mstke. Care 4 her, dnt eva let a tær fal 4rm ha eye... Fulfil ha need father, gve ha a gud opr2nity dat c wil b sccess i evry chlnge o ha lyf. bles ha n dnt let fal beyond hr need. Let ha luv me wen am wit u father. Datz al i need.
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