Bobbie Pedraza Dont you just love sleep??? Still feel exhausted after my three hour nap..hmm o well at least I can go back to bed in a little bit....
Camila Gomes Ai que pliguixinha! O soninho ja ta batendo!!
Garrett Riley O saint Philomena,virgin and martyr,whom god glorifies by so many miracles,whom the vicar of Jesus Christ has named the protectress of the living rosary and the children of Mary,manifest,more and more plainly from the heights of heaven,that a voice as holy as thine cannot be denied and that we have the right to rely upon thine aid.obtain for us the grace to be faithful to Jesus Christ even to death.amen
Everyone please copy and post 2 your page for lucky and her family
Giovanni Bloomfield Marley S/O 2 da whole #MarleyGang...@Giovanni Bloomfield Marley, Yung Gudda Marley, Darryl Tunechi Swayne, Christopher Anderson, Ashley LayinqLow Taylor, Jarvis Gibson, Tee MrMagic Hoston, D.j. Scott & my nigga Spade G. Spann...
Maggie Medlin EP is singing O Holy Night as arranged by Nsync...@Hogan Medlin, Reid Medlin, Perry Medlin I know you guys understand how much I love this fact.
Nguyen Dan ở nhà sau những tháng ngày bận rộn......................woa......cảm giác thật là phê khi đc tận hưởng ko gian yên tĩnh cùng với những giai điệu từ radio BNTT " sau chia tay"
Gregory Scott I like this song toooo.
Saaleh Syed Aslam o alekum subha ka pyar bhara thanda thanda salam qubool ho frm saaleh syed
Georgeanna O'Rourke ����éJ��h�Ξ���� z�Ñù�¡�2æ����y�<åz�Ñ� �j�Apy��ü�� 8;����aäΘtü���w�Å����ä�Mü�Ñ '��.���6HÖÅ�A�6�,O��i�Θ�����1:�>�� w�Æv��at�éΞ��o�øDÅ����u��ù��d�Σ�v���2hÆ����0��$
Jesus Hernan Perez Parra Que se puede hacer cuando nada te resulta como tú quieres o tienes planeado para no andar achacado sin que los que te rodean se den cuenta ?? Todo mal y más encima en estas fechas.:-((
Chris Carlson fuck the police >:o bastards...
Carlos Alexandre Ja rolei pra la e para ca e nada do sono vir. E para ajuda eu to sem net no PC . E com o Celular brokeado. Aff nao da para enche o saco de ninguem. Mlzmlzmlz.*_,-*
Jo Yen Nice o~~
While I was home for Thanksgiving, I filmed this piano-balladized version of Katy Perry's "The One that Got Away" in my parents' house! Subscribe and share w...
Gopi Ram \G\****? H
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Jack Shizznit SINGLE OR NOT put this as your status and see who inboxes you:
♥ = I want a relationship!
(: = I'm falling for you.
(; = I really like you.
... ... ... :* = I wanna kiss you.
D:< = I hate you.
:X = I like you.... ssh!
:| = I have a secret to tell you.
O: = I like you but I'm in a relationship!
:D = You're cute!
<|3 = I want you
Elizabeth Young A friend sent this prayer to me today in which God knew I needed to hear. It really blessed my spirit at a time in which I needed to hear it! I would like to share it with you also. I changed a couple of the words in the prayer that I knew God meant for me to do for truth which God has so graciously given to me in my life. I pray that this prayer blesses you as it has blessed me today
Lord, I enter into your gates with thanksgiving and into your courts with praise! I am thankful to you and I bless your name…
I thank you that I see you as most worthy of all praise! I thank you that I can see you as preeminent and all powerful. You are over all things and in complete control of all things! You alone are omnipotenent, omnipresent and omniscient! I appreciate all that you are and I am amazed that my life is hidden in you
Lord, I stand in awe that I have permission to enter into the most holy place with an eternal guarantee that your love is waiting there! I praise you because you are merciful, gracious and ever caring about even the most minor of details in the lives of your children… and for this reason; I am encouraged to come to you with the boldness that you have deposited in my life to come.
O my Lord, I come to you with a heavy heart and a burdened spirit… I come with the cries of your people on my lips! O God, there is so much going on around us, in us and even because of us, so many things that are attacking the foundation of our ability to believe you! BUT God, I pray in humble submission to your will, yet with expectation of your Glory! God, I lift the burdens of your people… I lift their hurts, their pain, their disappointments, their offenders as well as their offenses! I bring to you their challenges and their struggles. O Our Lord God, there is no one else who can take these things from us, nor empower us to endure them… therefore I submit them to you! God, I pray for the things that we are dealing with from day to day… the things that we seem to question and even feel like we don’t deserve! I pray for the anger that has come along side our trials… I pray for the historical pain of our past and the spiritual, emotional and even the physical damage that we may have carried into our present! Lord, I even pray for attitudes and the things that could present greater difficulties concerning our future!
O Lord, my heart is bowed though it is aching with concern! I come to you with my fears about everything…. My fear of failure… the fear of my mistakes… the fear of lack and wanting… Lord, I pray that you would show us the power that is found in your presence, and the peace that is released when we reverence you! O Lord, help us to trust you and to believe far beyond what we can see and to rely upon you even when we can’t understand. Help us, O Lord, to relinquish the control of our lives to you and to trust you completely for its outcome! Help us, O God, to learn the value of serving you with total surrender! Teach us the value, O Lord, of spending time with you. Create in us the ability to stand in the face of all that comes to shake us… God, give us standing power, and that with the standards of a holy stand!
Take us to the next level… take us to that place where nothing else matters and where we see you for who you are! Allow us the benefit of loving you and basking in your love! Invite us into the process of a renewed experience, where the world can see who you are in us and the light of your Glory can shine in us. Teach us your ways, O Lord, and let your will for our lives loom larger than all of our own ambitions! God, our families may depend upon us, but we depend upon you! Our neighbors may need us, but Lord we need you! Our friends may desire and demand of us, but Lord we desire you without any earthly demands! God, we want you! We need you! We long for you! We grope for you! As the deer pants for the water brook, so our souls long for you, O God! Enhance our passion, our desire, our longing and our wanting for you! Do something special in us that would cause us to want you more and more! Lord, we want to be close to you every day, every hour and every minute.
Thank you, O God that you hear us when we pray and stand ready to answer however, you see fit to do so. Thank you that you care enough for your people that you have provided a way for us to be saved. Thank you that we can pray in the NAME above ALL names…. The Name where every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that JESUS CHRIST is Lord to the Glory of God…. This same Jesus, by whom we access into the very throne room of God, is the ONE who has purchased our right to be free! Yes! Jesus Christ, The Author and Finisher of our faith! The ONE who writes the chapters of our lives when previous and even current chapters seem undesirable… when our lives seem to be headed for certain failure, when the climate of falling seems to surround us daily… when the sting of unforgiveness seems to keep us in bondage… THANK YOU that Jesus Christ completed the task of rescuing his fallen people and gave us the chance to live again! Because Jesus Lives, we face our tomorrows… Now, Lord, I pray that all who will read this in its entirety and stand in agreement would taste the blessing that you would render to us who believe you! BE GLORIFIED IN US O Lord… create in us a clean heart and renew a RIGHT spirit in us… cast us NOT away from your presence, but uphold us with your FREE Spirit!
It is in the Name of The Lord Jesus Christ that I submit this moment to you and look forward to all that you have prepared for us… We trust you! Though it seems hard at times, and difficult to see beyond the world around us and in front of us, WE TRUST YOU! We trust you, because it is you who has given us your faith to trust you!
Rebecca Gomez For Christmas i want: Raybands, EDC Tickets, Infinity bracelet from Tiffanys. This is all. just in case anyone in my family is wondering. *cough* Christina Gomez David Gomez Sofia Gomez thank yooooou(: OH and i cant forget . Mac make up brushes. (:o ive been good i swear.
Sandy Thomas Good night Facebook turkeys!!!! :o)
Rendy Lamb Lightfoot Heading up to the attic to get my O Little Town of Bethlehem, my traditional Nativity set and my Dickens Village down....when I get these set up I think I will be finished decorating.....we will see......
Jesus Meza aahhh super cansadisimo..... Geting tire n sleeppy.... :-O
Oluwafemi Awonowo O' lord bless my hustle, Double my income n Reduce my stress dis month IJN...Amen
°★。˛°.★**Feliz Inicio de Diciembre *★* *˛.
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Eva Bogopa kante why batho ba rata go makalla motho ga bua ka lefoko la modimo,guys kereke ke kereke even if ga o etsene u cn hv interest in bible,nna ke batla gore fa motlha wa bofelo otla fa porompeta e lela ,le nna jehova modimo a ntseye,*stop go mmakalla plz,mongwe le mongwe ona le fa ka dirang ka teng in her\his life*
Ansel Krauss González :B :I :P :O :L :A :R :F :A :C :E :S
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