Katie Hatcher u lie like a priceless persian rug on a rich mans floor
Jean Dagala .....ilang buwan n lang @ ilang araw n pasko n,have u said sorry s mga taong nsaktan mo?hve u said thank u s mga taong ng alaga @ ngmamahal sau?i'll start by saying to my friend,family.love ones.enemy.MERRY CHRISTMASS TO EVERYONE.
Danzeah George feelin my self want to feel al on u
Mandla Zungu Morning 2 u n u n2u2, may god b with u in ol yo duwingz n thoughts
Ruchi Sabharwal Thanks to u all for ur warm wishes
Raquel Ortega Mmmmm nothinqq is better than a hot pocket after u blaze a joint haha !!
Fredison Embalsado Sagun f ths is what u thnk s honest!?
Official music video for We Are The In Crowd's "Both Sides Of The Story"! Buy the video here: http://bit.ly/cBNQCJ Buy the album here: http://bit.ly/93q9Bd
Shawniqua Shadae Hamilton if u worked in micky d's pr burger king id be there for u b cuz i know we gotta eat -- i'll always love u if u got money or not
Brendin King Crazy how people tell u they care so much but then they r so quick to just quit and give up . Movin on to better things
Jason Gilmore RT @JasminSharon: Just cause its the end of the year doesn't mean u have to wait till 2012 to start accomplishing goals there's still time!
Sue Riffe Wilson God in heaven said to a NINE month baby you are going to born on earth tomorrow
Baby cried and asked how i will talk with people...?
God: I had already sent an angel to earth she will teach u
Child: how i will pray to u...?
... ... God: the angel will teach u
Child: how i will learn good words...?
God: the angel will teach u
Child: If i suffer Frm sorrow...?
God: the angel will be there to listen
Child: How do i find that angel...?
God: Itz very simple
Usually people call that Angel as
*I love u mom...♥
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Qoutes of Ur HeartSee More
Bhavesh Prajapati A boy on a DATE in a BMW..
Boy: I hid sumthng frm u
Girl: What?
Boy: I am already MARRIED n have a CHILD ..
Girl: U scared me!! I thought the BMW is not yours!
Rose Ann Dulla ,mY frnDz anD I hV a nEw namE f0r"B0YFRIEND",haha..."MAN IN THE B0X",..f u reLy wanT iT juST trY t0 0PEN iT,sPeCiALy wEn hE iZ d'reAs0n 0f uR eVrYdaY sMYL buT f hE iZ gUD 0nLy 4 n0tHinG mUsT bEteR t0 CL0SE iT,eVen hE wL crY!,.......m0rNinG"
Michael Taylor "Congress created this problem, and Congress can fix it."
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Hitesh Godhia "Good Morning"
A valuable lesson dat a traffic signal teaches us-
"Every problem is like a Red Signal... If u wait for sometime, It will turn into "GREEN".
Kenny Jimoh Gud mornin my LORD nd my KING.tank u 4 d bread of life u gave me nd my family may ur name be praise 4 ever
Gasmy Belzince Happy birthday may god bless u
Joielynn Hoffman Ahhhhhhhhhh :D spool excited just got my new phone hehehehehhe. So text me so I can add u to my contacts!
Inosi Voce Jnr i luv u wid all ma butt!!!.....i wud say heart but ma butt is bigger!!!!
Jeremy Harris BurpleNurple .... Nice Color But U Cute A'f And Seem Cool A'f And I Gave U My Number Smh .... I Wonder Y U Aint Txt Me Yet :/
Jagannath Choudhary No life without Love
No answer without Question.
No rain without Cloud..
No Frindsip without
/"U"/My Dear Friend
gud morning hav a joyful day
Oluwaseun Ayangade why shud it be a midnyt call and not a witch meeting dat comes to mind when u hear ur neighbour laffn and yaking @ midnait
Johnathan Davids Heart has bin reinforced to withstand yo games. U wil nevr penetrate nd break it agn...
Marc Anthony Halog OH LORD!!!thankyou 4 another lfe that u have given 2me!!!!sa mga kasamahan ko!!!get wel soon!!!!
Kodz Mckay ki ballokan holla if u down.. ni noteh mushwan ha mekots..
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