Jennifer Buckhanan I love drake iam so proud of u
Billy Howard Im of u it keeps a girl smilin
Shhh.... Can u see what's wrong with this picture? If so hit the share button don't answer!!
Rocky Shrestha Gm for u dear...
Kirit Parekh Don't place ur mistakes on ur head. Their weight may crush U. Instead, place them under ur feet & use them as a platform to view ur horizon.!! Gm tc
Chrismauricee Eke Waoooo! Thk u 2 dose of u who hv decided 2 jump d queue in bringn my xmas gift, but Pls, early submissn or else wud nt accpt next time. D dors re stll open. Big-up my fans.
Mike Johnson Pour up the liquor mix it wit thd juice i came to party wat u came to do i got that jack d by the bucket grab the pistol scream fuk it go all out or nothin
Susan Kilui How much do u hate me now???
Bolt Eterna A - Available:Not in RP but yes irl.
B - Birthday: Idk what in RP but March 5 irl
C - Crushing On: Violet Mist Hatake
D - Drink you last had: Dr. Pepper.
E - Easiest person to talk too: Kaname Taylor Amaya
F - Favorite song: Tie between She Will- Lil Wayne and When I'm gone- Eminem
G - Gross memory: I threw up for 3 days straight every 5-10 minutes.
H - Home town: Inbetween Waco and Cleburne Texas.
I - In love with: Violet
J - Jealous of: Idk
K - Killed someone: Wut lol
L - Longest friendship: uhh idk
M - Milkshake flavor: Chocolate or Vanilla
N - Number of siblings: 7 counting in-laws and deceased.
O - One wish: To be famous for something other than criminal activity
P - Person who called you last: I don't haz a phone
Q - Question you're always asked: Why don't you ever talk?
R - Reason to smile: Idk
S - Song you last sang: I don't sing.
T - Time you woke up: 6:30
U - Underwear color: Black
V - Violent moment you had: Idk
W - Worst habit: Biting nails
X - X-rays you had: Ahh fuck I can't even count all the x-rays I have had.
Y - Your last time you cried: At my sister's funeral..
Z - Zodiac sign:Idk Pisces?
Monique Nell Disney should make a princess with no hair... So that every little girl in the world who's fighting cancer know they're beautiful!COPY IF U AGREE xxx
Nosiphiwo Phetheni Hey peeps!Mhlawumbe kudala nizibhuza ba ndiphi...ey...been around wethu but ke sendibuyile.Been missing u 2!
Abdullah Jones to reach up for the new you must let go of the old. what lies behind u is not nearly as important as what lies in front of u. everything u been through was preparation 4 where u are right now
Armando JR Serrano i luv u all haters
Kyle McCrea anyone who has a bb... Send pins asap! Lol I'm in a contest with a lady friend and I can't lose! Even send my pin out to any of ur contacts!!! pin:270C3E37 thank u very much!
Bart Trimble I guess u cud say that my love life is not up to par, too many nights alone have left some permanent scares... But she said she'd love me and I said that I'd do tha same, but I OD'd in denver and I just can't remember her name!!
Elena Venditti I hate when u say u goin 2 do something&than don't what's more important then time w/ur kids when u don't come I see there sad faces not u! I'm keep prayin 4 u!
Jesus Guterez 4 All U Cutieess Out There ( Females ) .<3 can u pretty please show love 2 the new pic & ill comment one of ur pics any one tht u want me 2 :))
Marjuan Butler Miss u to
Larry Mawaza Quinton After being in a hostile scenario... Ut dreams are bound to b upside down whenevr u lay ur head
Jennifer Grace Again if u have not already please msg if u will be coming to levi's 1st birthday party! I need a head count thanks :)
Dale Taylor are u serious discoverys show moonshiners, can't wait for "METHERS" LMFAO!!
Olaore Dolapo Noni Mornin to u all frdz
Canaan Djdacickone Gardner If Ur Losing by 50 wit 48 seconds left, Why are u tryin to take a charge #SMH
Amber Gray I give my self away so u can use I am....I gave it to u...all
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