Rikrik Jajantara “bangun lagi..,tidr lg..,bngun lg..,tidr lg..,baaanguuun.......tdur laagiiii.....”,hahaha....i love u full.,
Roger Aaron look pepel dont u hate it when someone gaets on ur fb and says thinging that would make u lose ur frend well whoes ev getting on my fb come out in say it dont be scard
Erica A Monroy U give it all for nothing, but thats how we learn to grow stronger and smarter!!! 2 can play the game but one can only win...
*o0LYRICS ON SCREEN*o0 I was bored and so I made this, so please watch watch it. I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING. ALL CREDIT GOES TO THEIR RIGHTFUL OWNERS. THANK YOU. ...
Courtney Ristau #74246475437453 yes u are one of them :))
Marco Johnson Dora: "So what part did u like?!" You: "I Liked it when.." Dora: "YEAH! I LIKED THAT TOO!" You: Bitch, I WASN'T FUCKING DONE YET!"
Hamza Don Duerme Adin Miz u marso chuyanz kimberlou kentoy kokey og tanan from JOHNSON WITH LOVE
J-rod Young 69..... Idk u very well
SellyBear Gomez Q:How long do u think me and Megan will last
A:Idk. Its what God thinks is best & Love has its troubles :/
Casey Parker Dam im bout to fall out so ill get at u all yom
Matthew Brown I wish I could make my dad bettr,I f***n hate u alzhiemers disease,u suck...
Brenton Matthew Tolbert 2016 date but u wouldnt do the same but still. date :)
Aaron Davis Girl clear yo mind while i put u to bed lay yo head down while i beat it to u dead
Alex Zaremba ahaha Lejla Vojnikovic u daa best <3 mak out budddes!:]
Luyanda Luks Morning p33pz, hop u slept very well and hope u'l enjoy this day. Its almost time 4 to sleep now (nyt shft). Juc a few words to her be4 I sleep. I love you sthandwa sam ndodwa.
Chris Gutierrez I Thought We Were..??NVM Wtf Thats Fuckin Dumm Plus U Diddnt Tell Me.!
YOung Blazin-Boss No Cheating, u have 2 send this 2 all ur contacts, & see what they want from u! :)
1= long relationship
2= another chance
<3 3= love
:* 4= a kiss
5= best friend
6= a movie together
7= dance
({}) 8= a hug
=D 9= good laugh
10= an apology
1= marry me
☎12 = phone call
3= meet up
14= friends
Aaron Butts u can't hold a real nigga down dats y I keep real niggas around. BOI. CA$HBOYZ
Denise Smith Its easy to act like that when everything is handed to u
Selbear Gomezz LMS (;
If you asked for a relationship [] Sure, ♥ [] You sure you like me? ;x ... ... [] Maybe :] [] Nope [] Consider x.x [] You deserved better :) [] You wont even ask . :3 If you say you love me: [] I love you too. [] U serious? *curious* [] Laugh [] Dare right ? ._. [] Treat it as you're just kidding If you hug me: [] Push u away [] Let you hug [] Awkward [] Hug you back ♥ If you hold my hand: [] Pull away [] Squeeze your hand [] Continue holding [] SHOCK O.O I want you to: [] Text me (: [] Be my text buddy :D [] Talk to me at Fb/sms/wall-wall [] Put this as your status [] Post back on my fb wall? []
Muelene Manayan Sumaong Goodbyes make us 2 think. We realize something what we had, and what we lost and what we taken for granted. We make realize that sometimes, there are no next times, no time outs and no second chances...SO CHERISH WHAT U HAVE NOW!!!!
John Zakula I am running a hostess special for the rest of December. Book a party for Dec. And I will give u an extra half priced item. If you wait till Jan, the hostess half price items double (i.e. If u made enough in ur party for 1 half priced item, in Jan you get two). On top of all ur credit, which is money...atleast 10% of ur sales. Get ahold of me and lets book a party and get you free and discounted Scentsy stuff.
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