Tuesday, December 6, 2011

TK 1you d kev are cutee 2wonder why u wernt at the party 3 your ah smart girl rate :7 likke of u lovve ur fammily I love U I love you It's

Asia AbaddYella Clary
Asia AbaddYella Clary TK 1)you &d kev are cutee 2)wonder why u wernt at the party? 3) your ah smart girl rate :7
Savannah Golden
Savannah Golden likke of u lovve ur fammily !!!!


Leslie Alejandra SalazarDonnie PharesTerri AlderNicoLe Luvsyousomuch Elizondo
Pruagent Bob
I love U! I love you. It's not a weight you must carry around. I love you. It's not a box that holds you in. I love you. It's not a standard you have to bear. I love you. It's not a sacrifice I make. I love you. It's not a pedestal you are frozen upon. I love you. It's not an expectation of perfection. I love you. It's not my life's whole purpose (or your's). I love you. It's not to make you change. I love you. It's not even to make you love me. I love you. It's as pure and simple as that.
Sam Scott Madziwa
Sam Scott Madziwa this1 is for my lady:: If I were to rearange the alphabets,I would keep the U & I together...
Mfundo Simelane
Mfundo Simelane 4 miss mom's kiss!! Hw ar u ol mommy's boys n gels?
Dc Ow' RawDiggy Chillin
Dc Ow' RawDiggy Chillin tbh Reid Rheinsmith happy me know asl bro or no talk with u ha
Antonio Harris
Antonio Harris U remember. Your first kiss
Oluwayomi Samuel
Oluwayomi Samuel hav a cheerful day as u go 2 work 2day.
Holly Bostic
Holly Bostic I truly thank God for being what I need n never letting go! It amazing when u walk wid him every day min. Smiling :o)
Kerlon Firstclass Jameellewis
Kerlon Firstclass Jameellewis stewpsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss I come like. A asshole u cud hang up on me anytime fuck no! Not me


Michelle MorganZakiya Hunte
Johnny Floyd
Johnny Floyd T-PAIN rEVOLVEr if u aint got GET IT
Moloko Porchna
Moloko Porchna Why is it hard 2 let go evnthough u knw thr wnt b any change in tht thn u lyk o love bt still wsh 2 hv it again *thinking*mrnn guys
Jordan Phelps
Jordan Phelps U knowbwht I don't understand. Is how spongebob square pants house catches on fire when he lives in water????


Jenna SchwabFrances Danielle Reed
Cherie Maglaqui Palunday
Do not share this photo unless u find the cat ..... where is the cat? PLEASE... don't post the answer!
Anya Izmailova
В общем, ребята. ПЕРЕПОСТИТЕ, кто может. В такую наглую кражу голосов трудно поверить, но она случилась. У меня на руках официально и правильно оформленный протокол участковой избирательной комиссии 1701, где я работал наблюдателм. Я сам был до конца подсчета и отвечаю за результаты. Вбросы если и были то минимальные. Вот РЕАЛЬНЫЕ результаты: 1. КПРФ - 285 2. ЕдРо - 271 3. Справедливая Россия - 218 4. Яблоко - 167 5. ЛДПР - 133 6. Правое дело - 16 7. Патриоты России - 15 Вот что я увидел сегодня на сайте ЦИК: 1. Единая Россия - 662 2. КПРФ - 295 3. ЛДПР - 133 4. Справедливая Россия - 118 5. Яблоко - 67 6. Правое дело - 16 7. Патриоты России. Еще раз. Это при том, что есть официальный итоговый протокол с печатью и всеми подписями. Итак. Всем понятно? Карусели, шмарусели, наблюдатели - им, ворам и жуликам, просто посрать. Они нарисовали то, что захотели. Но я же ведь не забуду-не прощу, дорогие товарищи из участковой избирательной комиссии, ТИКа, шмика и всех кто, по выяснению обстоятельств, окажется виноват. Я вам обещаю, что каждый житель этих конкретных домов будет знать, кто украл его голос. С фамилиями, рабочими телефонами. Если газету мою оттуда выкините, я сам на А4 распечатаю и распространю. Это минимум, что я обещаю сделать. Ну, и там еще прокуратура, то да сё. Всем, кто захочет писать об этом, вышлю все сканы. Готов везде давать комментарии, выступать и т.п.
Amanda Nicole Edenfield
Amanda Nicole Edenfield If ur sexy and u know it tut it,up lmao
Meme Lovings
Meme Lovings omq pussy pink# lol u cool ppl and no hw 2 make me laugh and yhu had 2 say dat color but anyway dnt see u as much but yhu still cool n my book hahah lawdy a.k.a tall dude =)


Bob George
Bailey Elizabeth
Bailey Elizabeth Thank u everyone for my birthday greetings and wishes. Love u guys. :)


Brittney Enwall
Ruben Ramirez
Ruben Ramirez Like My Status Or Comment I Will Tell You If Your __________ (Hot) (Fine) (Sexy) (Decent) (None of the Above) .....bored as u can tell ...
Ana Tazy Ramos
Ana Tazy Ramos A person that loses a partner is called a widow. A child who loses a parent is called an orphan. But there is no word to describe a parent that loses a child, because the loss is like no other. So will you put this as your status for just one hour?? I'm pretty sure I know the ones that will. Think of someone you know or love who has lost a baby or child, and take a few minutes to remember and honor them/us. ♥ miss n love u Anthony Chad Michael Ramos Tester ♥
Tranita Murray
Tranita Murray Never let what ppl think about you change how u feel about yourself


Shara Ware
Prashanth Kumar
Prashanth Kumar Best msg for ur life:"Never xplain urself to anyone bcoz person who likes u doesn't need it&the person who dislikes you won't believe it"
Josh De La Rosa
Josh De La Rosa omggg. lms if ur parents piss u off -________-


Gina GarciaPvmBrid FlyingSpaghettimonster PvmDaniel ChopSticks DiepDenys Orrala
Koduri Suresh
The Beautiful Statue of SHIVA at RISHIKESH uttarkhand india hit the like if u loved the pic..... share it guys.. :)
Angela MSbabe Jackson
Angela MSbabe Jackson Dam when tiny grt all that? Gotta keep it real she got it going on T.I say he was.gone eat alright u best believe he can eat me up I am legend

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