Nakai Charging Eagle This Morning, there was something stuck in My Head, had to get it out. haha!
So I tried my Best to make a Nice Song! With The Drum Bro's in Mind.
-Yeeh Doood!
Anna Nguyen Morning every1 time to wake up come to Tj nail keep me a company, here my cell 563-676-8105 text me for appointment
Vishal Lavate Best Lines Said By A Friend To His Best Friend "I Cannot Promise 2 Solve All Your Problems" But I Can Only Promise That I Will Never Let U Face Them Alone
Matt Wall Job well done!!
Event thanked veterans for their service, including those recently returned from Afghanistan as well as Vietnam veterans who enjoyed a long-overdue welcome home.
Jacob Reynolds I give you my all but yet your off deep throwin his balls. Hope you enjoy bein a whore. This is horrible. I swear. How the hell can you do that to someone. They do everything in the world for them and look wat you get. Life gonna be amazing now i swear. Just wait and see
Erin Mann A snuggie would be amazing right now, I'm freezing!!!
Zach Storm King Gonna stay home today and catch up on sleep and homework. :) have a great day everyone! <3
Jasmine Garcia i wanna good job, no more of this 2 days a week shit n not gettin paid my lillo $$ on time... need somethin worth the work
Abubakar Joda Hmmm
40% off peppered chicken wings and French fries Delivery option available
Alexis Ridedicksogud Hines Jus wakin up chilln widd mii bxtch dee dee & daughter bouts to do her hair & a few..
Shandi Connelley Definetely should have started waking up early a week ago! Going back to 5:30 every morning is not something that my internal alarm clock takes lightly!
DeSean Burnley Da first woman to ever break me as if I wasn't a great man to her. No name will be said. But she knw I love her no matter what...
Tommy Clydesdale well the tight chest and shortness of breath is down to a sore lung and a cough.....progress....i think
Kelli Hardy had a fabulous weekend...ready to kick this work weeks butt so I can enjoy girls night friday and a relaxing weekend!!
Dory Phan Tomorrow is always a new day, new changes for new things. So, wishing you sleep well tonight to get ready for tomorrow :D. If a smile appears on your face now, I hope that it'll last till tomorrow ends :)
Christi Fritsche Anyone interested in a sweet yellow lab. full blooded, crate/kennel/house trained, very respectful, dosent chew, jump, or bark really. about a hair over a year old, so he is still highly trainable. the husband is flexin' his "man muscle" and said he has to go. had him only 10 days and already he's been the best big dog i have ever owned. very loyal & loving. get with me asap
Jamie Lovell I had a Hot weekend with my baby..Now its time to shop,shop,shop....
Jennifer Bambic starting my 3rd day of no smoking doing pretty well i guess....after work yesterday i really wanted one but didnt have taking one day at a time
King Dory Biết nói thế nào để a hiểu và tha thứ cho e khi bên cạnh e có quá nhiều sự cám dỗ. Còn e thì lại quá cô đơn. Cuộc sống xa lạ cứ mỗi ngày lại kéo e đi xa hơn e nghĩ. Đến khi nhìn lại e đã ko còn là e của ngày xưa nữa. E đã nghĩ đến a, nghĩ rất nhiều nhưng a lại ở quá xa e. Bàn tay e đã ko còn chạm tới a mà lại chạm vào một bàn tay khác khi bàn tay ấy ở quá gần và đủ làm e ấm áp..
E xin lỗi..về tất cả..
Ursula Salas Alexander Valdez!!!! What's up with YOU, dude!! You have a hundred status updates about being a GREAT BRONCO FAN, and today I come in to work to find out YOU BET AGAINST THEM THIS WEEKEND!!!!
Tracey Marshall Gooooooooodt morn-ting FBF!I trust that you all had a blessed night. :) Up and at it early this morning.Thank you Lord for blessing me with another day!Hope that all of yall have a super duper blessed day! :) <3
Jennifer M. Barbee Can I just be transparent? I have been having a really, really tough time this past year. But I have learned to take nothing for granted. I am so thankful for every little thing. When I look at my empty wallet & bank account, I am thankful that I can look at a full pantry and refrigerator. When I look at my bare closet, I am thankful that my children and I have clean clothes and shoes without holes to wear. After I hold my breath at every stoplight and intersection praying that my car doesn't shut off again, in the next breath I am thankful that I have transportation & gas to get me through another few days. When my back aches such that I "roll" out of my bed & car each day, I am thankful that I can still walk and leap with joy. When there is no work, I am thankful that we still have a home with lights, heat and hot water. No one to talk to & share my heart with, but I am thankful that He always has time to really hear me & to listen. Sometimes there are dark thoughts, but I am thankful that I am still here. When I feel inferior and "not as good as", I am thankful that I have my own soon-to-be-revealed purpose and destiny. When I feel unloved, left out and alone, I am thankful that He is always there, and that He, my children and "my little Taco Bell dog" Paco Azul love me unconditionally, even on my not-so-good days :c) When I am reminded of my shameful past, I am thankful that my future is so bright that everyone else will need Ray-Bans when they come around. When I am so tired and don't feel like I can go another second, I am thankful that He gives me the strength I need every second to get it done. When I feel like He has brought me all the way out here just to die, I am thankful that He even trusted me enough to be put into this "high place". I honestly don't know why I am here and never in my life imagined I would even have to visit this place I am in. I haven't made it through yet and it is a spiritual, emotional, mental and financial battle at every single moment. Things look the same as they did yesterday, but I am so thankful that at least His mercies and blessings are new every morning. I am expecting crazy breakthrough soon, but on the way there, I am careful to thank Him for every little breakthrough I get. I don't write this for pity or sympathy. The takeaway is simple: Be Grateful.
Tomas Ferrer Quiero ser tuyo enterito pero tengo miedO... Prometeme que no me vas a dejar sin tu amor!!!... <3 <3 <3
Raphael Perry Prada Sherlock Holmes was an idiot and Robert Watt was a fool. One
was a detective, the other invented radar. But neither of them
ever found you. I'm a genius!!!
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