Ronrico Hilliard I put my head to the sky, tilt my brem to my eye'z, think of ways to enterprise, with these lyrics I will survive, starving artist naw not this guy. Spiting 4 my city c, soon I will be global I do dishes for all my hoods. But keep my plates the clean'est won't let me win then stop me man shit I go so hard just press record my racord burn like phoenix nal no NBA that brid that pray
Brett Smith 133
Q: so, what do you think of me these days? :)
A: well i miss you alot we used to be real close we need to get back like that
Shannon L. Kirby OMG I think I cracked a bone in my foot IT HURTS so bad. It is swollen like crazy I guess its time for some ice!!
Jakob Haley I live in #7. Its WAY colder here than they say.....
Baby it's cold outside, but it could be a lot worse. The Daily Beast finds the 25 cities that will be turning the heat on full blast this winter—the coldest cities in America.
Chris Amos Just so everyone knows, I have a CHRISTMAS TREE in my living room (not a holiday tree), my kids are getting CHRISTMAS PRESENTS (not holiday gifts) and we will eat CHRISTMAS DINNER (not a holiday meal), and I will attend a CHRISTMAS PARTY (not a holiday party). I will also very cheerfully wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS! (not... happy holidays). By the way, if you want to have a Happy Hanukah , by all means do, I respect that. If you want to have a Blessed Kwanzaa, I also respect that. I want to have a Merry Christmas, so I ask YOU to respect that! Repost if you agree!!
Haley Wayne I got "Reese's cup " on the What nickname fits you best? quiz!
Carlene Filler Your long hair almost fooled me for a while. Don't remember seeing you with hair that long before but ,of course you have to be in style.I am still out of style! Enjoyed your pictures and trying to figure out who is who.Nice looking group, even though I don't have them all figured out!
Tiffany Edwards would like a penguin for Christmas. I will put him in a BIG freezer to live and build a slide so he can have fun and name him Percy.
Katherine Sport so damn sick i hate it none stop throwing up ...Dislike it sore tummy just wanted to say goodnight an sleep tight :) later everyone
Monica Lopez Fukin reyes.! :O why you have to get sick.?! Now my ass is on drive thru.! N it fukin cold.!! :( n busy.!! Lazy ass ppl... get off your car.! I get cold too.!!!
Chrissy Childers What I'm listening to: I WAS listening to It Girl . (:
Anthony Ralph Silerio im a gay fagg tht likes diks more than eney1 im so gay i wanna b dik slaped
Luis Francisco Ramirez Durazo SALUD PUBLICA is going down tomorrow, ultimo fucking examen y sere libre......
Puros 9 en las calificaciones finales a excepcion de imagen.... ni pdo
Miss May I - Relentless Chaos
Gavin Huang I got "11%" on the How violent are you? quiz!
Luke Allen only christmas song i like, Thanks Lemmy. NOTICE! * I DO NOT OWN SONG IN THIS VIDEO * * NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED * * All rights belong to Armoury Records, distrib...
Erick Washington lol i never meet tha b*tch but i f*cked her like i missed her
Angelica May Fausto its easy to say "im fine"im okey"but deep in side i will never be..
Emma Jean 5 likes & i'll do my abc's :)
A- Available: For now ;)
B- Birthday: Feb. 5!
C- Crushing On: Brad Pitt The real one ;)
D- Drink you last had: Water
... ... ... ... ... E- Easiest person to talk to: Nick Donato
F- Favorite song: Dont Know why by Norah Jones
G- Grossest memory:Throw up in my mouth from my nephew owen :P
H- Hometown: Watertown ... Blah;)
I- In love with: Justin Bieber!!!
J- Jealous of: Birds
K- Kissed Who Last ?: My mother!!
L- Longest friendship: um probably darcy dyer!
M- Milkshake flavor:Strawberry
N- Number of siblings: 6;)
O- One wish: For more wishes!!
P- Person who called you last: Brenden Smith
Q- Question you're always asked: Who do you like?!
R- Reason to smile: Life
S- Song you last sang: Justin Biebers Christmas Song
T- Time you woke up:6:30
U- Underwear color: None of ur business!
V- Virgin?:Yup
W- Worst habit: Bitin nails but im ovr it now woot woot!!!!
X- X-rays you had: Wrist toe foot ankle
Y- Your last time you cried: yesterday
Z-Zodiac sign: aquarius!
Cecily D'Amore i just had to do it...Congrats! You are a member of a dysfunctional family!! (look at the first 10 ppl on ur friends list NO CHEATING)
You're married to- Max Needle
But you're cheating on them with - Jonathan Trilleras
Your promiscuous daughter is - Makena Mugambi
Your druggie son is - Jay Raval
Your crazy cat lady aunt is - Brandon Bandy
Your first born grandchild is - Robyn Stewart
Your evil twin is - Lauren Yates
The family butler is - Divyaa Sarin
The adopted one is - Paige Kolek
James Painter The year is practically over!! D: This was one crazy year! Let's see: I moved to my moms, graduated HS, got two first official jobs, went to jail for the first time, and lost my best friend but found a new one!!! What a fuckin year!!!!
Matt Calamia All good things must come to an end. I like the come back, but it was too little too late.
Connie Martinez I am tiyrd
Donna Kuehne I need a vacation away from everyone...................
Download Free http://www.DOWNLOADMP3PRO.INFO for more music from i hate kate - Major Tom (Coming Home) - Embrace The Curse
Jesse Craig PUT THIS AS YOUR STATUS & SEE WHAT YOU GET INBOX(: i wont tell :))))
(1)=i like u
(2)=i have a secret to tell u
( 3 ) = I like you but im shy
( 4 ) = You're cute
... ( 5 ) = im missing you
( 6 ) = I want a relationship
( 7 ) = I want your #
( 8 ) = I want to get to know you more
( 9 ) = I want to kiss you
( 10 ) = let's talk
( 11 ) = I want to see you moree
( 12 ) = I wish we could go back to old times
( 13 ) = You're hott
( 14 ) = we should talk more and take it from there
( 15 ) = I used to likee you
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